87 research outputs found

    Entropy flow in near-critical quantum circuits

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    Near-critical quantum circuits are ideal physical systems for asymptotically large-scale quantum computers, because their low energy collective excitations evolve reversibly, effectively isolated from the environment. The design of reversible computers is constrained by the laws governing entropy flow within the computer. In near-critical quantum circuits, entropy flows as a locally conserved quantum current, obeying circuit laws analogous to the electric circuit laws. The quantum entropy current is just the energy current divided by the temperature. A quantum circuit made from a near-critical system (of conventional type) is described by a relativistic 1+1 dimensional relativistic quantum field theory on the circuit. The universal properties of the energy-momentum tensor constrain the entropy flow characteristics of the circuit components: the entropic conductivity of the quantum wires and the entropic admittance of the quantum circuit junctions. For example, near-critical quantum wires are always resistanceless inductors for entropy. A universal formula is derived for the entropic conductivity: \sigma_S(\omega)=iv^{2}S/\omega T, where \omega is the frequency, T the temperature, S the equilibrium entropy density and v the velocity of `light'. The thermal conductivity is Real(T\sigma_S(\omega))=\pi v^{2}S\delta(\omega). The thermal Drude weight is, universally, v^{2}S. This gives a way to measure the entropy density directly.Comment: 2005 paper published 2017 in Kadanoff memorial issue of J Stat Phys with revisions for clarity following referee's suggestions, arguments and results unchanged, cross-posting now to quant-ph, 27 page

    Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group for Simple Fluids

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    We present a new non perturbative renormalization group for classical simple fluids. The theory is built in the Grand Canonical ensemble and in the framework of two equivalent scalar field theories as well. The exact mapping between the three renormalization flows is established rigorously. In the Grand Canonical ensemble the theory may be seen as an extension of the Hierarchical Reference Theory (L. Reatto and A. Parola, \textit{Adv. Phys.}, \textbf{44}, 211 (1995)) but however does not suffer from its shortcomings at subcritical temperatures. In the framework of a new canonical field theory of liquid state developed in that aim our construction identifies with the effective average action approach developed recently (J. Berges, N. Tetradis, and C. Wetterich, \textit{Phys. Rep.}, \textbf{363} (2002))

    Accurate peak list extraction from proteomic mass spectra for identification and profiling studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mass spectrometry is an essential technique in proteomics both to identify the proteins of a biological sample and to compare proteomic profiles of different samples. In both cases, the main phase of the data analysis is the procedure to extract the significant features from a mass spectrum. Its final output is the so-called peak list which contains the mass, the charge and the intensity of every detected biomolecule. The main steps of the peak list extraction procedure are usually preprocessing, peak detection, peak selection, charge determination and monoisotoping operation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper describes an original algorithm for peak list extraction from low and high resolution mass spectra. It has been developed principally to improve the precision of peak extraction in comparison to other reference algorithms. It contains many innovative features among which a sophisticated method for managing the overlapping isotopic distributions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The performances of the basic version of the algorithm and of its optional functionalities have been evaluated in this paper on both SELDI-TOF, MALDI-TOF and ESI-FTICR ECD mass spectra. Executable files of MassSpec, a MATLAB implementation of the peak list extraction procedure for Windows and Linux systems, can be downloaded free of charge for nonprofit institutions from the following web site: <url>http://aimed11.unipv.it/MassSpec</url></p

    Tandem mass spectrometry data quality assessment by self-convolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many algorithms have been developed for deciphering the tandem mass spectrometry (MS) data sets. They can be essentially clustered into two classes. The first performs searches on theoretical mass spectrum database, while the second based itself on <it>de novo </it>sequencing from raw mass spectrometry data. It was noted that the quality of mass spectra affects significantly the protein identification processes in both instances. This prompted the authors to explore ways to measure the quality of MS data sets before subjecting them to the protein identification algorithms, thus allowing for more meaningful searches and increased confidence level of proteins identified.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proposed method measures the qualities of MS data sets based on the symmetric property of b- and y-ion peaks present in a MS spectrum. Self-convolution on MS data and its time-reversal copy was employed. Due to the symmetric nature of b-ions and y-ions peaks, the self-convolution result of a good spectrum would produce a highest mid point intensity peak. To reduce processing time, self-convolution was achieved using Fast Fourier Transform and its inverse transform, followed by the removal of the "DC" (Direct Current) component and the normalisation of the data set. The quality score was defined as the ratio of the intensity at the mid point to the remaining peaks of the convolution result. The method was validated using both theoretical mass spectra, with various permutations, and several real MS data sets. The results were encouraging, revealing a high percentage of positive prediction rates for spectra with good quality scores.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have demonstrated in this work a method for determining the quality of tandem MS data set. By pre-determining the quality of tandem MS data before subjecting them to protein identification algorithms, spurious protein predictions due to poor tandem MS data are avoided, giving scientists greater confidence in the predicted results. We conclude that the algorithm performs well and could potentially be used as a pre-processing for all mass spectrometry based protein identification tools.</p

    The Hubbard model within the equations of motion approach

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    The Hubbard model has a special role in Condensed Matter Theory as it is considered as the simplest Hamiltonian model one can write in order to describe anomalous physical properties of some class of real materials. Unfortunately, this model is not exactly solved except for some limits and therefore one should resort to analytical methods, like the Equations of Motion Approach, or to numerical techniques in order to attain a description of its relevant features in the whole range of physical parameters (interaction, filling and temperature). In this manuscript, the Composite Operator Method, which exploits the above mentioned analytical technique, is presented and systematically applied in order to get information about the behavior of all relevant properties of the model (local, thermodynamic, single- and two- particle ones) in comparison with many other analytical techniques, the above cited known limits and numerical simulations. Within this approach, the Hubbard model is shown to be also capable to describe some anomalous behaviors of the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 232 pages, more than 300 figures, more than 500 reference

    IR divergences and kinetic equation in de Sitter space. (Poincare patch; Principal series)

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    We explicitly show that the one loop IR correction to the two--point function in de Sitter space scalar QFT does not reduce just to the mass renormalization. The proper interpretation of the loop corrections is via particle creation revealing itself through the generation of the quantum averages ,, and ,whichslowlychangeintime.WeshowthatthisobservationinparticularmeansthatloopcorrectionstocorrelationfunctionsindeSitterspacecannotbeobtainedviaanalyticalcontinuationofthosecalculatedonthesphere.Wefindharmonicsforwhichtheparticlenumber, which slowly change in time. We show that this observation in particular means that loop corrections to correlation functions in de Sitter space can not be obtained via analytical continuation of those calculated on the sphere. We find harmonics for which the particle number dominates over the anomalous expectation values and and . For these harmonics the Dyson--Schwinger equation reduces in the IR limit to the kinetic equation. We solve the latter equation, which allows us to sum up all loop leading IR contributions to the Whiteman function. We perform the calculation for the principle series real scalar fields both in expanding and contracting Poincare patches.Comment: 33 pages, 6 fig; Language was correcte

    Memory Effects in the Problems of Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Relaxation

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    Density of Spin Wave States for Disordered Cubic Ferromagnets

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