172 research outputs found
TanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĂ©s Baranyában a 20. század elsĹ‘ felĂ©ben = Memoirs of teachers and students in Fiume
The existence of the teacher training in Pécs could be proven already in the year following the issue of the Ratio Educationis Ist and continually after that, but the teacher training institution was founded only after appointing Baron Ignác Szepesy as bishop. He created the Episcopal Teacher Training Institution in 1831, and this existed until 1947. The female teacher training was developed in 1895 in the framework of the school complex of the Notre Dame Female Canon Order invited to Pécs by Bishop János Scitovszky and it also closed its doors after the World War II. Students of both institutions arrived mainly from Somogy and Tolna counties, beside Baranya, thus they became the determining schools of South-Transdanubia, but students from all parts of the country could be found in the institutions. This study sets the creation of these institutions and their functioning into focus, primarily examining the social composition of students and the agglomeration areas of the institutions at the beginning of the 20th century. //
„A tanár Ăştitárssá válik egy egĂ©sz Ă©letre. Évtizedek mĂşlva is ott áll a tĹ‘le már rĂ©g elszakadt tanĂtvány háta mögött Ă©s erkölcsileg osztozik annak sikereiben, balsikereiben egyaránt.” (Berde Károly) A tanulmányt bevezetĹ‘ mottĂłval a tanĂtĂłi pálya nehĂ©z, de mĂ©gis sokak által vállalt hivatásának azon elemeire hĂvnám fel a figyelmet, melyek a 19. század tanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘iben vĂ©gzĹ‘k számára Ă©s a mai tanĂtĂłjelölteknek is ĂştmutatĂłul szolgált Ă©s szolgálhat a jövĹ‘ben. Berde Károly bĹ‘rgyĂłgyász professzor, egyetemi tanár gondolata az, mely az által, hogy Ă©letre szĂłlĂł ĂştitárskĂ©nt aposztrofálja a tanárokat, egyben a legsĂşlyosabb terhet is vállukra rakja, hisz tanĂtványaik egĂ©sz Ă©letĂ©ben meghatározĂłvá válhat egy-egy tanár szemĂ©lyisĂ©ge, munkássága. A pĂ©csi tanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘ intĂ©zetek lĂ©trejötte Ă©s az itt vĂ©gzett tanĂtĂłk, tanĂtĂłnĹ‘k mindannyian meghatározĂł szerepet töltöttek be nemcsak tanĂtványaik, hanem azon telepĂĽlĂ©sek Ă©letĂ©ben is, ahova kĂ©pesĂtĂ©sĂĽk után kerĂĽltek. Ăštitársai lettek Ă©vtizedekre az adott közössĂ©gnek, Ăgy az intĂ©zmĂ©ny, amelyben tanultak szintĂ©n meghatározĂł szerephez jutott. Tanulmányomban a tanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘ intĂ©zetek lĂ©trejöttĂ©t, fejlĹ‘dĂ©sĂ©t kĂvánom bemutatni, valamint azok vonzáskörzetĂ©t, diákjainak társadalmi összetĂ©telĂ©t
TanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĂ©s Baranyában a 20. század elsĹ‘ felĂ©ben = Memoirs of teachers and students in Fiume
The existence of the teacher training in Pécs could be proven already in the year following the issue of the Ratio Educationis Ist and continually after that, but the teacher training institution was founded only after appointing Baron Ignác Szepesy as bishop. He created the Episcopal Teacher Training Institution in 1831, and this existed until 1947. The female teacher training was developed in 1895 in the framework of the school complex of the Notre Dame Female Canon Order invited to Pécs by Bishop János Scitovszky and it also closed its doors after the World War II. Students of both institutions arrived mainly from Somogy and Tolna counties, beside Baranya, thus they became the determining schools of South-Transdanubia, but students from all parts of the country could be found in the institutions. This study sets the creation of these institutions and their functioning into focus, primarily examining the social composition of students and the agglomeration areas of the institutions at the beginning of the 20th century. //
„A tanár Ăştitárssá válik egy egĂ©sz Ă©letre. Évtizedek mĂşlva is ott áll a tĹ‘le már rĂ©g elszakadt tanĂtvány háta mögött Ă©s erkölcsileg osztozik annak sikereiben, balsikereiben egyaránt.” (Berde Károly) A tanulmányt bevezetĹ‘ mottĂłval a tanĂtĂłi pálya nehĂ©z, de mĂ©gis sokak által vállalt hivatásának azon elemeire hĂvnám fel a figyelmet, melyek a 19. század tanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘iben vĂ©gzĹ‘k számára Ă©s a mai tanĂtĂłjelölteknek is ĂştmutatĂłul szolgált Ă©s szolgálhat a jövĹ‘ben. Berde Károly bĹ‘rgyĂłgyász professzor, egyetemi tanár gondolata az, mely az által, hogy Ă©letre szĂłlĂł ĂştitárskĂ©nt aposztrofálja a tanárokat, egyben a legsĂşlyosabb terhet is vállukra rakja, hisz tanĂtványaik egĂ©sz Ă©letĂ©ben meghatározĂłvá válhat egy-egy tanár szemĂ©lyisĂ©ge, munkássága. A pĂ©csi tanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘ intĂ©zetek lĂ©trejötte Ă©s az itt vĂ©gzett tanĂtĂłk, tanĂtĂłnĹ‘k mindannyian meghatározĂł szerepet töltöttek be nemcsak tanĂtványaik, hanem azon telepĂĽlĂ©sek Ă©letĂ©ben is, ahova kĂ©pesĂtĂ©sĂĽk után kerĂĽltek. Ăštitársai lettek Ă©vtizedekre az adott közössĂ©gnek, Ăgy az intĂ©zmĂ©ny, amelyben tanultak szintĂ©n meghatározĂł szerephez jutott. Tanulmányomban a tanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘ intĂ©zetek lĂ©trejöttĂ©t, fejlĹ‘dĂ©sĂ©t kĂvánom bemutatni, valamint azok vonzáskörzetĂ©t, diákjainak társadalmi összetĂ©telĂ©t
Fiumei tanárok és diákok emlékiratai
Fiume, today’s Rijeka, lives in many ways in the Hungarian historical memory. During the past centuries a picture developed that is connected to the „Hungarian” port. However, it is questionable how Fiume and the education there were „Hungarian”, what the every-day life, the schooling were in a community where most of the inhabitants spoke not the official language of the state, and belonged to another culture. On the basis of three totally different primary written sources, the study attempts to introduce how differently those people saw Fiume and the last „Hungarian” months that lived as teachers, students and at the same time as members of different nationalities for longer or shorter periods in the seaside town. The centre of our research was the sources from the 1910s. Following the comparative analysis of works connected to Fiume by Agliceriu Remus and Samu Szabó, school directors in Fiume and Olga Koós, teacher, we can get a picture different from the general about the town before 1918. By analysing their works we got an insight into an interesting, but so far unknown part of Fiume’s school history
A PĂ©csi TanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘ megjelenĂ©se a századfordulĂł pĂ©csi sajtĂłjában = Appearance of the female teacher training institute of PĂ©cs in the PĂ©cs press at the turn of the century
The lecture puts the time of the founding of the female teacher training institute of the Notre Dame Female Canon Order in Pécs and the following years into focus, in the light of the writings in the local newspaper. The institute was the oldest founded school in the region and thus filled a central role in female education. The examination of the periodicals, newspapers appeared in the first half of the 20th century can enrich the education-, social-as well as local history knowledge with such information that help us to deepen our knowledge by tincturing our earlier knowledge in connection with the micro history of the era. During the research we are going to examine the articles appeared in Pécsi Napló, Pécsi Közlöny, Pécsi Újság and Néptanoda, the official newspaper of the Association of the Female Teachers of Pécs in 1894-1895, on the basis of the viewpoints that how many writings were published in connection with the female teachers and their trainings and what characteristics these writings had in the judgement of this newest school type established for girls and the appearance of women in the teaching field
Az alsófokú erdészeti szakképzés kialakulása a dualizmus idején
In our presentation we are going to examine the 19th appearance of forestry professional education in Hungary focusing on the engineer training created in the beginning and the creation of lower forestry vocational schools. An integral part of the historical development of the Hungarian professional education is the institutionalization of the Hungarian primary - and then secondary forestry education, in the creation of which the authors of the articles published through two decades, between 1862 and 1883 in the Forestry Journal founded in 1862 had imprescriptible merits, these authors exposed their thoughts using the awareness raising and influencing power of the press. The journal and then the successor National Forestry Association (1866), provided the possibility for experts speaking in favour of the development of forestry professional education, and as its result they stated that an independent state primary forester school is needed to be set up. An integral part of the historical development of the Hungarian professional education is the institutionalization of the Hungarian primary - and then secondary forestry education, in the creation of which the authors of the articles published through two decades, between 1862 and 1883 in the Forestry Journal founded in 1862 had imprescriptible merits, these authors exposed their thoughts using the awareness raising and influencing power of the press
TanĂtĂłnĹ‘k a magyar társadalomban a 20. század elsĹ‘ felĂ©ben : Ă©letpálya egy memoár lapjairĂłl = Female teachers in the Hungarian society in the first half of the 20 th century : career path from the pages of a memoir
The aim of my study is to present the changes in the first half of the 20th century inside the teaching profession, putting the elementary school teachers into focus. In the centre of the research there is the process during which the “feminization” of the teaching profession can be observed, which began in this period. I am trying to present these social changes in the first half of the 20th century, the process of women getting into jobs on the basis of primary sources – mainly the memoirs of the teacher Olga Koós and educational documents – concentrating, beside the national tendency, mainly on Baranya County
TanĂtĂłnĹ‘k a magyar társadalomban a 20. század elsĹ‘ felĂ©ben : Ă©letpálya egy memoár lapjairĂłl = Female teachers in the Hungarian society in the first half of the 20 th century : career path from the pages of a memoir
The aim of my study is to present the changes in the first half of the 20th century inside the teaching profession, putting the elementary school teachers into focus. In the centre of the research there is the process during which the “feminization” of the teaching profession can be observed, which began in this period. I am trying to present these social changes in the first half of the 20th century, the process of women getting into jobs on the basis of primary sources – mainly the memoirs of the teacher Olga Koós and educational documents – concentrating, beside the national tendency, mainly on Baranya County
A PĂ©csi TanĂtĂłkĂ©pzĹ‘ megjelenĂ©se a századfordulĂł pĂ©csi sajtĂłjában = Appearance of the female teacher training institute of PĂ©cs in the PĂ©cs press at the turn of the century
The lecture puts the time of the founding of the female teacher training institute of the Notre Dame Female Canon Order in Pécs and the following years into focus, in the light of the writings in the local newspaper. The institute was the oldest founded school in the region and thus filled a central role in female education. The examination of the periodicals, newspapers appeared in the first half of the 20th century can enrich the education-, social-as well as local history knowledge with such information that help us to deepen our knowledge by tincturing our earlier knowledge in connection with the micro history of the era. During the research we are going to examine the articles appeared in Pécsi Napló, Pécsi Közlöny, Pécsi Újság and Néptanoda, the official newspaper of the Association of the Female Teachers of Pécs in 1894-1895, on the basis of the viewpoints that how many writings were published in connection with the female teachers and their trainings and what characteristics these writings had in the judgement of this newest school type established for girls and the appearance of women in the teaching field
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