55 research outputs found
The sense of disability in patients with multiple myeloma treated at the hematology ward.
Wstęp. Szpiczak mnogi jest przewlekłą chorobą nowotworową układu hematologicznego człowieka wywodzącą się z nieprawidłowości rozrostu monoklonalnych
komórek powstałych w szpiku kostnym. Powoduje często niesprawność chorych i skrócenie czasu ich życia. Osoba taka wymaga leczenia specjalistycznego
oraz interdyscyplinarnej opieki.
Cel. Celem pracy było poznanie odczuć pacjentów co do własnej sprawności fizycznej w przebiegu choroby przewlekłej, jaką jest szpiczak mnogi.
Materiał i metody. Do badania poczucia niesprawności badanych pacjentów posłużyła ankieta oparta na standaryzowanych kwestionariuszach EORTC
QLQ-30 + QLQ-MY-20 oraz skala akceptacji choroby AIS. Informacje zostały zebrane metodą sondażu diagnostycznego wśród pacjentów oddziałów hematologii.
Wyniki. Ponad 3/4 chorych cierpi na dolegliwości bólowe o różnym stopniu nasilenia, które przeszkadzają w wykonywaniu codziennych czynności. W skali
AIS tylko 29% pacjentów osiągnęło wynik bardzo dobrego przystosowania do choroby.
Wnioski. Szpiczak mnogi przyczynia się do zaburzenia przede wszystkim sfery fizycznej, ale także psychologicznej i socjalnej chorego.Introduction. Multiple myeloma is a chronic disease of human haematological tumor derived from a monoclonal cell proliferation irregularities arising in
the bone marrow. Often causes malfunction of patients and shorten their lives. Such a person requires specialist treatment and interdisciplinary care.
Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the patients feel about their physical fi tness in the course of chronic disease, which is multiple myeloma.
Material and methods. A sense of disability of the patients served survey based on a standardized questionnaire EORTC QLQ-30 + QLQ-MY-20 and the
scale of acceptance disease AIS. The information collected by diagnostic survey, were among the patients of the hematology wards.
Results. More than 3/4 of the patients suffer from pain of varying degrees of severity, which interferes with their daily activities. On AIS scale only 29%
of patients achieved very good adaptation to disease.
Conclusions. Multiple myeloma contributes to the disorder primarily the physical realm, but also psychological and social ill
Dementia versus consent to participation in medical research : selected ethical issues
The development of the biomedical sciences is inextricably bound up with the need to conduct research aimed not only
at discovering new methods of diagnosis, treatment and care, but also at verifying and monitoring the effectiveness of the
currently applicable procedural rules. Due to the aging population with a concomitant increase in the number of people
suffering from dementia disorders such persons may become a larger and larger group taking part in a variety of studies.
It is indispensable to include patients suffering from dementia disorders in research; yet, this means providing them with
a specific protection due to a risk of doing harm to them.
The study is aimed at discussing some ethical issues related to the participation of people suffering from dementia disorders
in research
Socio-demographic determinants of the acceptance of systemic connective tissue diseases
Introduction: Socio-demographic forecasts indicate a stable increase in the population of elderly
people, which gives rise to the need to examine the relationship between the acceptance
of chronic illness and socio-demographic variables not only in terms of subjective negative emotions
but also because of possible social consequences. The acceptance of a chronic disease is
determined by factors related to its character including its severity and the discomfort it brings
about but also by factors connected with the patient that is socio-demographic determinants.
Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic
variables and the acceptance of a chronic disease of locomotive organs.
Material and methods: The study was conducted in the group of 150 patients diagnosed with a systemic
connective tissue disease during its stable phase. A socio-demographic questionnaire as well
as a standardised Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) adapted by Juszczyński were applied in the study.
The study was conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Results: In the group of 150 patients suffering from a systemic connective tissue disease the percentage
of women was higher than the percentage of men (60.7% vs. 39.3%). The indicator of the
acceptance of illness in the group examined reached 24.5 ±7.5. The strongest correlation was found
between the acceptance level and married probants (eta = 0.26; p = 0.01), high education (eta =
0.24; p = 0.04) and working activity (eta = 0.20; p = 0.01).
Conclusions: Socio-demographic factors which determine the level of illness acceptance include
age, marital status, education and the source of income. The acceptance of illness in the examined
group of patients with systemic connective tissue diseases reached 24.5
Beliefs about pain control and acceptance of illness in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
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