
This article presents the results of research on the "new direction" of Islamic education in Lampung: reading the shifting paradigm of Islamic education to Lampung indigenous people. The purpose of this study is to describe the paradigm shifting process  of Islamic education within Lampung indigenous people. The research data were collected through interviews, observations, and text reviews. The result of the study shows that the paradigm shift in Islamic education within the Lampung indigenous people was caused by several factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Among the internal factors,  the dominance of the parent's mindset is the most significant  for the direction shift of education for the Lampung indigenous people. In addition, human resources also influence the shift in the direction of Islamic education. Islamic education exists as a main education and sub education. A the external factors, globalization and modernization are the entry points for a paradigm shift in Islamic education for Lampung's indigenous people. Cultural dynamics and social change are challenges for the world of Islamic education. Islamic boarding schools or Islamic educational institutions are assumed to have no relevance to the progress of the age. Keywords: Paradigm, Islamic Education, and Lampung Indigenous Peopl

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