1 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Motivation of Future Physical Education Teachers in the Field of Ecotourism

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    Мотивувати учня може тільки той викладач, екологічні компетентності й особистісні властивості якого виглядають природними та фоновими стосовно власне дидактичної діяльності. Екстремумами екологічної активності виступають тільки пограничні або когнітивно-дисонансні моменти, інакше студент, який рефлексивно сприймаю фізичні та психологічні виміри, може побачити «фальш» або навмисну доцільність у діях педагога. Мотивація студентів до екологічної активності, діяльності та самовдосконалення містить в основі ціннісні (аксіологічні) імперативи і мотиви. Мета статті полягає в теоретичному обґрунтуванні ефективності активізації мотивації майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання і спорту в сфері екологічного туризму.Only the university teacher whose ecological competences and personal qualities may appear to be natural and background regarding didactic activities can motivate the student. The turning points of ecological activities are only borderline or cognitively dissonant moments, otherwise, the student who reflexively perceives physical and psychological dimensions may see “falsehood” or intentional expediency in the actions of the university teacher. Students’ motivation towards ecological activities and self-improvement is based on axiological imperatives and motives. The article aims to theoretically justify the effectiveness of enhancing the motivation of future physical education teachers in the field of eco-tourism. Research methods include the following: theoretical methods – analysis and synthesis of literary sources, comparison, systematization, generalization, abstraction, hypothetical method, deduction, individualization, classification, analogies, modelling, forecasting to study conceptual provisions to substantiate the author’s concept. The process of enhancing the motivation of the EG students and university teachers was based on such author’s methodologies as “The Questionnaire for Teachers to Study Their Ecological Health”, “The Questionnaire to Study Students’ Attitude towards Eco-Tourism”, “The Questionnaire to Study Teacher and Students’ Readiness towards Development of Eco-Tourism”, “The Questionnaire to Identify the Formation Level of the Axiological and Motivational Component of Eco-Tourism Development”, “Methods for Determining the Role of Health-Related Values in the Hierarchy of Students’ Vital Values”, “The Text of the Questionnaire for Revealing Students’ Awareness of Ecological Health”, “The Diagnostics of Volitional Self-Control (A. Zverkov and E. Eidman’s Questionnaire)”, etc. The following methods were used to develop ecological competences in future teachers: writing essays, analyzing and selecting topics for instructional design within the interdisciplinary project “Ecology and Health”. The affirmation of behavior is tactically more valid and effective, which, unlike the patterns (habitual reflexive forms of reaction and behavior in typical situations) allows the participant in the educational process to gradually and uniformly modify the first reaction, activity and, subsequently, behavior, actions, mindset, etc