515 research outputs found


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    The procedure for lower limb surgery is one of the major and long-standing operations. Surgical trauma stimulates the stress response of surgery. The surgical stress response will interfere with stress hormones including insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that is important in the body and has a role in the process of wound healing. Previous studies have shown insulin levels to correlate with increased surgical stress and the type of anesthesia given. This study analyzed differences insulin levels in bupivacaine 0,125% with morphine 3 mg and to compare the analgesia effect of continuous bupivacaine 0,125% with 3 mg morphine epidural in postoperative lower extremity assessed from insulin levels. A retrospective cohort study taken from secondary data from previous studies and their medical records at RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Statistical analysis used STATA 15th edition. Wilcoxon showed that there was a significant difference in 0,125% bupivacaine group on insulin leves after 12th hours postoperative (p0.05). In this study, there was no significant difference between the 0,125% bupivacaine with 3 mg morphine on insulin level

    Benthic Foraminifera Distribution in the Sediment of Western Part of the Horizontal Section in Rupat Strait

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    This research was conducted in May 2014 in the western part of the RupatStrait Riau Province with its aims to determine the distribution of benthicforaminifera and sedimentation relative velocity. The determination of samplingpoints was done by using purposive sampling method. The sediments were taken byusing Eckman Grab then preserved with Rose Bengal mixed by formalin .The results showed that benthic foraminifera was found in higher amounts inthe north and south of the study site. By contrast, the smaller number was found inthe middle of the strait and the shoreline with the mangrove. These areas werepredominantly influenced by the high flow of current and mangrove area, withrelatively moderate sedimentation velocity. In West Rupat the waters was dividedinto 3 clusters based on the data distribution of benthic species foraminefera namely:group I was found in the northern, central and southern part of the study sites,characterized by dominating species of Reussella hayasakai, Textularia orbica andBolivina humilis and sediment classified as very fine sand; group II was found in thenorthern part of the study site with species that as dominated wereFissuripolymorphina aequicellaris, Rosalina Concina and Bolivina humilis with highorganic matter content in the study sites; group III was found in the southern part ofresearch location with the dominating species were Ammonia beccari, Textulariaarticulata and Textularia neoconica with the bottom sediments belonging to very finesand

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Di Kecamatan Muara Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara

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    The objective of this research is to evaluate the land suitability onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) inMuara Subdistrict of North Tapanuli District. The methode of this research is the survay method.From the results of the overlay from the map of soil types, map of topography, and map of heightplace, retrieved 3 (three) units of land use map. SPL 1 has a land area of 741 hectares, SPL 2 has aland area of 13 hectares, and SPL 3 has a land area of 609 hectares.With the Matching method, thenretrieved the land suitability class actual and potensial class for onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) oneach of the SPL. At SPL 1 and SPL 2 are actual land suitability class S3 (nr) while the potentialland suitability class is S2 (tc) and at SPL 3 is actual land suitability class S3 (nr,eh) while thepotential land suitability class is S2 (tc,eh)

    The Type and Abundance of Clown Fish (Amphiprion SP.) in Conservation Areas of Kasiak Island of Pariaman City of West Sumatera

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    This study was done in June 2014 in the concervation area of Kasiak Island, Pariaman City, West Sumatera. The aim of study was to observe the species composition and its abundance of clown fish ( Amphiprion sp. ). The method used was quadrant transect. The data was analysed by t-test for among stations.The study resulted that 2 species of clown fish,i.e. Amphiprion akallopisos and A. ocellaris, were recorded. The abundance for each station categorized as low, withe the value ranged from 0.03 ind/m2 – 0.24 ind/m2. The most abundant fish found was A. akallopisos,i.e. 18 individuals at station I. The diversity index ranged 0.764 – 0.811, the dominance index ranged 0.115 – 0.405, whereas the eveness index ranged 0.625 – 0.654. The study in general, did not see the difference in fish abundance among the station

    Penerapan Teknik Pembelajaran Scramble Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Ia SD Negeri 15 Pekanbaru

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    One of the study aim accomplishment achievement height learns student. but evaluation result during teach at my class is country elementary school 15 pekanbaru, show in low category averagely class as big as 64.17. This watchfulness is done at his class country elementary school 15 pekanbaru school year 2014/2015. This watchfulness design class action watchfulness (ptk). subjek this watchfulness his class student is semester 2 school year 2014/2015 at country elementary school 15 pekanbaru with total 30 person. Conclusion from this watchfulness found result enhanced learns in student at his class is country elementary school 15 pekanbaru uses technique scramble. Mean study technique scramble can increase result learn his class student social science is country elementary school 15 pekanbaru. in general beginning data result before is carried out technique use scramble, student gets kerage value as big as 64.17 with category enough. My cycle repetition is class average as big as 75.17 with good category and in cycle ii be 80.83 with good category. From watchfulness result is known cycle teacher activity II meeting 1 got percentage ketercapaian as big as 79% with good category and in meeting 2 got ketercapaian as big as 88% with category very well. Student activity experiences enhanced from cycle ii meeting 1 got percentage ketercapaian as big as 92% with category very well and in meeting 2 got ketercapaian as big as 96% with category very well

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Games Tournament (Tgt) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Ivc Sekolah Dasar Negeri 108 Pekanbaru

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    The problem on this research was that the low score of students' learning on social science study. There werestill a lot of students that did not understand basic concepts and tended to memorize examples. It was showed by58,07% from 31 students achieving minimum criteria completeness (KKM) from students' test score in IVCclass of SDN 108 Pekanbaru for Koperasi subject. The students' average score was 62,4, and the KKM stated byschool was 68. Based on this problem it was needed to do an action research using cooperative learning modelsTeams Games Tournaments (TGT) type. This research aims to know whether the implementation of cooperativelearning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students' social science learningoutcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru in 2013/2014 with 31students. This research was done in twocycles. First cycle consists of three meetings with one daily test and first tournament, and cycle II consists ofthree meetings with one daily test and second tournament. Instruments to collect data in this research areteacher's observation sheets, students' observation sheet, and tests. By implementing using cooperative learningmodels Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes.Percentage of completeness in basic score was 54,8% (62,40 in average), and it changed into 77,4% (75,6 inaverage) in cycle I and 87,1% (81,1 in average) in cycle II. Percentage of teacher' activity in cycle I was 81,9%and 92,3% in cycle II. Then percentage of students' activity in cycle I was 75,4% and 92,2% in cycle II. Fromthose data it proves that the implementation of cooperative learning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT)type can improve students' learning outcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru

    Upaya Meningkatkan Perilaku Moral Agama Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Melalui Value Clarification Technique (Vct) Model Cerita Di Ra Bunda Suwarni Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study are as follows: 1) To determine the Religious Moral Behavior in children aged 4-5 years in RA Mother Suwarni Pekanbaru. 2) To find out how to improve religious moral behavior in children aged 4-5 years to implement Value Clarification Technique (VCT) model of RA Mother Suwarni story in Pekanbaru. 3) To know Value Clarification Technique (VCT) models can improve the story of Religious Moral Behavior in children aged 4-5 years in RA Mother Suwarni Pekanbaru. 4) an increase in religious moral behavior in children aged 4-5 years by Value Clarification Technique (VCT) model of RA Mother Suwarni story in Pekanbaru. This type of research that is in use dalamn this research is PTK. The research sample is graders B consisted of 11 children, consisting of 6 men and 5 women. Collecting data using observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study is t test analysis techniques. The result showed an increased percentage of religious moral behavior in children aged 4-5 years with the implementation of VCT models RA story in Pekanbaru Suwarni Mother can be seen from the Pre cycle or before application to the second cycle. In the preliminary data obtained an average percentage of 50.3%. While the value of the first cycle to 69.4%. The next and the second cycle increased by 87.6% .with value thus able to improve the implementation of VCT religious moral behavior in children aged 4-5 years in Ra Mother Suwarni Pekanbaru religion as moral behavior in children increases every cycle

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 008 Sungai Segajah Kecamatan Kubu

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    The background of this research is theprocess of learning andteaching fourth grade 008 River State Segajah Kubu district in mathematics arestill didomonasi by the teacher so that students become passive, as well asmaterials provided by the teacher and the learning outcomes are not satisfactorywith an average value below KKM. This study aims to improve the learningoutcomes of students fourth grade math 008 River State Segajah Kubudistrict. This study was conducted on 28 students. Data were collected throughobservation using the observation sheet to the data model of learning directlythrough UH UH 1 and 2 teacher activity increased in the first cycle the firstmeeting of teachers 60% the percentage of activity, at the second meeting to 80%increased by 20%, at the first meeting of the second cycle of activity 90 increasedby 10%, while the second meeting 100% increase as much as 10%. While theactivities of the students at the first meeting of the first cycle of 55%, in the secondmeeting by 70% increased 15%, and the second cycle at the first meeting by 85%,95% the second meeting be increased by 10%.Increased student learningoutcomes in the first cycle than before tindakkan the base score of 39.3% of the 28students who completed the student and in the first cycle to 67.9% of students whocompleted 28 students and increased by 28.62, and the second cycle 85.7% ofstudents who completed 28 students, an increase of 17.8%. From the research anddiscussion as it has been described above that the use of direct instructionalmodel is correct then the activity of the teacher and student activities and studentlearning outcomes be improved and better. This information proves that thehypothesis which says: With Application of Direct Learning Model can improvethe learning outcomes of students fourth grade math 008 River State SegajahKubu district

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV B SD Negeri 182 Pekanbaru

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    The problem in the research was the students achievement in science still low with an average value 60,54 of the fourth graderes SDN 182 Pekanbaru. Among 46 students in class IV B, there were only 15 students (32,60%) who achieved above minimum completeness criteria (KKM), while 31 students (67,40%) still couldn't achieve the minimum completenness criteria (KKM) by the minimum completeness criteria (KKM ) science subject is 70. The research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), wich aims to improve the science learning process of class IV B in year 2014/2015 which are consisted 46 students, with 24 boys and 22 girls. The research was conducted to 2 cycles. Each of first and second cycle were separated by three times meeting, which two times was the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), and one was Test at the end of cycle. Before implementation Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) student achievement which was average 60,54. After implementation Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) student achievement improve 9,66% average to 70,20 at UHI, and improve 12,66% average to 73,20 at UH II. Based on the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), so its learning model able to improve students achievement in science, it can be found that student achievement in science from pre Classroom Action Research (CAR) or before implementation Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) which was 60,54 average be improved 9,66% to 70,20 in first cycle, and be more improve 12,66% to 73,20 in second cycle. The percentage of teacher activities is also improve, it can be found that teacher activities in first cycle at first meeting is 75,00%, and be improved again at second meeting to 81,25% average. In second cycle at first meeting the teacher activities improve to 87,50%, and improve again to 93,75% average at second meeting. The percentage of students activities were also improve, it can be found that students activities in first cycle at first meeting is 81,25%, and be the same at second meeting by 81,25% average. In second cycle at first meeting the students activities had improving to 87,50%, and be improved again to 93,75% average at second meeting. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can improve students achievement in science of class IV B SDN 182 Pekanbaru in year 2014/2015

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Va SD Negeri 116 Pekanbaru

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    The problems of the background for this research is the only teacher to convey the material in front of the class and the provision of training, sometimes teachers form groups based on student adjacent seat regardless of students' abilities. This resulted in the students find it difficult to hold a debriefing. STAD cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes VA grade Elementary School 116 Pekanbaru. Subjects in this study were students Elementary School VA 116 Pekanbaru academic year 2014/2015 the number of students 39 people. This study design using Action Research (PTK) done in two cycles, each cycle is done twice a meeting with one final replay. Which aims to increase the research graders Elementary School VA 116 Pekanbaru with fractional ordinary matter. The results showed that the application of cooperative learning model type STAD can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes VA grade Elementary School 116 Pekanbaru. At the beginning of the data base score of 63.38, then the first cycle increased to 68.97 and the second cycle increased to 91.41. Based on the above explanation can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model type STAD can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes VA grade Elementary School 116 Pekanbaru
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