83 research outputs found

    Suggestions for interdisciplinary teaching in mathematics education: The case of the history of the concept of group

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    The role of the history of mathematics in mathematics education, as a support in teaching, is widely acknowledged. It can serve to arouse students’ interest in mathematics as well as to stimulate reflection on mathematical concepts and methods. This work focuses on the group as “cross-concept”, in relation to its history from its origins in algebra to its applications in other areas. Given its very nature, the group should be adequately re-evaluated in an interdisciplinary approach, which may prove particularly captivating in linking the history of mathematics to the history of the psychology of perception. This historical interdisciplinary perspective may be useful in the context of university mathematics teaching, particularly teacher training

    Percorsi storici dell\u2019informatica e del calcolo

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    Numero monografico della rivista QuaderniCIRD dedicato alla storia dell\u2019informatica e del calcolo, realizzato nel corso di un\u2019esperienza di tirocinio formativo del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Matematica dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Trieste presso la mostra PSIC - Percorsi Storici dell\u2019Informatica e del Calcolo (ospitata a Trieste dall\u2019Istituto Tecnico Statale \u201cA. Volta\u201d), con lo scopo di produrre materiali di approfondimento per i visitatori sul tema degli abachi, dal punto di vista storico e computazionale. La mostra PSIC \ue8 di tipo permanente ed \ue8 stata realizzata esponendo parte di una collezione privata. Essa rappresenta una risorsa culturale unica nel suo genere, in tutta l\u2019area del Nordest d\u2019Italia, non solo per la presenza di oltre un centinaio di reperti storici (alcuni di autentico valore antiquario), ma anche per la sua valenza didattica

    DAD: Some historical-epistemological considerations on its judicious use

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    This paper deals with the pros and cons in relation to the teaching strategy imposed specifically in Italy by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has involved and continues to involve significant changes in the setting in which students and teachers interact. The approach is multidisciplinary, in that the perspective advanced is both historical and epistemological in nature. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of erecting an argumentative framework within the operational educational context as it takes place in the temporal and spatial dimensions of the school. Suggestions are provided regarding the set of \u201ctools\u201d useful for the constructive and creative management of didactic-pedagogical modalities inherent to DAD (acronym for the Italian \u201cDidattica A Distanza\u201d, i.e., distance/remote teaching and learning), including combining the quantitative facets with the necessary qualitative facets, which are expressed in the category of the \u201cbello\u201d (beautiful), thus introducing the aesthetic value. Therefore, the concept of \u201cbenessere\u201d (well-being) and that of \u201cmalessere\u201d (malaise) are associated with the concept of \u201cbellessere\u201d (beautiful-being)

    How to teach mathematics: Some suggestions from Herbartian tradition

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    The German Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841), recognized in mathematical psychology as a forerunner in the measurement of mental phenomena \u2013 in a study of psychic events which was not only qualitative but also quantitative, based upon mathematics (specifically, calculus) \u2013, stood out also for his activity in the psycho-pedagogical field and for his theory of education, in which mathematics played a fundamental role. His contribution was, in particular, considerable for mathematics education between 1800 and 1900 in the world of German culture, where important reformist tendencies in the study of teaching problems matured. After a brief sketch of Herbart\u2019s life and work, the paper will focus on these aspects, giving methodological suggestions which can be relevant and useful for mathematics education of today

    Nat and his friends: A learning support in mathematics education

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    We describe a path which came into being after it was noted that Italian primary school children (aged 6-11 years) have difficulty in understanding the necessity for using different numerical sets depending on the problem they are dealing with. We decided to use a mostly visual support which would be simple, engaging and able to evolve over time. Thus, the poster \u201cNat and his friends\u201d was born, where the characters appear, for the first time, in the moment in which a problem requires it in the five years of Italian primary school. Besides \u201cNat\u201d (the set of natural numbers), \u201cRa\u201d (the set of rational numbers), \u201cRel\u201d (the set of relative numbers), other characters were necessary, that is, \u201cAl\u201d, \u201cGeo\u201d, \u201cMisu\u201d, \u201cAlea\u201d. \u201cGeo\u201d and \u201cAlea\u201d represent two areas, respectively that of geometry and that of mathematics of uncertainty; \u201cAl\u201d is the \u201cdepositary\u201d of procedures, while \u201cMisu\u201d steps in when there are problems of measurement. Lastly, there is \u201cLogic the Traveller\u201d. This character, given that she is a \u201ctraveller\u201d, is not on the poster; she is mostly used when dealing with problems of classification

    La manifestazione \u201cLa matematica dei ragazzi: scambi di esperienze tra coetanei \u2013 XII edizione\u201d (Trieste, 19-20 aprile 2018)

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    La manifestazione \u201cLa matematica dei ragazzi: scambi di esperienze tra coetanei \u2013 XII edizione\u201d (Trieste, 19-20 aprile 2018
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