15 research outputs found

    Development of X-ray fluorescence technique for the uranium determination in Mongolian coal, coal ash, and phosphate ore

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    The results of the determination of uranium in Mongolian brown coal, coal ash, phosphate rock, and technological samples by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry are presented. Technological samples were produced from phosphates by chemical treatment. Powder geological samples and Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) were pressed as tablets. For chosen conditions of the sample preparation procedure analytical figures of merit were carefully studied, as exemplified by the rock and uranium ore Reference Materials. The variance of the total uncertainty is 2 % for uranium in the analyzed samples, and one is 7 % in the rock CRMs. The estimated values of the uranium detection limit for the CRMs are within the interval from 1 to 3 ppm. For the correction of the matrix effects the background standard method was used. Values of the uranium contents in the studied samples vary within the interval from 3.0 to 35.0 ppm. The comparison of the wavelength dispersive (WD) XRF results with the energy dispersive (ED) XRF results and the neutron activation analysis (NAA) was performed. It is demonstrated that the WDXRF have satisfactorily agreed with the EDXRF results and the NAA within the limits of the uncertainty. It is shown that the values of the relative discrepancies between the WDXRF and EDXRF results are in the range of 2.0-18.0 %, and between the WDXRF and the NAA results are in the range of 2.0-20.0 %. These values are less than 30 %, yielding the third category of the precision of the mineral raw material analysis

    Legislation and current developments in adverse drug reaction reporting in Mongolia:how far are we?

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    Monitoring adverse drug reactions is a vital issue to ensure drug safety and to protect the general public from medication-related harmful effects. In order to properly monitor drug safety, a regulatory system needs to be in place as well as an infrastructure that allows for analyzing national and international safety data. In Mongolia, adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting activities have been implemented in the past decade. During this period, the basic structure and legal basis of an adverse drug reaction monitoring system was established. Because of the fragmented but growing healthcare system and the complexity of pharmaceutical issues in Mongolia, a sustainable process for the development of the adverse drug reaction reporting system is a key issue. The aim of this article is to disclose the Mongolian situation for the rest of the world and to share experiences on how an ADR reporting system can be developed towards a higher and more advanced level to contribute to both national and international drug safety issues. In this article, we review the features of the Mongolian health care and pharmaceutical systems, as well as the current development of the adverse drug reaction reporting system

    Применение рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа в криминалистике в Монголии

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    We study the possibility of evaluating the elemental composition of automotive (vehicle) coating paints and determining the gunshot residue from 5.6 mm bullets of a small-caliber gun using the EDXRF technique. An Elvax EDXRF spectrometer, consisting of a Si-PIN detector with a resolution of 200 eV for MnKα radiation with energy of 5.9 keV and a mini X-ray tube with Rh anode, was used. Results of the study showed that the number of shots was directly correlated to the relative intensity of barium and lead on the gunshot target, and the distance of the shooting could be determined using chemical elements intensities, such as Pb, S, Ba and Cu intensities, from the gunshot residue. In the case of automotive paints, the elements identified in the samples were Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu, Cl, Zn, Cr and Pb, and the EDXRF technique could be used for the identification of the different cars by the paint coating samples from the crashed car. This work was the first study which used the EDXRF analysis for automotive paints in Mongolia.Исследована возможность оценки элементного состава автомобильных лакокрасочных покрытий и определения химического состава остатков после выстрела из пистолета с пулями 5.6 мм с использованием технологии энергодисперсионного рентгено-флуоресцентного анализа (ЭДРФА). Использован спектрометр Elvax EDXRF, состоящий из Si-PIN-детектора с разрешением 200 эВ для излучения MnKα c энергией 5.9 кэВ и мини-рентгеновской трубки с Rh-анодом. Для обработки спектра использовано программное обеспечение ELVAX. Результаты исследований показали, что количество выстрелов коррелирует с относительной интенсивностью излучения линий бария и свинца на огнестрельной мишени, а расстояние от огнестрельного оружия до цели можно определить, используя интенсивности некоторых химических элементов остатков выстрелов из огнестрельного оружия, таких как Pb, S, Ba и Cu. В случае автомобильных красок элементами, идентифицированными в образцах, оказались Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu, Cl, Zn, Cr и Pb, а метод ЭДРФА может использоваться для распознавания различных автомобилей по образцам лакокрасочного покрытия из разбитого автомобиля. Эта работа является первым исследованием, в котором использовался анализ ЭДРФА для автомобильных красок в Монголии

    Estimation of applicability of scattered radiation for XRF

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    The applicability of coherently and incoherently scattered radiation was investigated on the example of quantifying the Nb content in wolframite. The calculated and experimental intensities of Nb


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    In this work, we have studied the possibility of evaluating the elemental composition of automotive coating paints and determining the gunshot residue from 5.6 mm bullets of a small-caliber gun using the EDXRF technique. An Elvax EDXRF spectrometer, consisting of a Si-PIN detector with a resolution of 200 eV for MnKα radiation with energy of 5.9 keV and a mini X-ray tube with Rh anode, was used. Results of the study showed that the number of shots was directly correlated to the relative intensity of Barium and Lead on the gunshot target, and the distance of the shooting could be determined using chemical elements intensities, such as Pb, S, Ba and Cu intensities, from the gunshot residue. In the case of automotive paints, the elements identified in the samples were Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu, Cl, Zn, Cr and Pb, and the EDXRF technique could be used for the identification of the different cars by the paint coating samples from the crashed car. This work was the first study which used the EDXRF analysis for automotive paints in Mongolia.         Key words: XRF, application in the forensic science, gunshot residue, automotive paintDOI: 10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.005