1 research outputs found

    The influence of educational and professional activity on the socialization of students

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    The study aims to investigate the influence of educational and professional activity on the socialization of students at a higher education institution via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, the development level of the individual human capital index is higher in the control group. The conclusions have been drawn that the modernization of the Russian state, socio-economic political transformations, a difficult situation on the labor market have revealed the need for specialists with an active lifestyle, competitive, mobile, able to realize the professional potential, leading a healthy lifestyle.El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la influencia de la actividad educativa y profesional en la socializaci贸n de los estudiantes en una instituci贸n de educaci贸n superior a trav茅s de m茅todos comparativos de investigaci贸n cualitativa. Como resultado, el nivel de desarrollo del 铆ndice de capital humano individual es mayor en el grupo de control. Se ha llegado a la conclusi贸n de que la modernizaci贸n del estado ruso, las transformaciones pol铆ticas socioecon贸micas, una situaci贸n dif铆cil en el mercado laboral han revelado la necesidad de especialistas con un estilo de vida activo, competitivo, m贸vil, capaz de realizar el potencial profesional, liderando un estilo de vida saludable