3 research outputs found

    Itching eyes after itching around the head

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    Objective: To report the occurrence and management of an eyelashes infestation by Phthirus pubis.Methods: A 27-year-old female presented with itching in her right eye and head after she had been traveling in southern Italy five days earlier. Visual acuity (VA) was 20/20 in both eyes.Slit-lamp examination showed bilateral blepharitis. Moreover, mobile insects and eggs attached to the eyelashes were observed. A microbiological study was performed with a Phthirus pubis result. The patient was treated with mechanical dislodging.Results: The resolution of the infection was carried out removing every insect and egg. A vaseline application twice daily for 7 days was necessary to stifle any nits that could remain.Conclusions: The eyelashes pediculosis is frequently caused by Phthirus pubis. Only a minor percentage of the cases are due to Phthirus capitis, but the differential diagnosis is essential: there are Phthirus pubis pediculosis cases due to sexual abuse. A sexual history and screening for other sexually transmitted diseases is warranted

    Epithelial conjunctival neoplasias - the importance of an early diagnosis and optimal treatment

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    Objective: To emphasize the importance of an early diagnosis and an adequate treatment in conjunctival tumors.Methods: We present two clinical cases and compare the course of each case: one of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) which took a positive course, and a fatal case of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with intraocular and orbital extension.Results: Epithelial conjunctival malignancies are one of the most prevalent ocular surface tumors. Among these, CIN are the most common. CIN have an excellent prognosis, given adequate treatment. However, when the diagnosis of CIN is late, the epithelial basement membrane will be affected, resulting in SCC. SCC may have poorer results due to its capacity to infiltrate near tissues and create distant metastasis.Conclusion: It is not common today to treat patients with orbital extension of SCC; however, it is crucial to note the importance of an early diagnosis of conjunctival malignancies. An early diagnosis is essential to prevent the transformation to other life-threatening types