3 research outputs found

    The impact of conversion on market share in Indonesian Islamic banks

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    The process of converting a conventional bank into a fully-fledged Islamic bank is becoming a popular alternative solution, alongside spin-off, for smaller banks. Two Indonesian banks, Bank of Aceh Sharia and Bank of NTB Sharia, completed this conversion in 2016 and 2018, respectively. This study uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the impact of this conversion on market share, using both quantitative regression with a dummy variable and qualitative analysis through focus group discussions with executive management and in-depth interviews with the Sharia supervisory boards of the two converted banks. The study found that the conversion positively impacted market share, with the default rate and level of capital also playing a role. Prior to conversion, the Indonesian sharia banking industry had less than a 5% market share, but after the conversion, it reached 6.7%. The two converted banks were able to increase their market share to 7% and 2%, respectively. These results suggest that converting into a full-fledged Islamic bank is a viable alternative solution for smaller conventional banks, rather than opting for spin-offs or mergers

    Pengelolaan Modal Kerja dalam Menjaga Tingkat Likuiditas dan Profitabilitas Pada BMT- Al Hidayah Lombok Timur

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    This research aimed to determine the working capital management  in maintaining liquidity and profitability levels and how the impact of the policy which has been implemented. This research was descriptive 0qualitative research using primary and secondary data, with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and documentation of the financial reports from 2019 to 2021. The analysis used was data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and financial report analysis used the calculation of liquidity and profitability ratios.The results of the research showed that the working capital management policy used by BMT AI-Hidayah in maintaining the level of liquidity, namely establishing partnerships with sharia banks and non-banks, setting cash budgets, and allocating the funds to branch offices, while the policy used by BMT in maintaining its profitability level was distribution in the funding form. The impact of the policy implemented by BMT in terms of liquidity, namely having sufficient funds in its operations to pay the obligations. It can be seen in the ratio calculation from 2019 to 2021. NWC, current ratio, cash ratio  are in a fairly good category. the impact on the profitability side was that BMT has increased revenue and this can be seen in the ROE calcultion which is in the very good category,  while the ROI calcultion is in the fairly good category

    Enhancing financial stability in Islamic banks: An investigation of determinants during the COVID-19 in Indonesia

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    Purpose — This study investigates the determinants of Islamic banks' stability in Indonesia amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Method — Employing a causality-associative quantitative approach, the research utilizes purposive sampling and secondary data collection from monthly financial reports on the official websites of OJK (Financial Services Authority) and BI (Bank Indonesia). Statistical techniques including normality test, multicollinearity test, t-test, f-test, R2 test, and multiple linear regression, aided by SPSS version 22 and Microsoft Excel, are employed for data analysis. Result — The results reveal that Islamic banks' total assets significantly positively influence their stability in Indonesia. Additionally, variables such as Operational Costs to Operational Income (OCOI) ratio and BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) exhibit significant negative effects on Islamic banks' stability. Practical implications — Understanding the influence of total assets, Operational Costs to Operational Income (OCOI) ratio, and the BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) on Islamic banks' stability in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic can guide policymakers and bank management in implementing measures to strengthen resilience and mitigate risks, such as strategic asset management and cost optimization strategies