2 research outputs found

    The limbic system conception and its historical evolution

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    Throughout the centuries, scientific observers have endeavoured to extend their knowledge of the interrelationships between the brain and its regulatory control of human emotions and behaviour. Since the time of physicians such as Aristotle and Galen and the more recent observations of clinicians and neuropathologists such as Broca, Papez, and McLean, the field of affective neuroscience has matured to become the province of neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, neurologists, and psychiatrists. It is accepted that the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, hippocampus, and insula participate in the majority of emotional processes. New imaging technologies and molecular biology discoveries are expanding further the frontiers of knowledge in this arena. The advancements of knowledge on the interplay between the human brain and emotions came about as the legacy of the pioneers mentioned in this field. The aim of this paper is to describe the historical evolution of the scientific understanding of interconnections between the human brain, behaviour, and emotions

    Burden of the chronic psychiatric patient upon the family

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    o programa de entrevista elaborado por PAI e KAPUR (1981), "Family Burden Interview Schedule" (Escala PAI e KAPUR - EPK), utilizado para medição do fardo que o paciente psiquiátrico representa para seus familiares, foi adotado para o estudo de 41 pacientes psiquiátricos crônicos, cobertos pelo Programa de Saúde Comunitária da Divisão Melanie Klein do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, Porto Alegre, Brasil. O instrumento foi útil no rastreamento e manejo da dimensão sociofamiIiar da doença, selecionando grupos prioritários para intervenção psicossocial. A utilização do método demonstrou eficiência para distinguir existência ou não de fardo. Foi menos eficiente para diferenciar fardo moderado de severo. Os resultados revelaram boa aceitabilidade (100070), média sensibilidade (.57), boa especificidade (.83) e probabilidade pré-teste positivo .95 em seu melhor ponto de corte.The Family Burden Interview Schedule was adopted in a study involving 41 chronic psychiatric patients covered by the Community Health System from Melaine Klein Division, Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The method proved use fuI for the screening, as well as the management of the social and family dimension of the disease. This helped to select the priority groups for psycho-social intervention. The method was efficient to show whether or not burden was presento It was less efficient to differentiate moderate burdenfrom severe. The results pointed out good acceptability (100%), medium sensitivity (.57), good specificity (.83) and positive predictive value .95 in its best cut-off point (12/13)