209 research outputs found

    Magnetic versus nonmagnetic doping effects on the magnetic ordering in the Haldane chain compound PbNi2V2O8

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    A study of an impurity driven phase-transition into a magnetically ordered state in the spin-liquid Haldane chain compound PbNi2V2O8 is presented. Both, macroscopic magnetization as well as 51V nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements reveal that the spin nature of dopants has a crucial role in determining the stability of the induced long-range magnetic order. In the case of nonmagnetic (Mg2+) doping on Ni2+ spin sites (S=1) a metamagnetic transition is observed in relatively low magnetic fields. On the other hand, the magnetic order in magnetically (Co2+) doped compounds survives at much higher magnetic fields and temperatures, which is attributed to a significant anisotropic impurity-host magnetic interaction. The NMR measurements confirm the predicted staggered nature of impurity-liberated spin degrees of freedom, which are responsible for the magnetic ordering. In addition, differences in the broadening of the NMR spectra and the increase of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in doped samples, indicate a diverse nature of electron spin correlations in magnetically and nonmagnetically doped samples, which begin developing at rather high temperatures with respect to the antiferromagnetic phase transition.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction in vesignieite: A route to freezing in a quantum kagome antiferromagnet

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    We report an electron spin resonance investigation of the geometrically frustrated spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet vesignieite, BaCu3_3V2_2O8_8(OH)2_2. Analysis of the line widths and line shifts indicates the dominance of in-plane Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya anisotropy that is proposed to suppress strongly quantum spin fluctuations and thus to promote long-range ordering rather than a spin-liquid state. We also evidence an enhanced spin-phonon contribution that might originate from a lattice instability and discuss the origin of a low-temperature mismatch between intrinsic and bulk susceptibility in terms of local inhomogeneity

    Electron Spin Resonance of SrCu2(BO3)2 at High Magnetic Field

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    We calculate the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of the quasi-two-dimensional dimer spin liquid SrCu2(BO3)2 as a function of magnetic field B. Using the standard Lanczos method, we solve a Shastry-Sutherland Hamiltonian with additional Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) terms which are crucial to explain different qualitative aspects of the ESR spectra. In particular, a nearest-neighbor DM interaction with a non-zero D_z component is required to explain the low frequency ESR lines for B || c. This suggests that crystal symmetry is lowered at low temperatures due to a structural phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 b&w figure

    Quantum Kagome antiferromagnet ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2

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    The frustration of antiferromagnetic interactions on the loosely connected kagome lattice associated to the enhancement of quantum fluctuations for S=1/2 spins was acknowledged long ago as a keypoint to stabilize novel ground states of magnetic matter. Only very recently, the model compound Herbersmithite, ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2, a structurally perfect kagome antiferromagnet, could be synthesized and enables a close comparison to theories. We review and classify various experimental results obtained over the past years and underline some of the pending issues.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, invited paper in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, special topics issue on "Novel States of Matter Induced by Frustration", to be published in Jan. 201

    Recovering Metallicity in A4C60: The Case of Monomeric Li4C60

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    The restoration of metallicity in the high-temperature, cubic phase of Li4C60 represents a remarkable feature for a member of the A4C60 family (A = alkali metal), invariably found to be insulators. Structural and resonance technique investigations on Li4C60 at T > 600 K, show that its fcc structure is associated with a complete (4e) charge transfer to C60 and a sparsely populated Fermi level. These findings not only emphasize the crucial role played by lattice symmetry in fulleride transport properties, but also re-dimension the role of Jahn-Teller effects in band structure determination. Moreover, they suggest the present system as a potential precursor to a new class of superconducting fullerides.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin dynamics and disorder effects in the S=1/2 kagome Heisenberg spin liquid phase of kapellasite

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    We report 35^{35}Cl NMR, ESR, μ\muSR and specific heat measurements on the S=1/2S=1/2 frustrated kagom\'e magnet kapellasite, α\alpha-Cu3_3Zn(OH)6_6Cl2_2, where a gapless spin liquid phase is stabilized by a set of competing exchange interactions. Our measurements confirm the ferromagnetic character of the nearest-neighbour exchange interaction J1J_1 and give an energy scale for the competing interactions J10|J| \sim 10 K. The study of the temperature-dependent ESR lineshift reveals a moderate symmetric exchange anisotropy term DD, with D/J3|D/J|\sim 3%. These findings validate a posteriori the use of the J1J2JdJ_1 - J_2 - J_d Heisenberg model to describe the magnetic properties of kapellasite [Bernu et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 155107 (2013)]. We further confirm that the main deviation from this model is the severe random depletion of the magnetic kagom\'e lattice by 27%, due to Cu/Zn site mixing, and specifically address the effect of this disorder by 35^{35}Cl NMR, performed on an oriented polycrystalline sample. Surprisingly, while being very sensitive to local structural deformations, our NMR measurements demonstrate that the system remains homogeneous with a unique spin susceptibility at high temperature, despite a variety of magnetic environments. Unconventional spin dynamics is further revealed by NMR and μ\muSR in the low-TT, correlated, spin liquid regime, where a broad distribution of spin-lattice relaxation times is observed. We ascribe this to the presence of local low-energy modes.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    X-Band ESR Determination of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction in 2D SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 System

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    X-band ESR measurements on a single crystal of SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 system in a temperature range between 10 K and 580 K are presented. The temperature and angular dependence of unusually broad ESR spectra can be explained by the inclusion of antisymmetric Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction, which yields by far the largest contribution to the linewidth. However, the well-accepted picture of only out-of-plane interdimer DM vectors is not sufficient for explanation of the observed angular dependence. In order to account for the experimental linewidth anisotropy we had to include sizable in-plane components of interdimer as well as intradimer DM interaction in addition to the out-of-plane interdimer one. The nearest-neighbor DM vectors lie perpendicular to crystal anisotropy c-axis due to crystal symmetry. We also emphasize that above the structural phase transition occurring at 395 K dynamical mechanism should be present allowing for instantaneous DM interactions. Moreover, the linewidth at an arbitrary temperature can be divided into two contributions; namely, the first part arising from spin dynamics governed by the spin Hamiltonian of the system and the second part due to significant spin-phonon coupling. The nature of the latter mechanism is attributed to phonon-modulation of the antisymmetric interaction, which is responsible for the observed linear increase of the linewidth at high temperatures.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Multiferroic FeTe2_2O5_5Br: Alternating spin chains with frustrated interchain interactions

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    A combination of density functional theory calculations, many-body model considerations, magnetization and electron spin resonance measurements shows that the multiferroic FeTe2_2O5_5Br should be described as a system of alternating antiferromagnetic S=5/2S=5/2 chains with strong Fe-O-Te-O-Fe bridges weakly coupled by two-dimensional frustrated interactions, rather than the previously reported tetramer models. The peculiar temperature dependence of the incommensurate magnetic vector can be explained in terms of interchain exchange striction being responsible for the emergent net electric polarization.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure