4 research outputs found

    Potensi Produksi Kacang Tanah Lokal Situraja

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    In Sumedang, local variety of groundnut DM Situraja has a great potential and showed increasing production rates. This support the agribusiness development of groundnut in Sumedang District and surrounding areas. The objective of this experiment was to determine production potential of local variety groundnut Situraja especially in Sumedang. This research was arranged in a randomized complete block design whereas each treatment was replicated 4 times. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 and treatment means were separated using LSD (Least Significant Difference) with 5% error level. The results indicated that morphology of Situraja variety had an upright growth habit, rod-shaped and green purplefish, 2-seeded, and seed weight 40-55 g for 100 seeds, maturing age of 90 days, and the production potential 3,02 t/ha. The content of oil was 45%, with a relatively high protein content of 28% and crunchy sweet taste. High productivity of DM Situraja local variety was resulted by interaction between variety and spesific enviroment

    Toleransi Plasma Nutfah Padi Lokal terhadap Salinitas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyaring plasma nutfah padi yang memiliki sifat toleran terhadap salinitas. Sejumlah 104 plasma nutfah padi lokal yang berasal dari koleksi Bank Gen BB Biogen diuji terhadap salinitas. Kegiatan dilakukan di rumah kaca BB Biogen. Bibit padi berumur ±15 hari ditanam pada pot berisi tanah yang sudah dilumpurkan dengan larutan garam NaCl 0,4% (4.000 ppm). Satu aksesi padi ditanam pada 2 pot, masing masing pot berisi 4 tanaman. Setelah berumur 4 minggu dari tanam dilakukan pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, bobot kering akar, bobot kering tanaman, jumlah daun total, jumlah daun hijau, dan jumlah daun mati. Pengujian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 2 ulangan. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan respons plasma nutfah padi terhadap perlakuan salin yang diberikan. Perbedaan sangat nyata terdapat pada tinggi tanaman, bobot kering tanaman, jumlah daun total, dan jumlah daun hijau. Terdapat korelasi yang tinggi dan negatif pada tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun total dengan persentase daun mati. Hasil pengujian telah terpilih 21 aksesi plasma nutfah padi toleran hingga agak toleran, sedangkan Pokkali sebagai cek sangat toleran. Dua aksesi yang toleran dengan persentase daun mati <50%, yaitu Tjempo Brondol (reg. 5800) dan Gembira Putih (reg. 20602), Pokkali sebagai varietas kontrol dengan tingkat persentase daun mati 16,9%, sedangkan 19 aksesi termasuk kelompok agak toleran dengan persentase daun mati <70%, dan 82 aksesi termasuk kelompok peka hingga sangat peka

    Keragaman Morfologi dan Kandungan Protein Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman sumber daya genetik (SDG) kacang tanah berdasarkan karakter morfoagronomis dan kandungan protein biji. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Cikeumeuh Balai Besar Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian (BB Biogen) dan Laboratorium Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian (BB Pascapanen), Bogor pada tahun 2013. Sebanyak 240 aksesi plasma nutfah kacang tanah koleksi bank gen BB Biogen digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya keragaman yang relatif tinggi pada karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah polong muda, bobot polong per tanaman, dan hasil polong. Hasil analisis klaster menghasilkan 9 klaster. Di antara 9 klaster tersebut, terdapat satu klaster yang beranggotakan sebanyak 221 aksesi, sedangkan klaster yang lain terdiri atas 1-8 aksesi. Terdapat beberapa aksesi yang terpisah dari klaster yang lainnya dan memiliki sifat yang spesifik. Aksesi-aksesi tersebut di antaranya adalah Leuweungkolot (pertumbuhan tanaman tinggi), Tapir-1 (jumlah cabang banyak), Hobotama (jumlah polong isi banyak), Lokal Tretes dan Lokal Subang (hasil polong tinggi), dan Lokal Subang XI (kandungan protein >30%). Aksesi-aksesi dengan karakteristik spesifik tersebut berpotensi sebagai sumber tetua persilangan

    Germ Plasm Diversity of Groundnut Based on the Character of Morphology, Result, and Oil Content

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    Groundnut is one of the largest vegetable oil and has a good nutritional value. It could be used as an alternative source of food, industrial raw materials, and bioenergy. The main function of fats and oil in seeds reserves source of energy. This research aims to study the diversity of morphological, yield, and the oil content in groundnut germplasm. The planting of groundnut was conducted at the experimental station Cikeumeuh BB Biogen Bogor from July until December in 2013, with the germplasm of groundnut as much as 200 accessions. The characters identification is determined by the method of morphological characterization with Groundnut Descriptor from IPGRI. Analyze oil content of groundnut used soxhlets method at the Laboratory of Post-harvest Bogor. The results showed that germplasm groundnut have varied levels of diversity at characters. Relatively high morphological diversity founded the character of pod yield/plot, weight of pods/plant and number of immature pods. Groundnut oil content is range 33% to 47%. There are a real positive correlation between the number of pods to variable morphology, yield and oil content, but negatively correlation at weight of 100 seeds. Number of pods and number of branches is positively correlation with oil content of groundnut seeds. Cultivars groundnut that have the characters of promise could be used as national asset and the source of genes as a parent in the breeding program