186 research outputs found

    What produces the extended LINER-type emission in the NUGA galaxy NGC 5850?

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    (Abridged) The role of low ionization nuclear emission region (LINER) galaxies within the picture of active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been controversial. It is still not clear whether they host an AGN in a low accretion mode, or whether they are not active at all but dominated by alternative ionization mechanisms, namely shocks, winds/outflows, or photoionization by a post asymptotic giant branch (p-AGB) stellar population. The detection of extended LINER-like emission was often taken as evidence of ionization by stellar components but this has not been undisputed. We performed optical integral field spectroscopic observations on the central approx. 4 kpc of NGC 5850 using VIMOS at the VLT, which provides spatially-resolved spectra for the gas emission and the stellar continuum. We derive and analyse emission line and kinematic maps. We find the central few kpc of NGC 5850 to be dominated by extended LINER-like emission. The emission-line ratios that are sensitive to the ionization parameter increase with radial distance to the nucleus. Therefore, the extended LINER-like emission in NGC 5850 is dominated by ionization from distributed ionization sources, probably by stars on the p-AGB. The LINER-like region is surrounded by emission that is classed as 'composite', likely due to a mixture of a LINER-like ionization pattern and photoionization by low-level star formation. Two star-forming regions are present in the 21"x19" field of view. One of them is located approximately in the ring surrounding the kinematically decoupled core. The second one is close to the nucleus and is the origin of a region of decreased emission line ratios oriented radially outwards. We find the interstellar gas to have areas of steep velocity gradients and a complex kinematic morphology, probably caused by the lopsided (m=1) distribution of the gas. The inflow of gas toward the center appears possible.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, accepted by 'Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Line and Continuum Variability in Active Galaxies

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    We compared optical spectroscopic and photometric data for 18 AGN galaxies over 2 to 3 epochs, with time intervals of typically 5 to 10 years. We used the Multi-Object Double Spectrograph (MODS) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) and compared the spectra to data taken from the SDSS database and the literature. We find variations in the forbidden oxygen lines as well as in the hydrogen recombination lines of these sources. For 4 of the sources we find that, within the calibration uncertainties, the variations in continuum and line spectra of the sources are very small. We argue that it is mainly the difference in black hole mass between the samples that is responsible for the different degree of continuum variability. In addition we find that for an otherwise constant accretion rate the total line variability (dominated by the narrow line contributions) reverberates the continuum variability with a dependency ΔLline(ΔLcont.)32\Delta L_{line} \propto (\Delta L_{cont.})^{\frac{3}{2}}. Since this dependency is prominently expressed in the narrow line emission it implies that the luminosity dominating part of the narrow line region must be very compact with a size of the order of at least 10 light years. A comparison to literature data shows that these findings describe the variability characteristics of a total of 61 broad and narrow line sources.Comment: 30 pages including the appendix, 18 figures including the appendix. Accepted 2015 September 3. Received 2015 August 24; in original form 2015 July 3 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Rapidly assessing the risks of infectious diseases to wildlife species

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    Predicting the likelihood of rare events is increasingly demanded by risk managers. A key challenge is dealing with different types of uncertainty, including epistemic uncertainties (lack of knowledge), stochasticity (inherent randomness) and natural variation. One potentially catastrophic event which is impacted by high levels of all three of these uncertainty types is the transmission of livestock pathogens to wildlife, particularly for endangered species. There is often a lack of basic information, e.g. about a given pathogen's presence in local livestock populations or the susceptibility of a given wildlife species to infection by the pathogen. We adapted the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) risk assessment framework to rapidly assess and prioritize the risks of livestock pathogens for wildlife, taking account of epistemic uncertainties, stochasticity, seasonal movement of animals and interaction between different species at different spatial and temporal scales. We demonstrate the approach using the endangered saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica tatarica) as a case study. We conclude that, in general, transmission events are likely to be rare and limited to small geographical areas; however, their impact could be high. Brucella spp. and foot-and-mouth disease virus are among those most likely to be transmitted from livestock to the Betpak-Dala saiga population