102 research outputs found

    Under-expression of the Auxin Response Factor Sl-ARF4 improves post-harvest behavior of tomato fruits

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    Auxin is one of the most prominent phytohormones regulating many aspects of fleshy fruit development including fruit set, fruit size through the control of cell division and cell expansion, and fruit ripening. To shed light on the role of auxin fruit ripening, we have previously shown that Sl-ARF4 is a major player in mediating the auxin control of sugar metabolism in tomato fruit (cv MicroTom). Further extending this study, we show here that down-regulation of Sl-ARF4 in tomato alters some ripening-related fruit quality traits including enhanced fruit density at mature stage, increased firmness, prolonged shelf-life and reduced water (weight) loss at red ripe stage. These findings suggest that Sl-ARF4 plays a role in determining fruit cell wall architecture and thus providing a potential genetic marker for improving post-harvest handling and shelf life of tomato fruits

    Metabolic and molecular events occurring during chromoplast biogenesis

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    Chromoplasts are nonphotosynthetic plastids that accumulate carotenoids. They derive from other plastid forms, mostly chloroplasts. The biochemical events responsible for the interconversion of one plastid form into another are poorly documented. However, thanks to transcriptomics and proteomics approaches, novel information is now available. Data of proteomic and biochemical analysis revealed the importance of lipid metabolism and carotenoids biosynthetic activities. The loss of photosynthetic activity was associated with the absence of the chlorophyll biosynthesis branch and the presence of proteins involved in chlorophyll degradation. Surprisingly, the entire set of Calvin cycle and of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathwaypersisted after the transition from chloroplast to chromoplast. The role of plastoglobules in the formation and organisation of carotenoid-containing structures and that of the Or gene in the control of chromoplastogenesis are reviewed. Finally, using transcriptomic data, an overview is given the expression pattern of a number of genes encoding plastid-located proteins during tomato fruit ripening

    The mitochondrial elongation factor LeEF-Tsmt is regulated during tomato fruit ripening and upon wounding and ethylene treatment

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    A gene encoding an elongation factor LeEF-Tsmt that participates in the protein synthesis process in mitochondria shows strong expression in ripening fruit as compared to other organs. It is strongly up-regulated during the first stages of the ripening process in parallel with the climacteric rise in respiration. LeEF-Tsmt expression is stimulated by ethylene, wounding and high temperature but ethylene-insensitive mutants exhibit normal expression. Transgenic fruit have been generated in which LeEF-Tsmt has been constitutively up- and down-regulated. Surprisingly, altering the expression of the gene by genetic transformation with antisense and sense LeEF-Tsmt constructs did not affect the pattern of respiration and ethylene production during ripening and upon wounding. In addition, expression of the alternative oxidase gene which is known to play an important role in respiratory climacteric was not affected. Possible reasons for the absence of effect on respiration of variations of LeEF-Tsmt gene expression are discussed

    Comparison of normalization methods for differential gene expression analysis in RNA-Seq experiments: A matter of relative size of studied transcriptomes

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    In recent years, RNA-Seq technologies became a powerful tool for transcriptome studies. However, computational methods dedicated to the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data are yet to be standardized. In particular, it is known that the choice of a normalization procedure leads to a great variability in results of differential gene expression analysis. The present study compares the most widespread normalization procedures and proposes a novel one aiming at removing an inherent bias of studied transcriptomes related to their relative size. Comparisons of the normalization procedures are performed on real and simulated data sets. Real RNA-Seq data sets analyses, performed with all the different normalization methods, show that only 50% of significantly differentially expressed genes are common. This result highlights the influence of the normalization step on the differential expression analysis. Real and simulated data sets analyses give similar results showing 3 different groups of procedures having the same behavior. The group including the novel method named “Median Ratio Normalization” (MR N) gives the lower number of false discoveries. Within this group the MR N method is less sensitive to the modification of parameters related to the relative size of transcriptomes such as the number of down- and upregulated genes and the gene expression levels. The newly proposed MR N method efficiently deals with intrinsic bias resulting from relative size of studied transcriptomes. Validation with real and simulated data sets confirmed that MR N is more consistent and robust than existing methods

    Characteristics of the tomato chromoplast revealed by proteomic analysis

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    Chromoplasts are non-photosynthetic specialized plastids that are important in ripening tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) since, among other functions, they are the site of accumulation of coloured compounds. Analysis of the proteome of red fruit chromoplasts revealed the presence of 988 proteins corresponding to 802 Arabidopsis unigenes, among which 209 had not been listed so far in plastidial databanks. These data revealed several features of the chromoplast. Proteins of lipid metabolism and trafficking were well represented, including all the proteins of the lipoxygenase pathway required for the synthesis of lipid-derived aroma volatiles. Proteins involved in starch synthesis co-existed with several starch-degrading proteins and starch excess proteins. Chromoplasts lacked proteins of the chlorophyll biosynthesis branch and contained proteins involved in chlorophyll degradation. None of the proteins involved in the thylakoid transport machinery were discovered. Surprisingly, chromoplasts contain the entire set of Calvin cycle proteins including Rubisco, as well as the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OxPPP). The present proteomic analysis, combined with available physiological data, provides new insights into the metabolic characteristics of the tomato chromoplast and enriches our knowledge of non-photosynthetic plastids

    Functional analysis and binding affinity of tomato ethylene response factors provide insight on the molecular bases of plant differential responses to ethylene

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    Background : The phytohormone ethylene is involved in a wide range of developmental processes and in mediating plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Ethylene signalling acts via a linear transduction pathway leading to the activation of Ethylene Response Factor genes (ERF)which represent one of the largest gene families of plant transcription factors. How an apparently simple signalling pathway can account for the complex and widely diverse plant responses to ethylene remains yet an unanswered question. Building on the recent release of the complete tomato genome sequence, the present study aims at gaining better insight on distinctive features among ERF proteins. Results : A set of 28 cDNA clones encoding ERFs in the tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) were isolated and shown to fall into nine distinct subclasses characterised by specific conserved motifs most of which with unknown function. In addition of being able to regulate the transcriptional activity of GCC-box containing promoters, tomato ERFs are also shown to be active on promoters lacking this canonical ethylene-responsive-element. Moreover, the data reveal that ERF affinity to the GCC-box depends on the nucleotide environment surrounding this cis-acting element. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the nature of the flanking nucleotides can either enhance or reduce the binding affinity, thus conferring the binding specificity of various ERFs to target promoters. Based on their expression pattern, ERF genes can be clustered in two main clades given their preferential expression in reproductive or vegetative tissues. The regulation of several tomato ERF genes by both ethylene and auxin, suggests their potential contribution to the convergence mechanism between the signalling pathways of the two hormones. Conclusions : The data reveal that regions flanking the core GCC-box sequence are part of the discrimination mechanism by which ERFs selectively bind to their target promoters. ERF tissue-specific expression combined to their responsiveness to both ethylene and auxin bring some insight on the complexity and fine regulation mechanisms involving these transcriptional mediators. All together the data support the hypothesis that ERFs are the main component enabling ethylene to regulate a wide range of physiological processes in a highly specific and coordinated manner

    TomExpress, a unified tomato RNA-Seq platform for visualization of expression data, clustering and correlation networks

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    The TomExpress platform was developed to provide the tomato research community with a browser and integrated web tools for public RNA-Seq data visualization and data mining. To avoid major biases that can result from the use of different mapping and statistical processing methods, RNA-Seq raw sequence data available in public databases were mapped de novo on a unique tomato reference genome sequence and post-processed using the same pipeline with accurate parameters. Following the calculation of the number of counts per gene in each RNA-Seq sample, a communal global normalization method was applied to all expression values. This unifies the whole set of expression data and makes them comparable. A database was designed where each expression value is associated with corresponding experimental annotations. Sample details were manually curated to be easily understandable by biologists. To make the data easily searchable, a user-friendly web interface was developed that provides versatile data mining web tools via on-the-fly generation of output graphics, such as expression bar plots, comprehensive in planta representations and heatmaps of hierarchically clustered expression data. In addition, it allows for the identification of co-expressed genes and the visualization of correlation networks of co-regulated gene groups. TomExpress provides one of the most complete free resources of publicly available tomato RNA-Seq data, and allows for the immediate interrogation of transcriptional programs that regulate vegetative and reproductive development in tomato under diverse conditions. The design of the pipeline developed in this project enables easy updating of the database with newly published RNA-Seq data, thereby allowing for continuous enrichment of the resource

    Higher education’s impact on CO2 mitigation: MENA insights with consideration for unemployment, economic growth, and globalization

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    This study investigates the intricate interplay between higher education and environmental pollution in the MENA region from 2000 to 2018. Employing a comprehensive analytical approach, including cross-dependency tests alongside panel unit root tests, Kao cointegration tests, fixed effect GLS, DOLS (dynamic ordinary least squares), FMOLS (fully modified ordinary least squares) estimations, and Granger causality tests, the research focuses on three critical control variables—Unemployment, gross domestic product, and the globalization index. GLS analysis reveals a positive correlation between higher education, globalization, GDP per capita, and CO2 emissions in the MENA region. However, delving deeper using DOLS and FMOLS, a nuanced perspective emerges, indicating the role of higher education and globalization in mitigating CO2 emissions in the long run, challenging the Kuznets curve hypothesis. Additionally, causality tests highlight the significant influence of higher education and globalization on CO2 emissions. These findings address a critical gap in the understanding of environmental dynamics in the MENA region and offer valuable insights for policymakers and governments, informing targeted interventions and policies for sustainable development and reduced CO2 emissions

    A Natural System of Chromosome Transfer in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

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    The High Pathogenicity Island of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP32637 was previously shown to be horizontally transferable as part of a large chromosomal segment. We demonstrate here that at low temperature other chromosomal loci, as well as a non-mobilizable plasmid (pUC4K), are also transferable. This transfer, designated GDT4 (Generalized DNA Transfer at 4°C), required the presence of an IP32637 endogenous plasmid (pGDT4) that carries several mobile genetic elements and a conjugation machinery. We established that cure of this plasmid or inactivation of its sex pilus fully abrogates this process. Analysis of the mobilized pUC4K recovered from transconjugants revealed the insertion of one of the pGDT4–borne ISs, designated ISYps1, at different sites on the transferred plasmid molecules. This IS belongs to the IS6 family, which moves by replicative transposition, and thus could drive the formation of cointegrates between pGDT4 and the host chromosome and could mediate the transfer of chromosomal regions in an Hfr-like manner. In support of this model, we show that a suicide plasmid carrying ISYps1 is able to integrate itself, flanked by ISYps1 copies, at multiple locations into the Escherichia coli chromosome. Furthermore, we demonstrate the formation of RecA-independent cointegrates between the ISYps1-harboring plasmid and an ISYps1-free replicon, leading to the passive transfer of the non-conjugative plasmid. We thus demonstrate here a natural mechanism of horizontal gene exchange, which is less constrained and more powerful than the classical Hfr mechanism, as it only requires the presence of an IS6-type element on a conjugative replicon to drive the horizontal transfer of any large block of plasmid or chromosomal DNA. This natural mechanism of chromosome transfer, which occurs under conditions mimicking those found in the environment, may thus play a significant role in bacterial evolution, pathogenesis, and adaptation to new ecological niches

    Sl-ARF4,an Auxin Response Factor involved in the control of sugar metabolism during tomato fruit development

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    Successful completion of fruit developmental programs depends on the interplay between multiple phytohormones. However,besides ethylene, the impact of other hormones on fruit quality traits remains elusive. A previous study has shown that downregulation of SlARF4, a member of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) auxin response factor (ARF) gene family, results in a darkgreen fruit phenotype with increased chloroplasts (Jones et al., 2002). This study further examines the role of this auxin transcriptional regulator during tomato fruit development at the level of transcripts, enzyme activities, and metabolites. It is noteworthy that the dark-green phenotype of antisense SlARF4-suppressed lines is restricted to fruit, suggesting that SlARF4 controls chlorophyll accumulation specifically in this organ. The SlARF4 underexpressing lines accumulate more starch at early stages of fruit development and display enhanced chlorophyll content and photochemical efficiency, which is consistent with the idea that fruit photosynthetic activity accounts for the elevated starch levels. SlARF4 expression is high in pericarp tissues of immature fruit and then undergoes a dramatic decline at the onset of ripening concomitant with the increase in sugar content. The higher starch content in developing fruits of SlARF4 down-regulated lines correlates with the up-regulation of genes and enzyme activities involved in starch biosynthesis, suggesting their negative regulation by SlARF4. Altogether, the data uncover the involvement of ARFs in the control of sugar content, an essential feature of fruit quality, and provide insight into the link between auxin signaling, chloroplastic activity, and sugar metabolism in developing fruit