7 research outputs found

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Karang Taruna Desa Tentang Cedera Otak Sebelum dan Sesudah Penyuluhan di Desa Pesisir Senggigi

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    Brain injury has the third largest prevalence of other injuries in Indonesia. Most brain injuries occur on highways as a result of motorcycling accidents. The only effective way to reduce the death rate from brain injury that occurs in motorcycle accidents is to wear a helmet. Cases of brain injury due to traffic accidents are often found in adolescents because of the lack of understanding of the importance of helmet use. Therefore, education is needed about the importance of using standard helmets when driving among teenagers. The counseling activity was carried out in one of the senior high schools (SMA) in Mataram with the dominant target of teenagers using motorized vehicles. The selected high school is SMA Negeri 2 Mataram. The method of implementing this counseling is by giving lectures on brain injury, the mechanism of trauma and brain injury and the importance of using standard head protective equipment (SNI helmets), playing videos about head trauma and interactive dialogue. The mandatory output that will be produced is in the form of research articles in the Unram Medical Journal. In addition, research results will be reported back to related fields as input and study material for traffic safety program activities in determining policies in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs as well as coordinating with related programs and sectors. The researcher will also provide a banner stand regarding the importance of using standard helmets for motorcycle riders at the activity location which can then be used as a medium of communication, information and education to the school students

    Penyuluhan Pentingnya Penggunaan Helm Standar Guna Menurunkan Angka Kejadian Cedera Otak di SMAN 2 Mataram

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    Brain injury has the third largest prevalence of other injuries in Indonesia. Most brain injuries occur on highways as a result of motorcycling accidents. The only effective way to reduce the death rate from brain injury that occurs in motorcycle accidents is to wear a helmet. Cases of brain injury due to traffic accidents are often found in adolescents because of the lack of understanding of the importance of helmet use. Therefore, education is needed about the importance of using standard helmets when driving among teenagers. The counseling activity was carried out in one of the senior high schools (SMA) in Mataram with the dominant target of teenagers using motorized vehicles. The selected high school is SMA Negeri 2 Mataram. The method of implementing this counseling is by giving lectures on brain injury, the mechanism of trauma and brain injury and the importance of using standard head protective equipment (SNI helmets), playing videos about head trauma and interactive dialogue. The mandatory output that will be produced is in the form of research articles in the Unram Medical Journal. In addition, research results will be reported back to related fields as input and study material for traffic safety program activities in determining policies in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs as well as coordinating with related programs and sectors. The researcher will also provide a banner stand regarding the importance of using standard helmets for motorcycle riders at the activity location which can then be used as a medium of communication, information and education to the school students

    A Review Article: Clean Water Contamination as a Risk Factor for Acanthamoeba Keratitis

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    Introduction: Infectious keratitis is one of the main causes of visual impairment. The incidence of acanthamoeba keratitis is relatively rare, while the prevalence is around 1 to 9 cases per 100.000. One of the factors supporting the occurrence of acanthamoeba keratitis is the increasing use of contact lenses around the world. Content: When there is microtrauma to the cornea, it can cause the expression of the mannose on the surface. With the emergence of mannose in the form of glycoproteins, it will be a requirement for the attachment of Acanthamoeba spp. Conclusion: Keratitis Acanthamoeba is an infectious disease of the cornea due to the use of contact lenses that are too long exposed to water which causes the entry of Acanthamoeba. This disease has a good prognosis with immediate drug administration within the first 3 weeks after the onset of symptoms.Infeksi keratitis merupakan salah satu penyebab utama terjadinya gangguan penglihatan. Keratitis merupakan penyebab utama kekeruhan pada kornea. Penyebab utama keratitis di negara berkembang disebabkan oleh trauma okular yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan. Gejala yang dapat dirasakan seperti iritasi okular, pandangan kabur dan terbelah. Golden standard dalam diagnosis KA adalah dengan melakukan kultur pada media agar yang dilapisi E. Coli. Penyakit ini memiliki prognosis baik dengan pemberian obat segera dalam 3 minggu pertama setelah timbulnya gejala

    Gambaran Imunohistokimia Synaptophisin pada Neuron Otak Tikus Pasca Mengalami Cedera Otak Traumatik: Immunohistochemistry of Synaptophisin in Rat Brain Neurons After Traumatic Brain Injury

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    TBI is mechanically followed by pathomechanisms that cause damage to surrounding neurons, such as cell and tissue necrosis, inflammation, cerebral edema, breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, and hyperthermia. The more severe the brain injury, the greater the impact on the inflammatory response. Therefore, this study aims to determine the histopathological description of edema in rat brain cells after TBI and to analyze the relationship between differences in trauma burden and histopathological features of brain cell inflammation, hematoma, and edema in mice after traumatic brain injury. This study uses an experimental observational-analytical research design. Sprague-Dawley mice were used as research subjects and divided into four cluster groups (and one control group) with varying trauma-loading interventions. The trauma loads given were 20 grams, 40 grams, 60 grams, and 80 grams. Following the trauma load application, the mice's brains were biopsied one hour after the intervention to observe histopathological features of inflammatory markers (synaptophysin) and brain cell edema. The data were then analyzed using the SPSS program. Twenty mice were included in this study. The results of the study showed that there was a mean load of 50 grams, and there is a mean synaptophysin percentage of 23.5%. There was a significant relationship between differences in trauma load and the percentage of post-TBI rat brain cell edema (p <0.001). There is a perfect and strong correlation between differences in trauma load and the percentage of synaptophysin (p=0.926). It was discovered that as the trauma load increased, there was a growing percentage of edema and inflammation in the histopathological features of the mice’s brains. There was a significant difference between the severity of trauma and the percentage of brain cell inflammation and edema one hour after brain injury in mice. The more severe the level of trauma given, the higher the percentage of inflammation and edema that occurs in rat brain cells. The result is especially notable since the inflammation and edema is found one hour within injury

    Decompression Sickness Tipe 1 pada Nelayan Tradisional : sebuah Tinjauan Pustaka

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    Decompression sickness (DCS) is a collection of symptoms caused by the formation of air bubbles in the blood or tissues during or after a decrease in environmental pressure (decompression). In general, the main symptoms of DCS type 1 (pain-only beds) are muscle pain and weakness. So to diagnose Decompression Disease (DCS) type 1, it is based on the symptoms and the history of diving. Type 1 decompression sickness is managed by choosing initial treatment in the form of giving 100% oxygen through a face mask or, if needed, through intubation. While hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used for definitive therapy if it is available in primary or secondary health care facilities.Decompression sickness (DCS) adalah suatu kumpulan gejala yang diakibatkan karena terbentuknya gelembung udara di dalam darah atau jaringan selama atau setelah terjadinya penurunan tekanan pada lingkungan (dekompresi). Secara umum gejala utama DCS tipe 1 (Pain Only Beds) adalah nyeri otot dan sendi. Sehingga untuk mendiagnosis Decompression sickness (DCS) tipe 1 adalah berdasarkan gejalanya dan adanya riwayat menyelam.  Decompression sickness tipe 1 ditatalaksana dengan Pemilihan terapi penanganan awal berupa pemberian oksigen 100% melalui face mask, atau bila diperlukan melalui intubasi. sedangkan Terapi definitive dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan terapi oksigen hiperbarik (Hyperbaric Oxygen Theraphy) jika tersedia difasilitas layanan kesehatan primer maupun sekunder

    Edukasi Penyelaman Aman bagi Nelayan Pesisir Montong Lombok Barat

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    Traditional diver diving activities look for fish by archery underwater frequently do not pay attention to safety aspects, so there is an increasing risk of causing diving injuries. Diving injuries are preventable injuries, if safe diving guidelines are followed and obeyed. Diving injuries symptoms can be mild to severe, so education about prevention and recognition of disease disorders that can occur due to diving is being given. The community service is carried out in two simultaneous activities: diving safety lectures and general medical examination. The participants, 30 participants for general medical examination, and 4 participants for traditional divers. Of the 30 participants for general medical examination, it was predominantly female (18/30), with an age range of 4-60 years with a median age of 37 years. The most common diseases that are complained of are upper respiratory tract infections (ARI) (8/30), skin complaints (6/30), hypertension (6/30), diabetes (4/30), headaches (3/30), diarrhea (1/30), musculoskeletal complaints (1/30) and toothache (1/30). Education is carried out to all participants. The media used were a slide projector and x-banner. Four traditional divers comes with 3 Decompression sickness and 1 barotrauma. Questions coverage diving preparation, Diving techniques and do's and don't's after diving. The community service went well with 34 enthusiastic participants filled by questions. Three most common diseases being ARI, skin complaints and hypertension and diving injuries of decompression sickness and barotrauma.Kegiatan menyelam yang dilakukan penyelam tradisional untuk mencari ikan dengan memanah seringkali tidak memperhatikan aspek keselamatan, sehingga risiko cedera penyelaman meningkat. Cedera penyelaman merupakan cedera yang dapat dicegah, jika panduan penyelaman yang aman dipelajari dan dipatuhi. Cedera penyelaman dapat ringan sampai dengan kematian, sehingga edukasi tentang pencegahan dan pengenalan gangguan-gangguan penyakit yang dapat terjadi akibat penyelaman perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam dua kegiatan yang bersamaan: ceramah keamanan penyelaman dan pengobatan gratis. Masyarakat menghadiri kegiatan pengabdian cukup antusias, 30 peserta pengobatan gratis, adapun penyelam tradisional yang berpartisipasi sejumlah 4 orang.  Dari 30 peserta pengobatan gratis didominasi jenis kelamin perempuan (18/30), dengan rentang usia 4 – 60 tahun dengan median usia 37 tahun. Penyakit tersering yang dikelukan adalah infeksi saluran pernafasan atas (ISPA) (8/30), keluhan kulit (6/30), hipertensi (6/30), diabetes (4/30), sakit kepala (3/30), diare (1/30), keluhan musculoskeletal (1/30) dan sakit gigi (1/30). Edukasi dilakukan kepada semua masyarakat hadir. Media edukasi yang dipergunakan adalah slide projector dan x-banner. Sebanyak 4 penyelam tradisional datang dengan diagnosis 3 penyakit dekompresi dan 1 barotrauma. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul terkait persiapan penyelaman, teknik penyelaman dan do’s and don’t’s setelah menyelam. Kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung dengan baik dihadiri 34 peserta dan diisi dengan pertanyaan interaktif. Tiga penyakit terbanyak ISPA, keluhan kulit dan hipertensi dengan cedera penyelaman berupa penyakit dekompresi dan barotrauma

    Pelatihan pencegahan intoksikasi kadmium pada pekerja bengkel las di Kota Mataram

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a nephrotoxic heavy metal which endangers human health, especially welding workers. Cadmium can enter the body through inhalation of formed air pollutants. Cadmium would then bind with metallotionins, binds Cd+Mt, which would be deposited in the kidneys and induces the formation of lipid-free radical peroxidation that damages the kidneys, characterized by an increase of creatinine and β2 microglobulins. This service aims to educate welding workers about the impact of cadmium intoxication on the body and the prevention against cadmium exposure. The methods used are demonstration and playback of a video about prevention against cadmium exposure. This activity was carried out on May 6th, 2021 at the CV. Rigansa Mataram welding workshop. The activity was attended by ten participants. The results are an increase of knowledge from a mean pretest score of 50 to a mean posttest score of 9