139 research outputs found

    Micronutrient and iron supplementation and effective anti-malarial treatment synergistically improve childhood anaemia

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    The control of childhood anaemia in malaria holoendemic areas is a major public health challenge for which an optimal strategy remains to be determined. Malaria prevention may compromise the development of partial immunity. Regular micronutrient supplementation has been suggested as an alternative but its effectiveness remains unsettled. We therefore conducted a randomised placebo-controlled intervention trial with 207 Tanzanian children aged 5 months to 3 years on the efficacy of supervised supplementation of low-dose micronutrients including iron (Poly Vi-Sol with iron) three times per week, with an average attendance of ≥ 90%. The mean haemoglobin (Hb) level increased by 8 g/l more in children on supplement (95% CI 3-12) during the 5-month study. All age groups benefited from the intervention including severely anaemic subjects. The mean erythrocyte cell volume (MCV) increased but Hb in children ≥ 24 months improved independently of MCV and no relation was found with hookworm infection. The data therefore suggest that micronutrients other than iron also contributed to Hb improvement. In the supplement group of children who had received sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) treatment, the mean Hb level increased synergistically by 22 g/l (95% CI 13-30) compared to 7 g/l (95% CI 3-10) in those without such treatment. Supplementation did not affect malaria incidence. In conclusion, micronutrient supplementation improves childhood anaemia in malaria holoendemic areas and this effect is synergistically enhanced by temporary clearance of parasitaemia

    An analysis of anemia and child mortality

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    The relationship of anemia as a risk factor for child mortality was analyzed by using cross-sectional, longitudinal and case-control studies, and randomized trials. Five methods of estimation were adopted: 1) the proportion of child deaths attributable to anemia; 2) the proportion of anemic children who die in hospital studies; 3) the population-attributable risk of child mortality due to anemia; 4) survival analyses of mortality in anemic children; and 5) cause-specific anemia-related child mortality. Most of the data available were hospital based. For children aged 0-5 y the percentage of deaths due to anemia was comparable for reports from highly malarious areas in Africa (Sierra Leone 11.2%, Zaire 12.2%, Kenya 14.3%). Ten values available for hemoglobin values /L showed a variation in case fatality from 2 to 29.3%. The data suggested little if any dose-response relating increasing hemoglobin level (whether by mean value or selected cut-off values) with decreasing mortality. Although mortality was increased in anemic children with hemoglobin /L, the evidence for increased risk with less severe anemia was inconclusive. The wide variation for mortality with hemoglobin /L is related to methodological variation and places severe limits on causal inference; in view of this, it is premature to generate projections on population-attributable risk. A preliminary survival analysis of an infant cohort from Malawi indicated that if the hemoglobin decreases by 10 g/L at age 6 mo, the risk of dying becomes 1.72 times higher. Evidence from a number of studies suggests that mortality due to malarial severe anemia is greater than that due to iron-deficiency anemia. Data are scarce on anemia and child mortality from non-malarious regions. Primary prevention of iron-deficiency anemia and malaria in young children could have substantive effects on reducing child mortality from severe anemia in children living in malarious areas

    Acute adenolymphangitis due to bancroftian filariasis in Rufiji district, south east Tanzania

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    A longitudinal prospective surveillance for acute adenolymphagitis (ADL) was carried out in three villages in Rufiji district. A sample population of 3000 individuals aged 10 years and above was monitored fortnightly for a period of 12 months. The annual incidence of ADL was found to be 33 per 1000 population and was significantly higher in males than females (52.7/1000 and 18.7/1000 respectively). ADL episodes were more frequent in the age group of 40 years and above. Individuals with chronic manifestations seemed to be more vulnerable to ADL attacks with 62.2% of the total episodes occurring in this group. Furthermore, individuals with lymphoedema experienced more frequent acute episodes compared to those with hydrocele and \u27normal exposed\u27. ADL episodes ranged from one to five per annum and the majority of the affected (60.4%) experienced a single episode. The average duration of an ADL episode was 8.6 days and in 72.5% of the episodes the affected individuals were incapacitated and unable to do their normal activities for an average duration of 3.7 days. The physical incapacitation associated with ADL episodes emphasizes the significance of lymphatic filariasis as a major public health problem of substantial socio-economic consequences. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    Hemoglobin concentration in children in a malaria holoendemic area is determined by cumulated Plasmodium falciparum parasite densities

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    In malaria holoendemic areas children are anemic, but the exact influence of falciparum malaria on hemoglobin (Hb) concentration remains largely unsettled. Prospective data were therefore collected in children \u3c 24 months of age during five months in a Tanzanian village. Children with mean asymptomatic parasitemia ≥ 400/μl had lower median Hb levels during the study than those with mean density \u3c 400/μl. The difference was 9.7 g/L (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.8-17). In children with one or more clinical malaria episodes, the median Hb was 8.3 g/L (95% CI 0.9-16) lower than those without episode. If early treatment failure was recorded, the immediate effect on Hb was particularly important with a mean drop of 17 g/L. Interestingly, at study-end the Hb concentration represented a function of the area under the parasitemia curve (AUPC) during the previous five months, adjusting for age. In conclusion, stepwise deterioration in median Hb levels was found by asymptomatic parasitemia, clinical malaria episode, and most significantly, treatment failure

    Local anaesthetic cream for the alleviation of pain during venepuncture in Tanzanian schoolchidren

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    The analgesic effect and the usefulness of EMLA cream 5% in connection with venous blood-sampling was investigated in 42 Tanzanian schoolchildren. Approximately 2.5 g EMLA was applied to the right cubital fossa for a minimum of 120 min. The analgesic effect was pronounced - 93% of the venepunctures were pain-free and no child experienced severe pain. No adverse reactions were observed and the children could continue normal school work during the application time

    Comparison of Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines for the interpretation of antibiotic susceptibility at a University teaching hospital in Nairobi, Kenya: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) guidelines are the most popular breakpoint guidelines used in antimicrobial susceptibility testing worldwide. The EUCAST guidelines are freely available to users while CLSI is available for non-members as a package of three documents for US $500 annually. This is prohibitive for clinical microbiology laboratories in resource poor settings. We set out to compare antibiotic susceptibility determined by the two guidelines to determine whether adoption of EUCAST guidelines would significantly affect our susceptibility patterns. Methods: We reviewed minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of various antibiotics routinely reported for Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) isolates from an automated microbiology identification system (VITEK-2) at the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi’s Pathology department. These MICs were then analyzed using both CLSI 2015 and EUCAST 2015 guidelines and classified as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. We compared the susceptibility and agreement between the CLSI and EUCAST categorizations. Results: Susceptibility data from a total of 5165 E. coli, 1103 S. aureus and 532 P. aeruginosa isolates were included. The concordance rates of the two guidelines for E. coli, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa ranged from 78.2 to 100 %, 94.6 to 100 % and 89.1 to 95.5 % respectively. The kappa statistics for E. coli MICs revealed perfect agreement between CLSI and EUCAST for cefotaxime, ceftriaxone and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, almost perfect agreement for ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, cefuroxime, gentamicin and ceftazidime, substantial agreement for meropenem, moderate agreement for cefepime and amoxicillin-clavulanate, fair agreement for nitrofurantoin and poor agreement for amikacin. For S. aureus the kappa statistics revealed perfect agreement for penicillin, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, levofloxacin, oxacillin, linezolid and vancomycin, almost perfect agreement for clindamycin, erythromycin and tetracycline and moderate agreement for gentamicin. For P. aeruginosa the kappa analysis revealed moderate to almost perfect agreement for all the anti-pseudomonal antibiotics. Conclusion: The results show comparable antibiotic susceptibility patterns between CLSI and EUCAST breakpoints. Given that EUCAST guidelines are freely available, it makes it easier for laboratories in resource poor settings to have an updated and readily available reference for interpreting antibiotic susceptibilities

    A randomized control trial comparing train of four ratio \u3e 0.9 to clinical assessment of return of neuromuscular function before endotracheal extubation on critical respiratory events in adult patients undergoing elective surgery at a tertiary hospital in Nairobi

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    Background: There is increasing evidence that the incidence of postoperative residual paresis after using neuromuscular blockers ranges from 24 to 50% in post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) and is associated with postoperative complications such as critical respiratory events as evidenced by hypoxia, hypoventilation and upper airway obstruction. Quantitative neuromuscular monitoring (such as the assessment of Train of four (TOF) ratio) and reversal of neuromuscular blockers has been shown to reduce postoperative residual paresis. There are very few outcome studies on effect of residual paresis in PACU. There is a paucity of published randomized controlled trials investigating whether using a TOF ratio ≥0.9 before endotracheal extubation compared to clinical assessment of return of neuromuscular function reduces the incidence of critical respiratory events in PACU. Objective: To determine whether using TOF ratio ≥ 0.9 compared to clinical assessment of return of neuromuscular function before endotracheal extubation reduces the incidence of critical respiratory events in PACU Methods: Onehundred sixty eight adult patients in ASA physical status I and II requiring general anaesthesia for elective surgery with cisatracurium as the muscle relaxant were randomized into 2 groups of 84 each. Group 1 were patients who required a TOF ratio of ≥0.9 before extubation. Group 2 patients were extubated based on clinical assessment of return of adequate neuromuscular function by the anaesthetist as is the standard of practice at the Aga Khan University hospital Nairobi. General anaesthesia was standardized in both groups. Both the investigators and patients were blinded during the study. Once the patient was transferred to PACU, oxygen saturation (SP02), respiratory rate and any signs of upper airway obstruction as demonstrated by stridor, laryngospasms or requirement of any airway manipulation was recorded for the first 30 minutes. Duration of anaesthesia and surgery was also recorded. Patient demographics were recorded and analyzed. Results: There was no statistical difference between the 2 groups in terms of patient demographics, duration of surgery and anaesthesia and duration since last muscle relaxant was given. In terms of hypoxia on arrival in PACU, the incidence of mild hypoxia (SPO2 90-93%) was 11% in clinical assessment groupversus 5% in TOF group P-value 0.149 while severe hypoxia (SPO2 \u3c90%) was 19% versus 10% P-value 0.078. During the first 30 minutes in PACU, the incidence of mild hypoxia (SPO2 90-93%) was statistically significant between the 2 groups (12% in clinical assessment group versus 1% in TOF group, P-value 0.005) while severe hypoxia (SPO2 \u3c90%) was 7% versus 5%, P-value 0.373. The incidence of upper airway obstruction was statistically significant between the two groups (45% in clinical assessment group versus 14% in TOF group P-value\u3c0.0001 for patients requiring airway maneuver, 21% versus 2% P-value \u3c0.0001 for those who required tactile stimulation and 31% versus 12% were snoring, P-value 0.003. Logistic regression analysis revealed TOF group was less likely associated with mild hypoxia (OR 0.09 95% CI 0.01-0.71 P-value 0.023), tactile stimulation (OR 0.09 95% CI 0.02-0.40 P-value 0.002), airway maneuver (OR 0.20 95% CI 0.10-0.43 P-value \u3c0.001) and snoring (OR 0.30 95% CI 0.13-0.68 P-value 0.04). Conclusion: Among this population, there is a lower incidence of critical respiratory events in PACU with the use of neuromuscular monitoring using TOF ratio ≥0.9 to assess neuromuscular function before endotracheal extubation compared with the use of clinical assessment methods

    Causes, magnitude and management of burns in under-fives in district hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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    Objectives: To determine the causes, magnitude and management of burns in children under five years of age who were admitted in the district hospitals of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. Methods: In this study, a total of 204 under fives were enrolled. Questionnaires were used to elicit if the parent/caretaker had the knowledge of the cause of the burns, what was done immediately after burn injury, first aid given immediately after burn, source of the knowledge of first aid and when the child was taken to the hospital. Also the questionnaire was cited with data on the management of burns in the hospitals through observation and checking the treatment files. Results: Forty nine percent were males while 50.5% were females. Most of the children (54.9%) were aged between 1-2 years. 78.4% had scalds while 21.6% had flame burns. No children were found to have burns caused by chemicals or electricity. Most of the burns (97.5%) occurred accidentally, although some (2.5%) were intentional. 68.6% of these burn injuries occurred in the kitchen. Immediately after burn 87.3% of the children had first aid applied on their wounds while 12.7% didn\u27t apply anything. Of the agents used, honey was the most used (32.8%) followed by cold water (16.7%). The source of knowledge on these agents was from relatives and friends (72.5%), schools (7%), media (6%) and medical personnel (14%). The study further revealed that analgesics, intravenous fluids, antiseptics and antibiotics were the drugs used for treatment of burns in the hospital and that there was no specialized unit for burns in the hospitals. Conclusions: Causes of childhood burns are largely preventable requiring active social/medical education and public enlighten campaigns on the various methods of prevention. The government to see to it that hospitals have specialized units for managing burn cases and also the socio-economic status of its people be improved

    Acridine Orange for malaria diagnosis: Its diagnostic performance, its promotion and implementation in Tanzania, and the implications for malaria control

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    One hundred years ago, Giemsa\u27s stain was employed for the first time for malaria diagnosis. Giemsa staining continues to be the method of choice in most malarious countries, although, in the recent past, several alternatives have been developed that exhibit some advantages. Considerable progress has been made with fluorescent dyes, particularly with Acridine Orange (AO). The literature on the discovery, development and validation of the AO method for malaria diagnosis is reviewed here. Compared with conventional Giemsa staining, AO shows a good diagnostic performance, with sensitivities of 81.3%-100% and specificities of 86.4%-100%. However, sensitivities decrease with lower parasite densities, and species differentiation may occasionally be difficult. The most notable advantage of the AO method over Giemsa staining is its promptness; results are readily available within 3-10 min, whereas Giemsa staining may take 45 min or even longer. This is an important advantage for the organization of health services and the provision of effective treatment of malaria cases. The national malaria control programme of Tanzania, together with the Japan International Co-operation Agency, began to introduce the AO method in Tanzania in 1994. So far, AO staining has been introduced in 70 regional and district hospitals, and 400 laboratory technicians have been trained to use the method. The results of this introduction, which are reviewed here and have several important implications, indicate that AO is a viable alternative technique for the laboratory diagnosis of malaria in highly endemic countries

    Adherence to artemether/lumefantrine treatment in children under real-life situations in rural Tanzania.

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    A follow-up study was conducted to determine the magnitude of and factors related to adherence to artemether/lumefantrine (ALu) treatment in rural settings in Tanzania. Children in five villages of Kilosa District treated at health facilities were followed-up at their homes on Day 7 after the first dose of ALu. For those found to be positive using a rapid diagnostic test for malaria and treated with ALu, their caretakers were interviewed on drug administration habits. In addition, capillary blood samples were collected on Day 7 to determine lumefantrine concentrations. The majority of children (392/444; 88.3%) were reported to have received all doses, in time. Non-adherence was due to untimeliness rather than missing doses and was highest for the last two doses. No significant difference was found between blood lumefantrine concentrations among adherent (median 286 nmol/l) and non-adherent [median 261 nmol/l; range 25 nmol/l (limit of quantification) to 9318 nmol/l]. Children from less poor households were more likely to adhere to therapy than the poor [odds ratio (OR)=2.45, 95% CI 1.35-4.45; adjusted OR=2.23, 95% CI 1.20-4.13]. The high reported rate of adherence to ALu in rural areas is encouraging and needs to be preserved to reduce the risk of emergence of resistant strains. The age-based dosage schedule and lack of adherence to ALu treatment guidelines by health facility staff may explain both the huge variability in observed lumefantrine concentrations and the lack of difference in concentrations between the two groups