238 research outputs found


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    Now, many consumer who report bed business practices that lost consumer are sued back by businessman. These we can see in the case Dewi Prita Mulyasari, Fery Kuntoro, Fifi Tanang and so on. The accident made a traumatic to consumer who report. It is the problem in consumer protection in Indonesia. That why, this writing try to study implication of law because there is no macanism of law protection to reporter consumer and how to make a rule which give guaranty protection of law to reporter consumer. Purpose of this research is to give a solution in dilemma revenge action from businessman and to encourage honest and responsible business practice atmosfer. This research is normative research with statute approach, conceptual approach and comapartive approach. Implication of nothing rule in national act concerning to protection of law for reporter consumer is businessman can sue consumer with aspersion, inconsistent protection of law for consumer and created much cosumer crime. Thus, construction of law which give protection of law for reporte consumer from aspersion is nomativly there is rule which give imunity for reporter lost consumer from aspersion until there is judgment decision. In application, there is rule which give a policemen reject sue aspersion before judgment decision. Key word; Protection of law, reporter consumer, aspersio


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    This article presents the results of research on the "new direction" of Islamic education in Lampung: reading the shifting paradigm of Islamic education to Lampung indigenous people. The purpose of this study is to describe the paradigm shifting process  of Islamic education within Lampung indigenous people. The research data were collected through interviews, observations, and text reviews. The result of the study shows that the paradigm shift in Islamic education within the Lampung indigenous people was caused by several factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Among the internal factors,  the dominance of the parent's mindset is the most significant  for the direction shift of education for the Lampung indigenous people. In addition, human resources also influence the shift in the direction of Islamic education. Islamic education exists as a main education and sub education. A the external factors, globalization and modernization are the entry points for a paradigm shift in Islamic education for Lampung's indigenous people. Cultural dynamics and social change are challenges for the world of Islamic education. Islamic boarding schools or Islamic educational institutions are assumed to have no relevance to the progress of the age. Keywords: Paradigm, Islamic Education, and Lampung Indigenous Peopl


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kewenangan pemerintah desa dalam pengelolaan hutan untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa hutan-hutan yang berada di sekitar dan dalam desa dapat dikelola oleh desa melalui kewenangan kewenangan berdasarkan hak asal-usul dan kewenangan lokal berskala desa. Hutan yang dikelola oleh desa dapat berupa hutan desa yang merupakan hutan negara serta hutan adat yang merupakan hutan hak milik. Salah satu bentuk kegiatan pengelolaan hutan oleh desa adalah usaha jasa lingkungan yang meliputi di antaranya adalah kegiatan penyerapan dan atau penyimpanan karbon. Mitigasi perubahan iklim berdasarkan REDD+ pada dasarnya berbentuk kegiatan yang memanfaatkan hutan untuk menyimpan dan menyerap karbon guna menekan tingkat emisi gas rumah kaca

    Inovasi Dorongan Masa Depan

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    Manusia adalah makhluk yang secara rutinnya dilahirkan lebih awal (prematurely). Kita dilahirkan awal sedikit bertujuan supaya otak dan pemikiran dapat keluar melalui terusan kelahiran. Tidak seperti mamalia yang lain, yang boleh dilahirkan dan terus hampir boleh berdikari dangan sendirinya. Contoh seekor anak seladang yang baru dilahirkan beberapa jam boleh berlari bersama sekumpulan seladang yang lain. Kebanyakan manusia memerlukan masa sehingga setahun untuk melakukan perkara yang seakan sama. Namun demikian inilah mahkluk yang tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa ketika dilahirkan tetapi mampu membentuk hasil dari kerak bumi sehingga dijadikan sebuah kapal terbang dan ada yang menonjol di atas bumi seperti tuhan

    Validation on proposals for strategic service innovation at automobile service center: a study of automotive service center in Malaysia

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    This study is looking at specific location of Malaysian automobile service center in Klang valley. The early findings show that most of the customers feel the environment are not giving so much of good experience and also they are lack of information and entertainment values. Structured and unstructured interview questions were posed to selected respondents. A set of questionnaire was constructed through an analysis of keywords from literature reviews. The study described the validation of findings and proposals that versus validity questions. The validation process is important to ensure that the findings and proposals emerged to be agreed or differed by the respondents. The data collected from this validation has gone through factor analysis. Finally, a model representing new fundamental strategy for service innovation design is presented

    Perancangan dan Strategi Kaedah Reka Bentuk Perkhidmatan Berinovasi

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    Kajian ini membawa erti bahawa penulis cuba untuk menubuhkan prinsip dan kaedah sebelum terhasilnya satu strategi baru dalam mereka bentuk perkhidmatan yang berinovasi di Malaysia. Kajian kes akan memberi tumpuan kepada cara yang strategik dalam menghasilkan reka bentuk perkhidmatan yang cemerlang di pusat-pusat perkhidmatan kereta buatan Malaysia. Satu kecemerlangan aktiviti selepas jualan bagi kemudahan pelanggan dan kepuasan adalah yang utama. Menurut Pine dan Gilmore (1999) sebelum ini terdapat perubahan ekonomi seperti ekonomi industri dan ekonomi perkhidmatan sejak dua abad yang lalu. Peralihan ini telah gagal untuk membawa perkembangan nilai ekonomi kepada yang tertinggi. Mereka menyatakan bahawa hari ini kita mempunyai penawaran baru dalam ekonomi iaitu 'ekonomi pengalaman'. Ekonomi perkhidmatan ialah apabila seseorang membeli satu set aktiviti tidak ketara yang dijalankan bagi pihaknya. Tetapi, apabila seseorang membeli pengalaman, mereka akan membayar untuk menghabiskan masa menikmati siri peristiwa sebagai kenangan yang dipersembahan secara peribadi. Dua perkara untuk diambil perhatian di sini ialah menjual perkhidmatan atau menjual pengalaman. Kedua-duanya adalah dari kategori perniagaan perkhidmatan

    Evaluation on Students' Service Design Concepts using the Principles of Service Innovation and Design Process

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    his paper is a review on service innovation and design education in Malaysia specifically for Product Design programme at School of The Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia. With new design thinking, principles and methods for services design and development will change the value of designers in education and creative industries that are suitable for the next generation. Since 2012, we have started to adapt some of the basic methods and exploring new ideas in developing new services or servicescapes for health services and point of sales enhancement. This paper shows some of the successful design developed by the students. All selected design developments were chosen from their design reports which have been assessed over the last several years since 2014. A compilation of research and development of each selected work shall bepresented and also can be compared through design positioning and matrixes. Therefore, this review can be seen as significance to the service industries that shall give more opportunities for young designers to contribute. The real benefit from service innovation education is to encourage sustainability in human lifestyle. To achieve something that is less stressful, good communication between human, responsible design and satisfaction in every aspect of life that relate to services, especially the people-processing type of service. Ultimately, the professional practice of service innovation will be recognized in Malaysia.Keywords:design thinking, service design, servicescape, innovation1. INTRODUCTIONThe review is to show how students can achieve their understanding and design thinking towards issues on service innovation design. Designers' contribution to the services industry is crucial to promoting the country's economic growthalthough product development is still needed for the nation. In Malaysia, Service sector plays an important part alongside the manufacturing sector in the country’s development growth. Findings from various countries show that more than 60 percent gross income are coming from service sectors [1]. For example, the ratio of intangible investment to GDP has risen in Japan and in most other developed countries like USA, UK, Germany, France and Italy [2]. The service sector has played an important role in the growth and development process of the Malaysian economy. Within one short generation, a dramatic shift happened in how we buy things, interact with companies, do our jobs and communicate with each other just because of the pervasive digital technology [3]. It is the best example of technology that can change people or users in their everyday life. Furthermore, with the rapid advancement of technology and renowned as the industry revolution 4.0 then of course a range o

    Design Strategy for Designing a Service in Malaysia

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    In the rapid development of new technologies, Malaysian has never left behind to experience new products and services. With new design thinking, principles and methods for service development will change the values of designers in education and creative industries suitable for the next generation. The understanding “dream society” of the next generation that will merge with the understanding of experience economy can build the service environment more sustainable. The new generation of mankind is looking for personal satisfaction with emotional value to their lives. A set of questionnaires was constructed through an analysis of keywords from literature reviews employing KJ method. In order to fulfill the objective, quantitative data were analyzed to see how customer perceive the automobile service centers while knowing their character and preferences. This research will give an allocation for industrial designers to play their role in helping the industry efficiently on quality concept of service design development in Malaysia. Result presented herein based on a survey and the scenario of Malaysian automotive service centers


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    Judul Penelitian ini adalah konsep hukum pertambangan rakyat studi di Kabupaten Lombok Barat dengan jenis penelitian hukum normatif melakukan studi kepustakaan, dokumen, dan turunlapangan untuk melakukan wawancara sebagai data pelengkap. Pertambangan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat sudah semakin mengancam lingkungan hidup dan mengandung potensi konflikhorizontal. Oleh karena itu judec factie pertambangan rakyat di Kabupaten Lombok Barat adalah untuk menghindari kerusakan lingkungan yang lebih besar, konflik vertical dan horizontalantara pemerintah dan masyarakat, dan tidak terjadi pemborosan bahan tambang, serta untukmeningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. Konsep hukum pertambangan rakyat yang berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat yaitu membuat kebijakan yang mengatur tahapanpertambangan rakyat mulai dari sosialisasi kepada masyarakat untuk menyebarkan informasi Tambang Rakyat, setelah itu Penetapan Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat (WPR). Kemudian untuk mempermudah pengawasan maka yang berhak mengajukan izin pertambangan adalah perusahaan yang berbadan hukum Koperasi. Dari WPR yang ada, Dinas Pertambangan akan mengeluarkan Izin Pertambangan Rakyat (IPR) kepada Koperasi yang sudah memenuhi persyaratan formal. Sesudah Pengelolaan akan ada lembaga yang mengatur dan mengawasi tembang rakyat yang berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-udangan yang berlaku. Untuk menghindari konflik maka ditetapkan mekanisme Kepemilikan wilayah IPR dan teknis penggalian agar terhindar dari konflik dengan pemilik wilayah IPR yang lain. Kemudian, pembuangan limbah yang akan langsung dipegang oleh perusahaan Semelter serta memperhatikan kesejahteraan masyarakat lingkartambang