15 research outputs found

    A systematic review on the formative assessment practice in teaching and learning in secondary school

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    Formative assessment is an assessment that is conducted throughout the teaching and learning process. Therefore, teachers should play an important role in mastering the appropriate approaches to practicing formative assessment. According to previous studies, some teachers are unable to comprehend the roles of formative assessment practices in teaching and learning, which prevents them from using them effectively in the classroom. Many researchers have conducted research related to the practice of formative assessment in schools due to this issue. Therefore, this article aims to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) on past studies related to the practice of formative assessment in teaching and learning in secondary schools. This SLR writing process has been referred to as the Preferred Reporting Items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) writing standard. To find related articles and resources in this systematic literature review, two main databases, namely Web of Science and Scopus, were used. A total of 19 articles were extracted from 366 from 2017 to 2021, with exceptions and inclusion criteria considered. Based on the theme analysis, this SLR has three main themes: assessment diversity; assessment strategies, and student learning development. Thus, this study suggests that all compulsory levels of education understand formative assessment conceptually and its implementation comprehensively. This can be disseminated through teacher professional development training programs. It is hoped that such programs will develop teachers who are committed to integrating the concept and practice of assessment for the benefit of students in twenty-first century education

    Philosophy for Children (P4C) in improving critical thinking in a secondary moral education class

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of Philosophy for Children (P4C) in improving critical thinking among students. The study was conducted via the quasi-experimental research comprising of 27 students placed in the experimental group while the remaining 34 students in the control group. The instrument used was the Ujian Kemahiran Menaakul (Test for Reasoning Skills) Centre for Teaching Thinking (UKMCTT). Based on the statistical t-test on critical thinking, the treatment group scored a higher mean in the post-test mean score compared to the control group, which suggests that P4C had helped to improve students’ critical thinking. The application of P4C allows students to think or reflect on the consequences of the action or assumption they made in their discussion. Simultaneously, it provides career advancement for the teachers by providing the classroom with a new strategy and renewed energy and enthusias

    Auto-avaliação da pedagogia Hikmah na educação islâmica por parte dos estudantes

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    Self-assessment is quintessential to monitor students’ performance, particularly in getting feedback during the teaching and learning process. However, up to the present, research on students' self-assessment in Hikmah Pedagogy was limited to other subjects, such as Malay language, History, English language, and Science. Therefore, the objective of this research was to examine students’ self-assessment on Hikmah (Wisdom) pedagogy based on gender and type of schools in Islamic education subject. The research applied a survey research design that involved 328 primary school students. The results revealed no statistically significant difference in the mean score for all constructs (speaking and listening, reasoning, manners in the community of inquiry, and open-mindedness) based on gender. On the contrary, the results derived from the one-way ANOVA tests for the types of school documented a significant difference in speaking and listening reasoning and open-mindedness. This research study may assist teachers in improving the teaching and learning process and help students to understand better in the classroom.La autoevaluación es esencial para supervisar el rendimiento de los estudiantes, especialmente para obtener información durante el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Hasta ahora, la investigación sobre la autoevaluación de los estudiantes en la pedagogía Hikmah se limitó a otras asignaturas, como la lengua malaya, la historia, la lengua inglesa y las ciencias. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue examinar la autoevaluación de los estudiantes sobre la pedagogía Hikmah (Wisdom) en función del género y del tipo de escuelas en la asignatura de Educación Islámica. La investigación aplicó un diseño de encuesta en el que participaron 328 alumnos de primaria. Los resultados no revelaron ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la puntuación media de todos los constructos (hablar y escuchar, razonar, modales en la comunidad de investigación y apertura mental) en función del género. Por el contrario, los resultados derivados de las pruebas ANOVA de una vía para los tipos de escuela documentaron una diferencia significativa en hablar y escuchar, razonamiento y apertura mental. Este estudio de investigación puede ayudar a los profesores a mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje y a los alumnos a comprender mejor en el aula.A auto-avaliação é essencial para monitorar o desempenho dos alunos, especialmente para obter feedback durante o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Até o momento, a pesquisa sobre a auto-avaliação dos estudantes sobre a pedagogia Hikmah estava limitada a outras disciplinas, como a língua malaia, história, língua inglesa e ciência. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa era examinar a auto-avaliação dos estudantes sobre a pedagogia Hikmah (Sabedoria) em função do gênero e do tipo de escola na disciplina de Educação Islâmica. A pesquisa aplicou um projeto de pesquisa envolvendo 328 alunos do ensino fundamental. Os resultados não revelaram nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa na pontuação média de todas as construções (falar e ouvir, raciocinar, modos na comunidade de indagação e mente aberta) em função do gênero. Em contraste, os resultados derivados dos testes ANOVA unidirecionais para tipos de escolas documentaram uma diferença significativa na fala e na audição, no raciocínio e na abertura de mente. Este estudo de pesquisa pode ajudar os professores a melhorar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem e os alunos a compreender melhor em sala de aula

    Systematic Literature Review on Self-Assessment Inventory for Quality Teaching among Islamic Education Teachers

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    The impact of teaching behavior towards teaching quality and self-assessment has become an emerging drift in education, providing an option for teachers’ development. However, studies on teaching behavior and self-assessment are still scarce, despite their importance in improving education. Thus, this review thoroughly identifies the aspects of teaching behavior and teaching quality, as well as the instruments of self-assessment in the teaching profession. Initially, 116 articles published on Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus between 2017 to 2021 were identified, and 10 out of 116 articles were retained for review, based on the exclusion and inclusion criteria. The criteria include the significant findings listed the aspects of teaching behavior and teaching quality. Second, the approaches of self-assessment are emphasized in teaching. Third, the reliability of the instruments used for self-assessment mostly achieved the internal consistency criteria. These three criteria imply the importance of self-assessment for quality teaching and teacher development. In general, this review could help teachers cultivate quality teaching behavior and perform reflective practice for their personal development

    Evaluation of content validity and face validity of secondary school Islamic education teacher self-assessment instrument

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    AbstractThis study aims to test the content and face validity of Secondary School Islamic Education Teacher Self-Assessment Instrument (SSIET-SAI) using Content Validity Ratio (CVR), Content Validity Index (CVI) and Cohen Kappa Index (CKI) analysis. They are nine professional experts from universities and schools and two other expert field. Validation process involving 209 items with four main constructs and the constructs namely Reflection of Sustainability of Knowledge, Reflection of Teaching, Humanity Introspection and Continuous Professional Development. Overall findings noted (N = 9, CVI = 0.96, CVR = 183 agreed and refined items) for content validity and (N = 2, CKI = 0.785) for face validity. SSIET-SAI have great potential to be highlighted as a psychometric measuring tool of self-assessment indicator for Islamic education teacher in secondary school

    Systematic Literature Review on the Elements of Metacognition-Based Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Teaching and Learning Modules

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    Contemporary educational approaches which enculturate higher order thinking skills (HOTSs) through teaching and learning have become the latest trend in teaching. Knowledge clarity, understanding mastery, and teaching readiness are the catalysts for successfully implementing HOTS elements in teaching. However, even though HOTS learning is inextricably linked to metacognitive skills, teachers frequently underutilize metacognitive skills as an effective method of teaching HOTSs. Therefore, teachers face difficulties regarding their skills in integrating HOTSs into their teaching. Numerous studies on HOTS teaching and learning modules to guide teachers in applying these have been conducted; however, only a few researchers have conducted systematic literature reviews on the same subject. This article aims to produce a systematic literature review on the elements of a metacognition-based HOTSs teaching and learning module. The systematic literature review (SLR) writing process was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) framework. Using 2 databases, namely, Web of Sciences (WoS) and Scopus, 15 articles were extracted out of 252, from 2017 to 2021, with exclusion and inclusion criteria taken into consideration. Based on the study’s thematic analysis, 3 main themes were identified: (1) HOTS, (2) metacognitive, and (3) inquiry. This study suggests that these three elements should be included in the contribution element of metacognition-based HOTSs teaching modules in school. This study contributes knowledge and guidelines to the construction of metacognition-based HOTSs teaching modules in schools, teachers’ preparedness to plan, monitor, and evaluate students’ higher order thinking skills, and opportunities for students to learn through HOTSs learning elements, as suggested in metacognition-based HOTS teaching modules

    Systematic Literature Review on the Elements of Metacognition-Based Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Teaching and Learning Modules

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    Contemporary educational approaches which enculturate higher order thinking skills (HOTSs) through teaching and learning have become the latest trend in teaching. Knowledge clarity, understanding mastery, and teaching readiness are the catalysts for successfully implementing HOTS elements in teaching. However, even though HOTS learning is inextricably linked to metacognitive skills, teachers frequently underutilize metacognitive skills as an effective method of teaching HOTSs. Therefore, teachers face difficulties regarding their skills in integrating HOTSs into their teaching. Numerous studies on HOTS teaching and learning modules to guide teachers in applying these have been conducted; however, only a few researchers have conducted systematic literature reviews on the same subject. This article aims to produce a systematic literature review on the elements of a metacognition-based HOTSs teaching and learning module. The systematic literature review (SLR) writing process was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) framework. Using 2 databases, namely, Web of Sciences (WoS) and Scopus, 15 articles were extracted out of 252, from 2017 to 2021, with exclusion and inclusion criteria taken into consideration. Based on the study’s thematic analysis, 3 main themes were identified: (1) HOTS, (2) metacognitive, and (3) inquiry. This study suggests that these three elements should be included in the contribution element of metacognition-based HOTSs teaching modules in school. This study contributes knowledge and guidelines to the construction of metacognition-based HOTSs teaching modules in schools, teachers’ preparedness to plan, monitor, and evaluate students’ higher order thinking skills, and opportunities for students to learn through HOTSs learning elements, as suggested in metacognition-based HOTS teaching modules

    Systematic Literature Review on Self-Assessment Inventory for Quality Teaching among Islamic Education Teachers

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    The impact of teaching behavior towards teaching quality and self-assessment has become an emerging drift in education, providing an option for teachers’ development. However, studies on teaching behavior and self-assessment are still scarce, despite their importance in improving education. Thus, this review thoroughly identifies the aspects of teaching behavior and teaching quality, as well as the instruments of self-assessment in the teaching profession. Initially, 116 articles published on Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus between 2017 to 2021 were identified, and 10 out of 116 articles were retained for review, based on the exclusion and inclusion criteria. The criteria include the significant findings listed the aspects of teaching behavior and teaching quality. Second, the approaches of self-assessment are emphasized in teaching. Third, the reliability of the instruments used for self-assessment mostly achieved the internal consistency criteria. These three criteria imply the importance of self-assessment for quality teaching and teacher development. In general, this review could help teachers cultivate quality teaching behavior and perform reflective practice for their personal development

    Impact of Philosophy for Children and Its Challenges: A Systematic Review

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    Philosophy for children (P4C) has been implemented worldwide. P4C has been researched empirically in order to evaluate its effectiveness and address the current lack of a systemic literature review of research on P4C. Therefore, this SLR study aims to identify how P4C positively affects aspects other than students’ thinking and the challenges that teachers and students face in implementing the program. The methodology and writing method used was PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis). Articles and materials related to the topic were located primarily using two databases, Web of Science and Scopus. Using thematic analysis, this SLR derived five main themes, namely (1) higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), (2) safe environments, (3) civilized students, (4) democracy in discussion, and (5) the culture of thinking in the classroom. There are also challenges faced by teachers and students