32 research outputs found

    A database application for pre-processing, storage and comparison of mass spectra derived from patients and controls.

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    BACKGROUND: Statistical comparison of peptide profiles in biomarker discovery requires fast, user-friendly software for high throughput data analysis. Important features are flexibility in changing input variables and statistical analysis of peptides that are differentially expressed between patient and control groups. In addition, integration the mass spectrometry data with the results of other experiments, such as microarray analysis, and information from other databases requires a central storage of the profile matrix, where protein id's can be added to peptide masses of interest. RESULTS: A new database application is presented, to detect and identify significantly differentially expressed peptides in peptide profiles obtained from body fluids of patient and control groups. The presented modular software is capable of central storage of mass spectra and results in fast analysis. The software architecture consists of 4 pillars, 1) a Graphical User Interface written in Java, 2) a MySQL database, which contains all metadata, such as experiment numbers and sample codes, 3) a FTP (File Transport Protocol) server to store all raw mass spectrometry files and processed data, and 4) the software package R, which is used for modular statistical calculations, such as the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank sum test. Statistic analysis by the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test in R demonstrates that peptide-profiles of two patient groups 1) breast cancer patients with leptomeningeal metastases and 2) prostate cancer patients in end stage disease can be distinguished from those of control groups. CONCLUSION: The database application is capable to distinguish patient Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI-TOF) peptide profiles from control groups using large size datasets. The modular architecture of the application makes it possible to adapt the application to handle also large sized data from MS/MS- and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometry experiments. It is expected that the higher resolution and mass accuracy of the FT-ICR mass spectrometry prevents the clustering of peaks of different peptides and allows the identification of differentially expressed proteins from the peptide profiles

    Quantitative miRNA Expression Analysis Using Fluidigm Microfluidics Dynamic Arrays

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) is a small non-coding RNA that can regulate gene expression in both plants and animals. Studies showed that miRNAs play a critical role in human cancer by targeting messenger RNAs that are positive or negative regulators of cell proliferation and apoptosis. Here, we evaluated miRNA expression in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples and fresh frozen (FF) samples using a high throughput qPCR-based microfluidic dynamic array technology (Fluidigm). We compared the results to hybridization-based microarray platforms using the same samples. We obtained a highly correlated Ct values between multiplex and single-plex RT reactions using standard qPCR assays for miRNA expression. For the same samples, the microfluidic technology (Fluidigm 48.48 dynamic array systems) resulted in a left shift towards lower Ct values compared to those observed by standard TaqMan (ABI 7900HT, mean difference, 3.79). In addition, as little as 10ng total RNA was sufficient to reproducibly detect up to 96 miRNAs at a wide range of expression values using a single 96-multiplexing RT reaction in either FFPE or FF samples. Comparison of miRNAs expression values measured by microfluidic technology with those obtained by other array and Next Generation sequencing platforms showed positive concordance using the same samples but revealed significant differences for a large fraction of miRNA targets. The qPCRarray based microfluidic technology can be used in conjunction with multiplexed RT reactions for miRNA gene expression profiling. This approach is highly reproducible and the results correlate closely with the existing singleplex qPCR platform while achieving much higher throughput at lower sample input and reagent usage. It is a rapid, cost effective, customizable array platform for miRNA expression profiling and validation. However, comparison of miRNA expression using different platforms requires caution and the use of multiple platforms

    Untersuchungen zur Radkoniklidfreisetzung durch Einwirkung konzentrierter Salzlaugen auf Alu-MTR-Brennelementen: Abschlussbericht

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    The discussion of a national fuel management concept for research reactor fuel elements is the reason for the R&D project concerning safe direct disposal of spent MTR fuel elements. Especially the behaviour of the MTR fuel elements in corrosive aqueous phases is relevant for the long term safety concept. lt is expected that the MTR fuel element behaviour differs from the LWR fuel elements due to their different matrix characteristics. The experimental objectives of this project are related to the corrosion behaviour of the cladding and matrix material aluminium, the radionuclide release from spent MTR fuel element pieces into salt brines and the immobilisation of dissolved radionuclides in the near field of the repository. The experimental results show, that the aluminium disintegrates in salt brines within few years and even within few months in the presence of Bast iron. Therefor the aluminium has no barrier function. The fast corrosion produces new solid phases, which are able to immobilise most of the dissolved radionuclides. Sorption experiments with possible corrosion products confirm the ability of such matrices to sorb radionuclides, especially the long living actinides. The determination of the long time stability of such phases is one task for future projects. However most of the experiments had been made under aerobic conditions, hence the obtained results have to be verified under anaerobic conditions. First experiments with granite water show, that the cladding may have a life time of several hundred years in this aqueous phases