343 research outputs found

    Cold fronts: probes of plasma astrophysics in galaxy clusters

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    The most massive baryonic component of galaxy clusters is the “intracluster medium” (ICM), a diffuse, hot, weakly magnetized plasma that is most easily observed in the X-ray band. Despite being observed for decades, the macroscopic transport properties of the ICM are still not well-constrained. A path to determine macroscopic ICM properties opened up with the discovery of “cold fronts”. These were observed as sharp discontinuities in surface brightness and temperature in the ICM, with the property that the denser side of the discontinuity is the colder one. The high spatial resolution of the Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed two puzzles about cold fronts. First, they should be subject to Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, yet in many cases they appear relatively smooth and undisturbed. Second, the width of the interface between the two gas phases is typically narrower than the mean free path of the particles in the plasma, indicating negligible thermal conduction. It was thus realized that these special characteristics of cold fronts may be used to probe the properties of the cluster plasma. In this review, we will discuss the recent simulations of cold fronts in galaxy clusters, focusing on those which have attempted to use these features to constrain ICM physics. In particular, we will examine the effects of magnetic fields, viscosity, and thermal conductivity on the stability properties and long-term evolution of cold fronts. We conclude with a discussion on what important questions remain unanswered, and the future role of simulations and the next generation of X-ray observatories

    Fast simulations of gas sloshing and cold front formation

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    We present a simplified and fast method for simulating minor mergers between galaxy clusters. Instead of following the evolution of the dark matter halos directly by the N-body method, we employ a rigid potential approximation for both clusters. The simulations are run in the rest frame of the more massive cluster and account for the resulting inertial accelerations in an optimised way. We test the reliability of this method for studies of minor merger induced gas sloshing by performing a one-to-one comparison between our simulations and hydro+N-body ones. We find that the rigid potential approximation reproduces the sloshing-related features well except for two artefacts: the temperature just outside the cold fronts is slightly over-predicted, and the outward motion of the cold fronts is delayed by typically 200 Myr. We discuss reasons for both artefacts.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Sloshing of Galaxy Cluster Core Plasma in the Presence of Self-Interacting Dark Matter

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    The "sloshing" of the cold gas in the cores of relaxed clusters of galaxies is a widespread phenomenon, evidenced by the presence of spiral-shaped "cold fronts" in X-ray observations of these systems. In simulations, these flows of cold gas readily form by interactions of the cluster core with small subclusters, due to a separation of the cold gas from the dark matter (DM), due to their markedly different collisionalities. In this work, we use numerical simulations to investigate the effects of increasing the DM collisionality on sloshing cold fronts in a cool-core cluster. For clusters in isolation, the formation of a flat DM core via self-interactions results in modest adiabatic expansion and cooling of the core gas. In merger simulations, cold fronts form in the same manner as in previous simulations, but the flattened potential in the core region enables the gas to expand to larger radii in the initial stages. Upon infall, the subcluster's DM mass decreases via collisions, reducing its influence on the core. Thus, the sloshing gas moves slower, inhibiting the growth of fluid instabilities relative to simulations where the DM cross section is zero. This also inhibits turbulent mixing and the increase in entropy that would otherwise result. For values of the cross section σ/m>1\sigma/m > 1, subclusters do not survive as self-gravitating structures for more than two core passages. Additionally, separations between the peaks in the X-ray emissivity and thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect signals during sloshing may place constraints on DM self-interactions.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Cluster Core Heating from Merging Subclusters

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    Though feedback from central active galactic nuclei provides an attractive solution to the problem of overcooling in galaxy cluster cores, another possible source of heating may come from ``sloshing'' of the cluster core gas initiated by mergers. We present a set of simulations of galaxy cluster mergers with subclusters in order to determine the amount of heating provided by the mechanism of sloshing, exploring a parameter space over mass ratio, impact parameter, and viscosity of the intracluster medium (ICM). Our results show that for sloshing caused by mergers with gasless subclusters cooling may be partially offset by heating from sloshing, but this mechanism is less effective if the ICM is viscous.Comment: To appear in proceedings of "The Monster's Fiery Breath", Eds. Sebastian Heinz & Eric Wilcots (AIP conference series). 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mapping the Gas Turbulence in the Coma Cluster: Predictions for Astro-H

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    Astro-H will be able for the first time to map gas velocities and detect turbulence in galaxy clusters. One of the best targets for turbulence studies is the Coma cluster, due to its proximity, absence of a cool core, and lack of a central active galactic nucleus. To determine what constraints Astro-H will be able to place on the Coma velocity field, we construct simulated maps of the projected gas velocity and compute the second-order structure function, an analog of the velocity power spectrum. We vary the injection scale, dissipation scale, slope, and normalization of the turbulent power spectrum, and apply measurement errors and finite sampling to the velocity field. We find that even with sparse coverage of the cluster, Astro-H will be able to measure the Mach number and the injection scale of the turbulent power spectrum--the quantities determining the energy flux down the turbulent cascade and the diffusion rate for everything that is advected by the gas (metals, cosmic rays, etc.). Astro-H will not be sensitive to the dissipation scale or the slope of the power spectrum in its inertial range, unless they are outside physically motivated intervals. We give the expected confidence intervals for the injection scale and the normalization of the power spectrum for a number of possible pointing configurations, combining the structure function and velocity dispersion data. Importantly, we also determine that measurement errors on the line shift will bias the velocity structure function upward, and show how to correct this bias.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Matches published ApJ version, except that it fixes an error in the left panel of Figure 5 that is being addressed in an ApJ erratu

    Simulating Astro-H Observations of Sloshing Gas Motions in the Cores of Galaxy Clusters

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    Astro-H will be the first X-ray observatory to employ a high-resolution microcalorimeter, capable of measuring the shift and width of individual spectral lines to the precision necessary for estimating the velocity of the diffuse plasma in galaxy clusters. This new capability is expected to bring significant progress in understanding the dynamics, and therefore the physics, of the intracluster medium. However, because this plasma is optically thin, projection effects will be an important complicating factor in interpreting future Astro-H measurements. To study these effects in detail, we performed an analysis of the velocity field from simulations of a galaxy cluster experiencing gas sloshing, and generated synthetic X-ray spectra, convolved with model Astro-H Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) responses. We find that the sloshing motions produce velocity signatures that will be observable by Astro-H in nearby clusters: the shifting of the line centroid produced by the fast-moving cold gas underneath the front surface, and line broadening produced by the smooth variation of this motion along the line of sight. The line shapes arising from inviscid or strongly viscous simulations are very similar, indicating that placing constraints on the gas viscosity from these measurements will be difficult. Our spectroscopic analysis demonstrates that, for adequate exposures, Astro-H will be able to recover the first two moments of the velocity distribution of these motions accurately, and in some cases multiple velocity components may be discerned. The simulations also confirm the importance of accurate treatment of PSF scattering in the interpretation of Astro-H/SXS spectra of cluster plasmas.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa