24 research outputs found

    How to address smart homes with a social robot? A multi-modal corpus of user interactions with an intelligent environment

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    Holthaus P, Leichsenring C, Bernotat J, et al. How to address smart homes with a social robot? A multi-modal corpus of user interactions with an intelligent environment. In: Calzolari N, ed. LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. [Proceedings]. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2016: 3440-3446.In order to explore intuitive verbal and non-verbal interfaces in smart environments we recorded user interactions with an intelligent apartment. Besides offering various interactive capabilities itself, the apartment is also inhabited by a social robot that is available as a humanoid interface. This paper presents a multi-modal corpus that contains goal-directed actions of naive users in attempts to solve a number of predefined tasks. Alongside audio and video recordings, our data-set consists of large amount of temporally aligned sensory data and system behavior provided by the environment and its interactive components. Non-verbal system responses such as changes in light or display contents, as well as robot and apartment utterances and gestures serve as a rich basis for later in-depth analysis. Manual annotations provide further information about meta data like the current course of study and user behavior including the incorporated modality, all literal utterances, language features, emotional expressions, foci of attention, and addressees

    Welcome to the future – How naïve users intuitively address an intelligent robotics apartment.

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    Bernotat J, Schiffhauer B, Eyssel FA, et al. Welcome to the future – How naïve users intuitively address an intelligent robotics apartment. In: Agah A, Cabibihan JJ, Howard AM, Salichs MA, He H, eds. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI). Vol 9979. Heidelberg/ Berlin: Springer; 2016: 982-992

    Professionalisierung in der Eltern- und Familienarbeit

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    Kamin A-M. Professionalisierung in der Eltern- und Familienarbeit. In: Bosse I, Schluchter J-R, Zorn I, eds. Handbuch Inklusion und Medienbildung. 1st ed. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa; 2019: 280-287

    UAS-Based Tracking of the Santiaguito Lava Dome, Guatemala

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    Imaging growing lava domes has remained a great challenge in volcanology due to their inaccessibility and the severe hazard of collapse or explosion. Changes in surface movement, temperature, or lava viscosity are considered crucial data for hazard assessments at active lava domes and thus valuable study targets. Here, we present results from a series of repeated survey flights with both optical and thermal cameras at the Caliente lava dome, part of the Santiaguito complex at Santa Maria volcano, Guatemala, using an Unoccupied Aircraft System (UAS) to create topography data and orthophotos of the lava dome. This enabled us to track pixel-offsets and delineate the 2D displacement field, strain components, extrusion rate, and apparent lava viscosity. We find that the lava dome displays motions on two separate timescales, (i) slow radial expansion and growth of the dome and (ii) a narrow and fast-moving lava extrusion. Both processes also produced distinctive fracture sets detectable with surface motion, and high strain zones associated with thermal anomalies. Our results highlight that motion patterns at lava domes control the structural and thermal architecture, and different timescales should be considered to better characterize surface motions during dome growth to improve the assessment of volcanic hazards


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    Baubérot Jean, Charlionet Geneviève, Zorn Jean-François, Corcos Jean-Louis, Cruse René. Correspondance. In: Autres Temps. Les cahiers du christianisme social. N°24, 1989. pp. 96-102


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    Baubérot Jean, Charlionet Geneviève, Zorn Jean-François, Corcos Jean-Louis, Cruse René. Correspondance. In: Autres Temps. Les cahiers du christianisme social. N°24, 1989. pp. 96-102

    Professionalisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung

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    Kamin A-M, Meister DM. Professionalisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung. In: Bosse I, Schluchter J-R, Zorn I, eds. Handbuch Inklusion und Medienbildung . 1st ed. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa; 2019: 332-339

    An Analysis of Electricity Consumption Patterns in the Water and Wastewater Sectors in South East England, UK

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    The water and wastewater sectors of England and Wales (E&W) are energy-intensive. Although E&W’s water sector is of international interest, in particular due to the early experience with privatisation, for the time being, few published data on energy usage exist. We analysed telemetry energy-use data from Thames Water Utilities Ltd. (TWUL), the largest water and wastewater company in the UK, which serves one of the largest mega-cities in the world, London. In our analysis, we: (1) break down energy use into their components; (2) present a statistical approach to handling seasonal and random cycles in data; and (3) derive energy-intensity (kWh m−3) metrics and compare them with other regions in the world. We show that electricity use in the sector grew by around 10.8 ± 0.4% year−1 as the utility coped with growing demands and stormwater flooding. The energy-intensity of water services in each of the utility’s service zone was measured in the range 0.46–0.92 kWh m−3. Plans to improve the efficiency of the system could yield benefits in lower energy-intensity, but the overall energy saving would be temporary as external pressures from population and climate change are driving up water and energy use