37 research outputs found

    Balayage and fractional harmonic measure in minimum Riesz energy problems with external fields

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    For the Riesz kernel κα(x,y):=∣x−y∣α−n\kappa_\alpha(x,y):=|x-y|^{\alpha-n} on Rn\mathbb R^n, where n⩾2n\geqslant2, α∈(0,2]\alpha\in(0,2], and α<n\alpha<n, we consider the problem of minimizing the Gauss functional ∫κα(x,y) d(μ⊗μ)(x,y)+2∫f dμ, where f:=−Uω:=−∫κα(⋅,y) dω(y),\int\kappa_\alpha(x,y)\,d(\mu\otimes\mu)(x,y)+2\int f\,d\mu,\text{ where $f:=-U^\omega:=-\int\kappa_\alpha(\cdot,y)\,d\omega(y)$}, ω\omega being a given positive (Radon) measure on Rn\mathbb R^n, and μ\mu ranging over all positive measures of finite energy, concentrated on A⊂RnA\subset\mathbb R^n and having unit total mass. We prove that if AA is a quasiclosed set of nonzero inner capacity c∗(A)c_*(A), and if the inner balayage ωA\omega^A of ω\omega onto AA is of finite energy, then the solution λA,f\lambda_{A,f} to the problem exists if and only if either c∗(A)<∞c_*(A)<\infty, or ωA(Rn)⩾1\omega^A(\mathbb R^n)\geqslant1. We also analyze the support S(λA,f)S(\lambda_{A,f}) of λA,f\lambda_{A,f}, thereby discovering new surprising phenomena. To be precise, we say that x∈∂RnAx\in\partial_{\mathbb R^n}A is inner α\alpha-ultrairregular for AA if c∗(Ax∗)<∞c_*(A^*_x)<\infty, Ax∗A^*_x being the inverse of AA with respect to {∣y−x∣=1}\{|y-x|=1\}; let AuA^u consist of all those xx. We show that for any x∈Au∪(Rn∖ClRnA)x\in A^u\cup(\mathbb R^n\setminus{\rm Cl}_{\mathbb R^n}A), there is qx∈[1,∞)q_x\in[1,\infty) such that λA,fq\lambda_{A,f_q} do exist for all q∈[qx,∞)q\in[q_x,\infty). Here fq:=−qUεxf_q:=-qU^{\varepsilon_x}, εx\varepsilon_x being the unit Dirac measure at xx. Thus, for any x∈Aux\in A^u and q⩾qxq\geqslant q_x, no compensation effect occurs between two oppositely signed charges carried by the same conductor, which seems to contradict our physical intuition. Another interesting phenomenon is that, if AA is closed while ∂RnA\partial_{\mathbb R^n}A unbounded, then for any x∈Au∪(Rn∖A)x\in A^u\cup(\mathbb R^n\setminus A), S(λA,fqx)S(\lambda_{A,f_{q_x}}) is noncompact, whereas S(λA,fqx+t)S(\lambda_{A,f_{q_x+t}}) is already compact for any t∈(0,∞)t\in(0,\infty) -- even arbitrarily small.Comment: 24 page

    Minimum Riesz energy problems with external fields

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    The paper deals with minimum energy problems in the presence of external fields with respect to the Riesz kernels ∣x−y∣α−n|x-y|^{\alpha-n}, 0<α<n0<\alpha<n, on Rn\mathbb R^n, n⩾2n\geqslant2. For quite a general (not necessarily lower semicontinuous) external field ff, we obtain sufficient and/or necessary conditions for the existence of λA,f\lambda_{A,f} minimizing the Gauss functional ∫∣x−y∣α−n d(μ⊗μ)(x,y)+2∫f dμ\int|x-y|^{\alpha-n}\,d(\mu\otimes\mu)(x,y)+2\int f\,d\mu over all positive Radon measures μ\mu with μ(Rn)=1\mu(\mathbb R^n)=1, concentrated on quite a general (not necessarily closed) A⊂RnA\subset\mathbb R^n. We provide various alternative characterizations of the minimizer λA,f\lambda_{A,f}, and analyze the continuity of both λA,f\lambda_{A,f} and the modified Robin constant for monotone families of sets. Finally, we establish a complete description of the support of λA,f\lambda_{A,f}, thereby giving an answer to a question often discussed in the literature. The results obtained present a significant extension of the theory in question; crucial to this is a new approach based on the close interaction between the strong and the vague topologies as well as on the theory of inner balayage, developed recently by the author.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.1434