27 research outputs found

    Is the PeljeŔac Bridge Construction Going to Affect Tourism Sustainability of the Peninsula?

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    The whole area of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, situated in the southeastern part of Croatia, is at the moment, in terms of road accessibility, still not satisfactorily connected with the rest of Croatia. The lack of its accessibility is mostly caused by the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina\u27s border line cuts in two the Dubrovnik-Neretva County\u27s (land) territory. As a result, on the way from southwest to southeast, or from Split to Dubrovnik, one needs to cross the state border with Bosnia and Herzegovina twice. The construction of the PeljeŔac Bridge (together with a set of interconnecting roads) should improve the present situation significantly, mainly due to the expected redirection of most of the traffic to the new route across the PeljeŔac peninsula. However, it is fair to assume that this will additionally \u27open\u27 the entire PeljeŔac peninsula to the increased tourism related traffic, especially to the demand of one day visitors and/or weekend guests originating mostly from the nearby Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although the redirection of traffic is expected to create additional pressure on the peninsula\u27s environment and its communal infrastructure, it seems that the PeljeŔac Bridge construction should not, only by itself, significantly jeopardize neither the sustainability, nor the (desirable) long-term market positioning of the peninsula on the tourism destination market

    Geografski aspekti turističke regionalizacije svijeta prema konceptu Svjetske turističke organizacije

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    U ovom radu analizira se postojeći teritorijalni ustroj Svjetske turističke organizacije (WTO) s geografskog aspekta, odnosno daje kritička analiza logike obuhvata pojedinih prostornih cjelina. Pri tom se najprije obrazlažu povijest i okolnosti nastanka postojeće teritorijalne organizacije WTO-a, a nakon toga objaÅ”njavaju osnovne razlike između WTO-ovog i geografskog pristupa. Najveći dio rada odnosi se na geografsku analizu obuhvata konkretnih regija i subregija kako ih prati WTO, pri čemu se uz kritički pristup iznose i određene sugestije najpovoljnijih rjeÅ”enja. U zaključnom dijelu autor se zalaže za to da geografi uvažavaju postojeći teritorijalni ustroj WTO, bez obzira na logiku i okolnosti njegovog oblikovanja, kao i brojna odstupanja od uobičajenih geografskih regionalizacija. Naime razumijevanje teritorijalnog ustroja WTO-a čini preduvjet kvalitetnog praćenja podataka i i analiza koju izdaje WTO-a kao osnovne baze podataka u svjetskom turizmu

    Fenomenologija etiketiziranja alkoholizma: internalizacija etikete u liječenih alkoholičara u Hrvatskoj

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    This research paper originates from the phenomenological analysis of labelling alcoholism and its individual internalization. Using a qualitative method of focus groups, the meaning and experience of an al-coholic label in Croatia was researched. Using a model of the response to treatment, it can be discussed how the significance of the label is realized in different contextual links. In the model, the relationship between personal choice and an encouraging environment, personal choice and a conformist environment and a lack of personal choice with a negative prefix on the surrounding factors are discussed. The basic starting point of the research paper lies in the hypotheses of the existence of par excellance reality, the reality of everyday life and the forms that are tied to it. However, an individual situationally estimates the significance of those forms and characteristically self-internalizes them. Even though it has a phenomenological analysis in its roots, the research paper characterises the duality of structure and action regarding the label of alcoholism. The sup-posed reality of everyday life and its relationship with alcoholism are not enough for social functionality of the alcoholic label. Subjectification, that is, internalization of the label is needed in order to achieve purpose and meaning.Ovaj istraživački rad potječe iz fenomenoloÅ”ke analize etiketiranja alkoholizma i njegove individualne internalizacije. Koristeći kvalitativnu metodu fokus grupa, istraženo je značenje i iskustvo etikete alkoholičara u Hrvatskoj. Koristeći model odgovora na liječenje, može se raspravljati o tome kako se značaj etikete ost-varuje u različitim kontekstualnim poveznicama. U modelu se raspravlja o odnosu između osobnog izbora i ohrabrujućeg okruženja, osobnog izbora i prilagodljivog okruženja i nedostatka osobnog izbora s negativnim prefiksom na okoliÅ”ne čimbenike. Osnovna polazna točka ovog rada leži u hipotezama postojanja par excel-lance stvarnosti, stvarnosti svakodnevnog života i oblika stvarnosti koji su vezani uz njega. Međutim, poje-dinac situacijski procjenjuje značaj tih obrazaca i karakteristično ih internalizira. Iako ima fenomenoloÅ”ku analizu u svojem korijenu, ovaj rad karakterizira dualnost strukture i djelovanja u vezi s etiketom alkoholizma. Pretpostavljena realnost svakodnevnog života i njezin odnos s alkoholizmom nisu dovoljni za druÅ”tvenu funk-cionalnost etikete alkoholičara. Subjektivizacija, odnosno, internalizacija etikete potrebna je kako bi se posti-gla svrha i značenje


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    Turizam, kao važna gospodarska grana u Republici Hrvatskoj sastoji se od mnogo podsustava sa svojim turističkim proizvodima od kojih je jedan i cikloturizam. Kako bi se cikloturizam uspjeÅ”no razvijao potrebno je stvoriti i uvjete za njegov razvitak a to je biciklistička infrastruktura. Biciklistička infrastruktura u Republici Hrvatskoj nije svugdje podjednako razvijena, no u svakom slučaju ispod je razine razvijenosti biciklističke infrastrukture u mnogim razvijenim europskim područjima. Prvi korak u planiranju biciklističke infrastrukture je odabir vrste biciklističke infrastrukture poput traka, staza ili isključivo biciklističkih cesta (ulica). U radu su prikazani kriteriji koji se uzimaju u obzir prilikom izbora biciklističke infrastrukture, a ovisni su o intenzitetu i brzini motornog prometa i intenzitetu biciklističkog prometa. Nakon Å”to se istraži prometni intenzitet na prometnicama, može se prići prometnom projektiranju biciklističke infrastrukture. U ovome radu prikazana je metodologija odabira biciklističke infrastrukture i njena implementacija na području Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije. Analizirane su postojeće biciklističke rute i dat je prijedlog novih ruta, koje prate atraktivnija područja Županije uz povećanu sigurnost za bicikliste. Također, dati su prijedlozi za povećanje atraktivnosti cikloturizma u Županiji, koja bi uslijed svojih geografskih obilježja te realizacijom danih prijedloga, mogla biti jedna od vodećih cikloturističkih destinacija kontinentalnog dijela Hrvatske.Tourism, as an important economic branch in the Republic of Croatia, consists of many subsystems of tourism products, one of which is cycling tourism. In order to successfully develop cycling tourism, it is necessary to create the conditions for its development, which implies cycling infrastructure. Cycling infrastructure is not uniformly developed throughout Croatia, and is certainly below the level of development of such infrastructure in many developed parts of Europe. The first step in planning cycling infrastructure is the selection of the type of infrastructure, such as lanes, trails or roads exclusively for bicycles. This paper provides an outline of the criteria that are considered when selecting cycling infrastructure, which are dependent on the intensity and speed of motor traffic and intensity of cycling traffic. Once the traffic intensity on roads is investigated, the cycling infrastructure can be designed. This paper shows the methodology of selecting cycling infrastructure and its implementation in Bjelovar-Bilogora County. The existing cycling routes were analysed and new routes proposed to access the more attractive parts of the county, while increasing cyclist safety. Recommendations are also given for increasing the attractiveness of cycling tourism in the county. Give its geographical characteristics and the actualisation of the given proposals, the county could be one of the leading cycling tourism destinations in the continental part of Croatia

    Antropologic Factors in Prediction of Ovary Cancer

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    The aim of the study was to determine a combination of anthropometric variables that would enable better differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses. Prospective study has been performed in a two year period in which 208 women with ovarian lesions were analyzed and correlated with histopathologic surgical findings. We examined the relation between self-reported anthropometric and other variables (height, weight, body mass index ā€“ BMI, parity, marital status, education, age, rural versus urban residence, menopausal status) and incidence of ovarian cancer. Age, parity, marital status and menopausal status individually showed statistical significance

    The Methodology of Marking a Cyclotourist Route in the Corridor of an Abandoned Railway Track

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    Biciklizam u novije vrijeme postaje sve popularniji kao aktivnost u kojoj se biciklom služimo kao prijevoznim sredstvom, ali i kao turistička aktivnost i oblik rekreacije koji je istodobno koristan za ljudsko zdravlje te znatno povoljnije djeluje na okoliÅ” od koriÅ”tenja motornih vozila. To je utjecalo na proces stvaranja sve većeg broja obilježenih i neobilježenih cikloturističkih ruta po postojećim cestama koje su manje opterećene motornim prometom te na izgradnju posebnih biciklističkih traka uz postojeće ceste i posebnih biciklističkih staza i cesta namijenjenih isključivo biciklistima. Među njima su osobito popularne trase napuÅ”tenih željezničkih pruga koje se prenamjenjuju u biciklističke ceste, jer se radi o rutama koje zbog razmjerno malih nagiba trase, uvjetovanih potrebama željezničkog prijevoza, nisu zahtjevne za većinu cikloturista, a prolaze atraktivnim krajolicima. U ovom je radu prikazana metodologija planiranja revitalizacije napuÅ”tene pruge Bjelovar ā€“ GareÅ”nica s odvojkom za GrubiÅ”no Polje za potrebe razvoja cikloturizma u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji.Bicyclism has lately become increasingly popular as an activity in which bicycle is used not only as a means of transport, but also as a tourist activity, and a type of recreation useful for human health and considerably environment-friendlier than the use of motor vehicles. This has influenced the process of arranging an ever increasing number of marked and unmarked cyclotourist routes on the existing roads with less traffic in motor vehicles, as well as establishing special bicyclist tracks along the existing roads, and separate bicyclist paths and roads intended for bicyclists only. Particularly popular among them are abandoned railway tracks, which are converted into bicyclist roads, since due to the needs of railway transport, they have relatively gentle slopes. Thus, they are not too demanding for the majority of cyclotourists, whilst their attractiveness lies in the fact that they pass through beautiful landscape. The paper presents the methodology of planning the revitalisation of the abandoned railway track between Bjelovar and GareÅ”nica with a branch line for GrubiÅ”no Polje for the needs of developing cyclotourism in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County

    Has OmbrĆ«danneā€™s Method of Hypospadic Urethra Reconstruction Been Ignored with Reason?

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    A B S T R A C T From January 1970 to December 1979 inclusive, 193 boys (aged 2 to 16) underwent surgery for distal hypospadia using Ombredanneā€™s method at the Department of Pediatric Surgery University Hospital Center Rijeka and at the Department of Pediatric Surgery Zagreb. Follow-up period was 7 to 20 years (mean 13.4). 20 (10.36%) subjects had post-operative organic complications and 15 (7.77%) of them required surgical correction. According to these findings, the success rate using Ombredanneā€™s method of reconstruction of the hypospadic urethra in no way lags behind the success rate using MAGPI and Mathieuā€™s methods as well as Ā»Preputial island flap urethroplastyĀ« for analogous cases. Out of 193 subjects who underwent surgery, 80 (41.45%) of those who were sexually mature and had normal psychosexual development were questioned. In this sample, 75 (93.75%) were satisfied with the post-operative appearance of the penis while only 5 (6.25%) were dissatisfied, 3 of which had hypoplastic penis. In 78 (97.50%) subjects questioned, the post-operative urinary squirt was normal and two of them had weak urinary squirt (2.50%), due to meatal stenosis. In conclusion, Ombredanneā€™s method of reconstruction of the urethra in boys with distal hypospadia is equally successful as other methods used for this purpose

    The function of county seats and transport connections as factors of attractiveness of main urban centres of Croatia

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    This paper analyses changes in the radius of influence of the most important Croatian cities in relation to the situation before 1992 and estimates how it could affect possible change of territorial organization. The decline of the population in most cities in the last twenty years and improvement of their transport accessibility are highlighted as particularly important processes that affect the growth or decline in their attractiveness. For the purpose of determination of the attractive power of cities, changes in the territorial organization of the judicial power, health care and education at university level were analysed, as well as some specific indicators, such as spatial distribution of large shopping malls and multiplex cinemas. Based on research, it is concluded that the existing administrative-territorial structure of Croatia does not need a radical change in spite of certain shortcomings. Instead of that, it is necessary to establish economic and statistical regions without administrative authority, especially in areas around large urban agglomerations