20 research outputs found

    Isolation of Exosomes from Blood Plasma: Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Ultracentrifugation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods

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    BACKGROUND: Exosomes are emerging targets for biomedical research. However, suitable methods for the isolation of blood plasma-derived exosomes without impurities have not yet been described. AIM: Therefore, we investigated the efficiency and purity of exosomes isolated with potentially suitable methods; differential ultracentrifugation (UC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). METHODS AND RESULTS: Exosomes were isolated from rat and human blood plasma by various UC and SEC conditions. Efficiency was investigated at serial UC of the supernatant, while in case of SEC by comparing the content of exosomal markers of various fractions. Purity was assessed based on the presence of albumin. We found that the diameter of the majority of isolated particles fell into the size range of exosomes, however, albumin was also present in the preparations, when 1h UC at 4 degrees C was applied. Furthermore, with this method only a minor fraction of total exosomes could be isolated from blood as deduced from the constant amount of exosomal markers CD63 and TSG101 detected after serial UC of rat blood plasma samples. By using UC for longer time or with shorter sedimentation distance at 4 degrees C, or UC performed at 37 degrees C, exosomal yield increased, but albumin impurity was still observed in the isolates, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and immunoblotting against CD63, TSG101 and albumin. Efficiency and purity were not different in case of using further diluted samples. By using SEC with different columns, we have found that although a minor fraction of exosomes can be isolated without significant albumin content on Sepharose CL-4B or Sephacryl S-400 columns, but not on Sepharose 2B columns, the majority of exosomes co-eluted with albumin. CONCLUSION: Here we show that it is feasible to isolate exosomes from blood plasma by SEC without significant albumin contamination albeit with low vesicle yield

    Characterization of the CDAA Diet-Induced Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Model: Sex-Specific Differences in Inflammation, Fibrosis, and Cholesterol Metabolism in Middle-Aged Mice

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    Background: The prevalence of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) rapidly increases with associated metabolic disorders such as dyslipidemia; therefore, NASH is now considered an independent risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. NASH displays sex-linked epidemiological, phenotypical, and molecular differences; however, little is known about the background of these sex-specific differences on the molecular level. Objectives: We aimed to assess sex-specific differences in the expression of inflammatory and fibrotic genes, as well as in cholesterol metabolism, focusing on the expression of Pcsk9 in several tissues in a mouse model of NASH that shows the typical features of the human condition. Methods and results: We fed 10-months-old male and female C57Bl/6J mice with a NASH-inducing CDAA or corresponding control diet for 8 weeks. We found that, compared to the control male mice baseline, hepatic Pcsk9 expression as well as serum PCSK9 level was significantly higher in females, and both circulating PCSK9 level and the hepatic Pcsk9 gene were markedly decreased in female mice during NASH development. Histological analysis revealed that male and female mice develop a similar degree of steatosis; however, fibrosis was more pronounced in males upon CDAA diet feeding. Strikingly, female mice have higher hepatic expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (Il1b, Ifng), and increased IL-1尾 cleavage by the NLRP3 inflammasome, and a decrease in Clec4f+ resident Kupffer cell population in comparison to males in the CDAA-fed groups. Conclusion: This is the first demonstration that there are critical sex-specific differences during NASH development in middle-aged mice regarding inflammation, fibrosis, and cholesterol metabolism and that changes in PCSK9 and IL-1尾 are likely important contributors to sex-specific changes during the transition to NASH

    Inflammasome activation in end-stage heart failure-associated atrial fibrillation

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    Aims Inflammatory pathways are increasingly recognized as an important factor in the pathophysiology of both heart failure (HF) and atrial fibrillation (AF). However, there is no data about inflammation-related histological and molecular alterations in HF-associated AF. The objective of our study was to investigate inflammatory pathways and fibrosis in end-stage HF- associated AF. Methods and results Left atrial samples of 24 male patients with end stage ischemic HF undergoing heart transplantation were analysed. Twelve patients suffered from sustained AF while the others had no documented AF. The expression of inflam- masome sensors and their downstream signalling were investigated by Western blot. No differences were observed in the ex- pression of inflammasome sensors between the two groups, while cleaved caspase-1 increased tendentiously in the AF group (P = 0.051). Cleaved caspase-1 also showed significant correlation with the expression of interleukin-1尾 and its cleaved form in the total population and in the AF group (P < 0.05). The presence of myocardial and epicardial macrophages were assessed by ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba1) immunostaining. Number of macrophages showed a tendency towards elevation in the left atrial myocardium and epicardium of AF compared with SR group. The amount of total and interstitial fibrosis was determined on Masson鈥檚 trichrome-stained sections. Histological assessment revealed no difference between AF and SR groups in the amount of either total or interstitial fibrosis. Conclusions This is the first study on inflammation-related differences between HF with SR or AF showing elevated inflam- masome activity and enhanced macrophage infiltration in left atrial samples of patients with AF

    Saxagliptin Cardiotoxicity in Chronic Heart Failure: The Role of DPP4 in the Regulation of Neuropeptide Tone

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    Dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors are novel medicines for diabetes. The SAVORTIMI-53 clinical trial revealed increased heart-failure-associated hospitalization in saxagliptin-treated patients. Although this side effect could limit therapeutic use, the mechanism of this potential cardiotoxicity is unclear. We aimed to establish a cellular platform to investigate DPP4 inhibition and the role of its neuropeptide substrates substance P (SP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY), and to determine the expression of DDP4 and its neuropeptide substrates in the human heart. Western blot, radio-, enzyme-linked immuno-, and RNA scope assays were performed to investigate the expression of DPP4 and its substrates in human hearts. Calcein-based viability measurements and scratch assays were used to test the potential toxicity of DPP4 inhibitors. Cardiac expression of DPP4 and NPY decreased in heart failure patients. In human hearts, DPP4 mRNA is detectable mainly in cardiomyocytes and endothelium. Treatment with DPP4 inhibitors alone/in combination with neuropeptides did not affect viability but in scratch assays neuropeptides decreased, while saxagliptin co-administration increased fibroblast migration in isolated neonatal rat cardiomyocyte-fibroblast co-culture. Decreased DPP4 activity takes part in the pathophysiology of end-stage heart failure. DPP4 compensates against the elevated sympathetic activity and altered neuropeptide tone. Its inhibition decreases this adaptive mechanism, thereby exacerbating myocardial damage

    PACAP-38 and PAC1 Receptor Alterations in Plasma and Cardiac Tissue Samples of Heart Failure Patients

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    Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP-38) is a multifunctional neuropeptide, which may play a role in cardioprotection. However, little is known about the presence of PACAP-38 in heart failure (HF) patients. The aim of our study was to measure the alterations of PACAP-38 like immunoreactivity (LI) in acute (n = 13) and chronic HF (n = 33) and to examine potential correlations between PACAP-38 and HF predictors (cytokines, NT-proBNP). Tissue PACAP-38 LI and PAC1 receptor levels were also investigated in heart tissue samples of patients with HF. Significantly higher plasma PACAP-38 LI was detected in patients with acute HF, while in chronic HF patients, a lower level of immunoreactivity was observed compared to healthy controls (n = 13). Strong negative correlation was identified between plasma PACAP-38 and NT-proBNP levels in chronic HF, as opposed to the positive connection seen in the acute HF group. Plasma IL-1 尾, IL-2 and IL-4 levels were significantly lower in chronic HF, and IL-10 was significantly higher in patients with acute HF. PACAP-38 levels of myocardial tissues were lower in all end-stage HF patients and lower PAC1 receptor levels were detected in the primary dilated cardiomyopathy group compared to the controls. We conclude that PACAP-38 and PAC1 expression correlates with some biomarkers of acute and chronic HF; therefore, further studies are necessary to explore whether PACAP could be a suitable prognostic biomarker in HF patients

    Somatostatin and Its Receptors in Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Cardioprotection

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    Little is known about the role of the neuropeptide somatostatin (SST) in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection. Here, we investigated the direct cardiocytoprotective effect of SST on ischemia/reperfusion injury in cardiomyocyte cultures, as well as the expression of SST and its receptors in pig and human heart tissues. SST induced a bell-shaped, concentration-dependent cardiocytoprotection in both adult rat primary cardiomyocytes and H9C2 cells subjected to simulated ischemia/ reperfusion injury. Furthermore, in a translational porcine closed-chest acute myocardial infarction model, ischemic preconditioning increased plasma SST-like immunoreactivity. Interestingly, SST expression was detectable at the protein, but not at the mRNA level in the pig left ventricles. SSTR1 and SSTR2, but not the other SST receptors, were detectable at the mRNA level by PCR and sequencing in the pig left ventricle. Moreover, remote ischemic conditioning upregulated SSTR1 mRNA. Similarly, SST expression was also detectable in healthy human interventricular septum samples at the protein level. Furthermore, SST-like immunoreactivity decreased in interventricular septum samples of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. SSTR1, SSTR2, and SSTR5 but not SST and the other SST receptors were detectable at the mRNA level by sequencing in healthy human left ventricles. In addition, in healthy human left ventricle samples, SSTR1 and SSTR2 mRNAs were expressed especially in vascular endothelial and some other cell types as detected by RNA Scope庐 in situ hybridization. This is the first demonstration that SST exerts a direct cardiocytoprotective effect against simulated ischemia/reperfusion injury. Moreover, SST is expressed in the heart tissue at the peptide level; however, it is likely to be of sensory neural origin since its mRNA is not detectable. SSTR1 and SSTR2 might be involved in the cardioprotective action of SST, but other mechanisms cannot be excluded

    Hidden Cardiotoxicity of Rofecoxib Can be Revealed in Experimental Models of Ischemia/Reperfusion

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    Cardiac adverse effects are among the leading causes of the discontinuation of clinical trials and the withdrawal of drugs from the market. The novel concept of 'hidden cardiotoxicity' is defined as cardiotoxicity of a drug that manifests in the diseased (e.g. ischemic/reperfused), but not in the healthy heart or as a drug-induced deterioration of cardiac stress adaptation (e.g. ischemic conditioning). Here, we aimed to test if the cardiotoxicity of a selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib that was revealed during its clinical use, i.e., increased occurrence of proarrhythmic and thrombotic events, could have been revealed in early phases of drug development by using preclinical models of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Rats that were treated with rofecoxib or vehicle for four weeks were subjected to 30 min. coronary artery occlusion and 120 min. reperfusion with or without cardioprotection that is induced by ischemic preconditioning (IPC). Rofecoxib increased overall the arrhythmias including ventricular fibrillation (VF) during I/R. The proarrhythmic effect of rofecoxib during I/R was not observed in the IPC group. Rofecoxib prolonged the action potential duration (APD) in isolated papillary muscles, which was not seen in the simulated IPC group. Interestingly, while showing hidden cardiotoxicity manifested as a proarrhythmic effect during I/R, rofecoxib decreased the infarct size and increased the survival of adult rat cardiac myocytes that were subjected to simulated I/R injury. This is the first demonstration that rofecoxib increased acute mortality due to its proarrhythmic effect via increased APD during I/R. Rofecoxib did not interfere with the cardiprotective effect of IPC; moreover, IPC was able to protect against rofecoxib-induced hidden cardiotoxicity. These results show that cardiac safety testing with simple preclinical models of I/R injury uncovers hidden cardiotoxicity of rofecoxib and might reveal the hidden cardiotoxicity of other drugs

    Systematic transcriptomic and phenotypic characterization of human and murine cardiac myocyte cell lines and primary cardiomyocytes reveals serious limitations and low resemblances to adult cardiac phenotype

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    Background Cardiac cell lines and primary cells are widely used in cardiovascular research. Despite increasing number of publications using these models, comparative characterization of these cell lines has not been performed, therefore, their limitations are undetermined. We aimed to compare cardiac cell lines to primary cardiomyocytes and to mature cardiac tissues in a systematic manner. Methods and results Cardiac cell lines (H9C2, AC16, HL-1) were differentiated with widely used protocols. Left ventricular tissue, neonatal primary cardiomyocytes, and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes served as reference tissue or cells. RNA expression of cardiac markers (e.g. Tnnt2, Ryr2) was markedly lower in cell lines compared to references. Differentiation induced increase in cardiac- and decrease in embryonic markers however, the overall transcriptomic profile and annotation to relevant biological processes showed consistently less pronounced cardiac phenotype in all cell lines in comparison to the corresponding references. Immunocytochemistry confirmed low expressions of structural protein sarcomeric alpha-actinin, troponin I and caveolin-3 in cell lines. Susceptibility of cell lines to sI/R injury in terms of viability as well as mitochondrial polarization differed from the primary cells irrespective of their degree of differentiation. Conclusion Expression patterns of cardiomyocyte markers and whole transcriptomic profile, as well as response to sI/R, and to hypertrophic stimuli indicate low-to-moderate similarity of cell lines to primary cells/cardiac tissues regardless their differentiation. Low resemblance of cell lines to mature adult cardiac tissue limits their potential use. Low translational value should be taken into account while choosing a particular cell line to model cardiomyocytes

    Acute hyperglycemia abolishes cardioprotection by remote ischemic perconditioning

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    BACKGROUND: Remote ischemic perconditioning (RIPerC) has a promising therapeutic insight to improve the prognosis of acute myocardial infarction. Chronic comorbidities such as diabetes are known to interfere with conditioning interventions by modulating cardioprotective signaling pathways, such as e.g., mTOR pathway and autophagy. However, the effect of acute hyperglycemia on RIPerC has not been studied so far. Therefore, here we investigated the effect of acute hyperglycemia on cardioprotection by RIPerC. METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into normoglycemic (NG) and acute hyperglycemic (AHG) groups. Acute hyperglycemia was induced by glucose infusion to maintain a serum glucose concentration of 15-20 mM throughout the experimental protocol. NG rats received mannitol infusion of an equal osmolarity. Both groups were subdivided into an ischemic (Isch) and a RIPerC group. Each group underwent reversible occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) for 40 min in the presence or absence of acute hyperglycemia. After the 10-min LAD occlusion, RIPerC was induced by 3 cycles of 5-min unilateral femoral artery and vein occlusion and 5-min reperfusion. After 120 min of reperfusion, infarct size was measured by triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. To study underlying signaling mechanisms, hearts were harvested for immunoblotting after 35 min in both the NG and AHG groups. RESULTS: Infarct size was significantly reduced by RIPerC in NG, but not in the AHG group (NG + Isch: 46.27 +/- 5.31 % vs. NG + RIPerC: 24.65 +/- 7.45 %, p < 0.05; AHG + Isch: 54.19 +/- 4.07 % vs. 52.76 +/- 3.80 %). Acute hyperglycemia per se did not influence infarct size, but significantly increased the incidence and duration of arrhythmias. Acute hyperglycemia activated mechanistic target of rapamycine (mTOR) pathway, as it significantly increased the phosphorylation of mTOR and S6 proteins and the phosphorylation of AKT. In spite of a decreased LC3II/LC3I ratio, other markers of autophagy, such as ATG7, ULK1 phopsphorylation, Beclin 1 and SQSTM1/p62, were not modulated by acute hyperglycemia. Furthermore, acute hyperglycemia significantly elevated nitrative stress in the heart (0.87 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.50 +/- 0.04 microg 3-nitrotyrosine/mg protein, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first demonstration that acute hypreglycemia deteriorates cardioprotection by RIPerC. The mechanism of this phenomenon may involve an acute hyperglycemia-induced increase in nitrative stress and activation of the mTOR pathway