24 research outputs found

    Walkway Subgrade Stabilization Using Fly Ash

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    The effectiveness of fly ash use in the stabilization of soil and the method that is used to test the strength of the subgrade soil with different amount of fly ash in order to stabilize the soil were studied. In this research project, the by-product of coal which is the fly ash was used as the subgrade stabilization material for walkway. The primary reason fly ash is used in soil stabilization applications is to improve the compressive and shearing strength of soils. The soil effectiveness was tested by using different percentages of fly ash which is 5%, 10% and 15%.Laboratory tests such as the moisture content, particle size analysis, liquid limit, plastic limit,standard proctor and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) were carried out for the soil sample in order to study the engineering properties of the soil and to determine the optimum moisture content of fly ash that give maximum CBR value for 5%, 10% and 15% soil-fly ash mixture. If the CBR value is increasing by adding the fly ash to the soil there is effectiveness in increasing the soil strength and vice versa

    Program Perantis Sedia Ada Bagi Meningkatkan Kebolehpasaran Pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Universiti Malaysia Pahang

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    Mengikut unjuran Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT), terdapat pertambahan graduan sebanyak 4.74% setahun. Seiring dengan perancangan peningkatan kadar pelajar di IPT, adalah dijangkakan bilangan pengangguran di kalangan graduan juga akan meningkat sekiranya tindakan sokongan tidak dilaksanakan. Oleh yang demikian,KPT telah melancarkan pelbagai Program Kebolekhpsasaran Graduan IPT. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perlaksanaan dan keberkesanan program perintis atau perantis yang telah dijalankan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), namun laporan keberkesanan dan kelestarian programprogram sukar didapati untuk dijadikan panduan dalam merangka dan melaksanakan program-program perantis baharu di UMP. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengumpul semula maklumat berkaitan sebagai rujukan bagi penambahbaikan dan rujukan program perantis yang akan dilaksanakan kelak

    The role of the project manager’s communication soft skills on risk management practices in Libyan oil & gas projects: The moderating role of experience

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    The project management community is actively debating how to identify the factors that lead to project success. The project manager’s position and its impact on the project’s overall outcomes have become a hot topic among researchers, practitioners, and academics. The attempts to define the traits and competencies of good project managers have led to the recognition that a range of competencies other than those simply technical is required. Because a project manager’s human and leadership skills are critical to the project’s success, these abilities must be taught and developed as part of project management education. In response to this demand, this study aims to identify factors affecting soft managerial skills in Libya’s oil and gas projects and a methodology for implementing risk management principles in oil and gas projects to improve their efficiency. Using SmartPLS 3 and structural equation modelling (SEM), the paper attempted to conserve, characterize, and analyze evidence for this study. As a result, this study recommends how managerial soft skills may improve continuous risk management procedures and intra-project communication in Libya’s oil and gas sector. This system will assist project stakeholders in the planning phase and aid in producing high-quality projects that are closely monitored in terms of time and cost

    Sales expense strategies for competitive pricing of industrial building system (IBS) components

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    The pandemic situation demand the construction player need to consider to re-evaluate architecture design. The issue of shortage of skilled workers due pandemic and method of traditional construction involving longer period and close contact among labours questioned in many countries. Therefore, industrial building system (IBS) or modular construction involves using pre-made modules created in a factory and brought to construction sites for assembly is one of method is recommended to overcome the issue during pandemic period. Nevertheless, The Malaysian IBS manufacturing player faced the difficult to achieve economies of scale due to higher capital cost and this problem caused by high operational cost in manufacturing. In marketing a product, sales expense is crucial to ensuring that a product can be sold in large quantities. In this study, sales expense variables among the established the cost control parameter required by IBS manufacturer that seeking for lower and stable market prices will be discuss in detail. To achieve the study objective. Thus, in this study, six (6) case studies from reliable data in the theme competitive pricing will be selected in this quantitative study. In a nutshell, this study explores China's perception in term of competitive pricing of IBS components as per recommendation by many scholars. Using semi structure measurement instrument, the recorded data gained in this study later, transcribed using Atlas. Ti software. Also, the study is expected might help the Malaysian IBS manufacturer to realise the sales-related expenses strategies that need to be invested that might boost IBS demand in their enterprises

    The Application of Energy Saving Technology in High Rise Building a Lanzhou

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    Most of designers focus on pursuit of face and the use of functional form, but ignored environmental protection and energy saving, lead to high energy consumption, wasting a lot of resources and properties, and low efficiency. Energy-saving technology can effectively prevent these defects in high-rise buildings, protect the environment, and reduce waste and pollution in build high-rise buildings. It is not only benefiting the city's construction and rational use of resources but also energy as a new technology for high-rise buildings

    Trigger Levels on Transport Mode Choice by Using Graphical Analysis

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    This paper presents the evaluation of trigger levels at the equilibrium condition which the users’ preferred mode choice is equal for both private vehicles and public transport. The research is conducted at Klang where the local authority is planning to construct a new Park and Ride at the Klang Commuter’s Station. This study selected travel time as an important factor in triggering the users’ mode choice in either selecting public transport or private vehicles for their daily journey. Therefore, the trigger levels’ condition said the users’ in deciding their mode of transport, as users often seek for a faster and more convenient method of transportation in getting themselves to reach their destination, especially during morning peak hour. The data is collected by means of The Bus Route in this study. The trigger levels are evaluateduponanalyzing the data by using Graphical Analysis. The results show that almost equal of travel time was established between private and public transport. The outcome of this study may in turn be utilized to persuade users’ to change their mode choice from private to public transport

    The impact of different road damage factors on the pavement of local roads (JKR U2/U3) in Malaysia

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    In terms of infrastructure transportation system many governments in developed countries focus on monitoring the actual reliability of their local roads. There have been major research studies aimed at developing modeling methods for anticipating possible vulnerability of such networks. The present contribution is to evaluate the high load effects of heavy trucks towards pavement damage due to fatigue, leading to cracking, distortion, and permanent deformation of the local roads (JKR U2/U3) which produce rutting in Malaysia. As such, the improper usage of these roads, and consequent rutting, will give negative impact to drivers. This paper is aimed at discussing the impact of different road damage factors influencing local road (JKR U2/U3) in Malaysia in selected area of Ampang Jaya. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the regression model developed using WarpPLS and SPSS was 0.71. Furthermore, the correlation between truck properties and road damage is discussed. Highlighting the importance of the statistical relationship between different factors that cause the local road (JKR U2 and U3) to be damaged

    Transition Curves for Roads Designers Manual

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    in this manuscript we introduce an introduction about this thesis with the title Transition Curves for Roads (Designers Manual), includes the main headlines that the thesis will handle to be as a designers manual, also we introduce the equations of a transition curve which can be used by designers with a table of Excel software to facilitate the obtaining of the information needed for the designer

    Self Financing Development Driven Transportation System

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    One of the compulsory elements for developers to obtain the development order from the approving authority is the submission of a traffic impact assessment report. The report should cover the assessment of the transportation system before and after or with and without the development project and proposal to mitigate the impact of the development to the transportation system. At present, developers are allowed to implement the mitigation project on piece meal basis by staggering the construction of the access road, the junction with the main road and the improvement along the main road. However, this practice is not sustainable since the construction works is normally completed only toward the end of the project and the impact of the development has been conserved by the authority and the road users. The situation is still manageable by the authority for a single or isolated development but not for multiple or composite developments that will require a systematic and strategic approach in tackling the traffic impact as experienced by the city halls in Malaysia. Fund to implement the planned transportation system is normally made available by the Federal Government since the transportation image of the cities carry national pride but the case may not hold true for other towns. As an option, this paper will explore on the challenges and opportunities for devising a self financing development driven transportation system through coordinated traffic impact assessment

    Mode choice for the journey to work during morning peak hour in Klang, Malaysia

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    This research presents the evaluation of trigger levels at the equilibrium condition which users’ mode choice is equal for both private vehicles and public transport. The new Park and Ride at the Klang Komuter Station will attract more private vehicles users. This study chose travel time as an important factor in triggering users’ mode choice either to choose public transport or private vehicles during morning peak hour. The surveys performed are Origin-Destination Survey and Travel Time Survey. The trigger levels were evaluated by using Graphical Analysis. The result shows that the travel time for Bus Sample 4 and Bus Sample 5 are perfectly equal to the travel time of car. The perfectly equal of travel time for both private and public transport is expected to increase the number of public transport users and reducing the massive private vehicles on the roa