4 research outputs found

    The Thought of Kh Imam Zarkasyi on Multicultural Education at Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo

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    KH. Imam Zarkasyi is one of the founders of Islamic Boarding School “Darussalam” Gontor (PMDG) and at once became a national figure. Author describes multicultural education in the perspective KH Imam Zarkasyi, then take measurements on the practice of multicultural education in PMDG. This study suggests, since KH. Imam Zarkasyi PMDG founded in 1926 have established an atmosphere of multicultural education are covered by the system of formal curriculum and daily life activities. Under the existing system, Pondok Modern Gontor potential to develop multicultural education insightful and worthy of being an example of successful implementation of multicultural education in Indonesia. It can be seen from classroom practice, exchange dormitory, five principal of boarding, interaction between the consulate, and the synthesis of education applied in Pondok Modern Gontor for many years

    The ISIS Movement and the Threat of Religious Radicalism in Indonesia

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    This article purposes to analyze the movement of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its influence in Indonesia. The concept of theocratic state, is often adapted by ISIS movement to create a country based on a caliphate system while treating the rigidity of Islamic law. This reseach employes correspondence with former activists of the radical Islamic movement and literature review as data collecting technique. The study finds out there some ideologies of ISIS movement. One of them is takfir (an infidel) others who disagrees with him and kills anyone who opposes religious ideology. Although ISIS is resistant from the Muslim majority, it still appeal tacit sympathy from jihadist groups in Indonesia. One evidence of the support in Indonesian Muslim community, can be viewed the access on the ISIS website until now