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    NAMRU-3 Translations of Parasite Literature from Russian, French, Japanese, etc. into English (1934-1964): T1-T100

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    T8. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1945). Concerning certain groups within the genus Haemaphysalis C. L. Koch, and their taxonomic significance. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 14(1):12-18. T9. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LOTOTSKY, B. V. (1956). On the morphology of Haemaphysalis pavlovskyi Pospelova-Shtrom, 1934 (Parasitiformes, Ixodidae). Zool. Zh., 35(9):1415-1417. T10. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUCHERUK, V. V., SIDOROVA, G. A. and ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1955). On the self protection of small rodents against tick (Ixodidae) larvae. Zool. Zh., 34(4):948-950. T11. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. SUGIMOTO, M. (1937). Notes on ticks in the Formosan Mountain Reservation for aborigines. J. Centr. Soc. Vet. Med. Tokyo, 50:303-340. T13. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I. (1948). Basic directions of evolution of Ixodoidea (Acarina). Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (10): 5-18. T17. TRANSLATION FROM CHINESE. TENG KUO-FAN. (1955). Studies on the life-history of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neum. Chinese J. Ent., 5(2):165-180. T18. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SERDYUKOVA, G. V. (1955). On the question of differential characteristics of larvae and nymphs of Ixodidae. Zool. Zh., 34(5):1037-1051. T19. TRANSLATION FROM CHINESE. LUH, P. L. and WOO, W. (1950). A list of Chinese ticks. Chinese J. Ent., 1:(2):195-222. T20. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1954). Peculiarities of the daily rhythm of dropping of engorged female Ixodes persulcatus from cattle. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 98(2):317-319. T21. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1956). Nutrition and course of spermatogenesis in male ixodid ticks. Akad. Nauk USSR, 110(6):1133-1136. T23. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MIRONOV, V. S. (1940). Habitats of the taiga tick, Ixodes persulcatus (P. Sch.) in the Central Kama Region. Med. Parasit., Moskva, 9(1-2):93-105. T24. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KHEISIN, E. M. and LAVRENENKO, L. F. (1956). Duration of blood-sucking and diurnal rhythm of nutrition and dropping of females of Ixodes ricinus L. Zool. Zh., 35(3):379-383. T26. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISHCHEVA, P. A. (1954). Field methods of investigating sandflies and anti-sandfly measures. (Pages translated: 3-4, 109-186). T28. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZOTOV, A. P. (1951). Infectious encephalomyelitis in horses. Veterinariya, (6):20-29. T29. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PAVLOVSKY, E. N. (1940). The natural foci of tickborne encephalitis. Acta Medica USSR, 3(3):187-199. T30. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUIMOV, D. T. and DUBOV, A. V. (1958). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as a syndrome of tickborne encephalitis. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat., 58(3):282-287. T31. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BUSALAEVA, N. N. (1957). On finding of Ornithodoros coniceps Canestrini ticks in Kazakhstan. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh., SSR, 7:290. T32. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1950). Parthenogenetic development of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neumann (Acarina, Ixodidae). Ent. Obozr., 31(1-2):121-122. T33. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. DOLMATOVA, A. V. (1946). The autogenous development of eggs in Phlebotomus papatasii. Scop. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 15(3):58-62. T34. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., PETROVA, S. P. and SONDAK, V. A. (1945). Study of utravirus encephalitis. VII. Artificial adaptation of the virus of tick and Japanese encephalitis to various species of ticks of the family Ixodidae. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 14(1):18-24. T35. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. and KOSAKA, K. (1954). Notes on the occurrence in Japan of a tick, Haemaphysalis wellingtoni collected from a Japanese gray thrush, Turdus cardis cardis. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resour., Tokyo, (36):104-107. T36. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GROBOV, A. G. (1946). On the question of vectors of Crimean hemorrhagic fever. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 15(6):59-63. T37. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALABEKIAN, Ts. P. (1954). Tick paralysis in foals. Veterinariya, 31(5):44. T38. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SERDYUKOVA, G. V. (1939). Experimental tick relapsing fever in the jackal (Canis aureus L.). Trud. Voenno-Med. Akad. RKKA, 18:51-57. T39. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SERDYUKOVA, G. V. (1945). Local mass reproduction of ticks Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum Koch in Tadzhikistan and their causes. Izv. Tadzhik. Fil. Akad. Nauk USSR, 6:60-63. T41. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PILIPENKO, V. G., SOBOLEVA, N. M., PONOMAREVA, T. N. and KADATSKAYA, K. P. (1955). The problem of natural foci of brucellosis infection. J. Microbiol., Moscow, (1):82-87. T43. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MATIKASHVILI, N. V. and DZHPARIDZE, N. I. (1942). Larvae and nymphs of Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latr. and Rh. turanicus B. Pom. ticks. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz., SSR, 3(1):73-79. T44. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PRITULIN, P. I. (1954). On the transmission of brucellosis by pasture ticks, Dermacentor nuttalli and Hyalomma marginatum. Veterinariya, 31(7):31-33. T45. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZIL\u27FYAN, V. N. and ANANYAN, E. L. (1953). The tick Ornithodoros lahorensis as carrier and transmitter of brucellae. J. Microbial., Moskva, (6):14. (Author\u27s abstract). T46. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. and SAKURAI, N. (1958). On the seasonal occurrence of the tick Haemaphysalis flava on wild hares (Lepus timidus brachyurus) in the endemic area of Yato-byo or tularemia in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. (A preliminary note). Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resourc. Tokyo, (48):28-38. T47. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PLYANSKY, Yu. I. and KHEISIN, E. M. (1959). Some observations on the development of Babesiella bovis in a carrier tick. Trud. Karel. Fil. Akad. Nauk USSR, (14):5-12. T48. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. (1954). Studies on ticks and bloodsucking mites infecting rats (genus Rattus) in Japan. Part I. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resour., Tokyo, (36):108-119. T49. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K., SAKURAI, N., OHARA, S., ODAJIMA, H., KOSAKA, K. and NAKAGAWA, H. (1955). On the host and distribution records of a tick, Haemaphysalis flava, a dominant parasite of wild hares in Japan. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resour., Tokyo, (37):127-128. T50. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. and KOSAKA, K. (1955). Notes on a tick, Ixodes turdus Nakatsuji, 1942, found on birds in Japan. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, 16-19:192-196. T51. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I., MATIKASHVILI, N. V. and LOTOTSKY, B. V. (1940). An ecological and faunistic outline of Ixodidae ticks occurring in Transcaucasia. Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (7):100-133. T52. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TER-VARTANOV, V. N., GUSEV, V. N., BAKEEV, N. N., LABUNETS, N. F., GUSEVA, A. A. and REZNIK, P. A. (1954). On the question of transmission of mammalian ectoparasites by birds. Zool. Zh., 33(5):1116-1125. T53. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1935). On the systematics of ticks of the genus Haemaphysalis C. L. Koch. Trud. Tadzhik. Fil. Akad. Nauk USSR, (5):205-217. T54. TRANSLATION FROM SLOVAK. MACICKA, O. (1958). On the bionomics of Haemaphysalis inermis in our home country. Cslka. Parasit., 5(2):121-124. T55. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I. (1948). On the structure and organization of Ixodoidea (Acarina, Parasitiformes). Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (9):13-38. T56. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1935). On the ticks of wild animals of Tadzhikistan. In: Materials on the parasitology and fauna of southern Tadzhikistan. Trud. Tadzhik. Komplek. Eksped. 1932 g. Narkomsd. Tadzhik. SSR, (10):115-134. T57. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, A. and FUKUDA, S. (1957). On the life history of a tick Ixodes signatus infesting a blacktailed gull (Larus crassirostris) in Japan. Jap. J. Sanit. Zool., 8(3):147-159. T58. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISCHEVA, P. A. (1964). Bloodsucking insects and ticks in the Kara Kum and their medical importance in the rehabilitation of deserts. Zool. Zh., 33(2):243-268. T59. TRANSLATION FROM CHINESE. YU-SHEN, (TZOU), CHIH-HATI, (CHAO), and MAI, (WANG). (1959). Isolation of plague bacillus (Pasteurella pestis) from Haemaphysalis and Dermacentor ticks. Acta Microbial. Sinica, 7(3):205-208. T60. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN. NEUHAUSER, G. (1936). Diagnosis of new mice from Asia Minor. Z. Saugetierk., 11(2):159-160. T61. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN. NEUHAUSER, G. (1936). The Murids of Asia Minor. Z. Saugetierk., 11(2):161-236. T63. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1961). Materials on ticks belonging to the subfamily Argasinae. Part 1. Adult ticks and larvae of the genus Argas Latr., group reflexus. Zool. Zh., 40(12):1815-1826. T64. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1957). Systematic groups of Palearctic ticks of the subfamily Ixodinae. Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirod., Otd. Biol., 62(6):31-34. T65. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MIRONOV, V. S. (1939). Encephalomyelitis of sheep (louping-ill) and its importance for understanding certain diseases of man. Med. Parasit. Moscow, 8(1):137-140. T66. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. (1960). Host and distribution records of the soft tick, Ornithodoros capensis Neumann, in Japan. Jap. J. San. Zool., 11(2):94. T67. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. (1959). Studies on the relationship between chigger and their hosts, especially birds, in Japan. Symposium. 33, Tsutsugamushi Disease, 2:499-507. T68. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1954). On the diagnosis of Ixodes (Exopalpiger) trianguliceps Bir. from larvae and nymphs. Zool. Zh., 33(5):1053-1057. T69. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1957). New tick species of Ixodes stromi and its standing in the system of Ixodinae. Zool. Zh., 36(6):864-869. T70. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PERVOMAISKY, G. S. (1947). Concerning the spread of parasites of pasture ticks at the site of tick encephalitis. Priroda, Moskva, 36(11):75-78. T71. TRANSLATION FROM FRENCH. FRAGA DE AZEVEDO, J. (1960). On the diagnosis of Kala-azar. Ann. Parasit. Hum. Comp., 35(5-6):687-703. T72. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KORENBERG, E. I. (1962). Role of birds in the feeding of ixodid ticks in natural foci of encephalitis in the forest zone. Zool. Zh., 41(8):1220-1225. T73. TRANSLATION FROM DANISH. JOHNSEN, P. (1943). Hyalomma marginatum Koch, in Bornholm Island (Blodmide) in Denmark. Ent. Medd., 22(5):381-383. T74. TRANSLATION FROM DANISH. JOHNSEN, P. (1943). Hyalomma aegypticum L. imported in Bornholm Island (Blodmide) in Denmark. Flora Fauna, 49:128. T75. TRANSLATION FROM DANISH. JOHNSEN, P. (1946). Contribution to knowledge to the Danish ixodid tick fauna. Ent. Medd., Kobenhaven, 24(6):397-401. T76. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MARIKOVSKY, P. I. (1945). Some data on observations on behavior of adult ixodid ticks under natural conditions. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 14(6):60-66. T77. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LEIBMAN, A. L. and KALIVSHKINA, E. A. (1962). Distribution of Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latr. in the Crimea and Marseilles fever in man. Zool. Zh., 41(8):1162-1165. T78. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GUSEV, V. M. and GUSEVA, A. A. (1960). The habitats and mass reproduction of Ixodes frontalis in Daghestan. Zool. Zh., 39(7):1096-1099. T79. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SHATAS, Ya. F. (1956). Larvae and nymphs of some species of the genus Rhipicephalus Koch (Acarina, Ixodidae). Ent. Obozr., 35(4):944-955. T80. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISHCHEVA, P. A. and ALYMOV, A. J. (1938). On transovarial transmission of virus of pappataci fever by sandflies. Arch. Biol. Sci. 53(1):138-144. T81. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P. (1948). Results of a study made of Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever (OL) by an expedition of the Institute of Neurology. Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSR, Moscow, 2:19-26. T82. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISHCHEVA, P. A. and ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1949). Natural enemies of field ticks. Zool. Zh., 28(5):479-481. T83. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN., GUSEV, V. M., GUSEVA, A. A., PETROSIAN, E. A. and EIGELIS, Yu. K. (1962). The role of birds in the spread of ticks and fleas. (According to material collected in Azerbaijan SSR). Zool. Zh., 41(6):905-912. T84. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SHATAS, Ya. F. and BYSTROVA, N. A. (1954). Role of ixodid ticks in maintenance of natural foci of tularemia. J. Microbial., Moscow, (6):55-61. T85. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUSOV, V. N., AMANZHULOV, S. A. and POSTRICHEVA, O. V. (1962). On the problem of Q fever infection in the genus Ornithodoros. (Preliminary information). Parasites of farm animals of Kazakhstan. Parasit. Sel. -Khoz. Zhivot. Kazakh. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 1:229-235. T86. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LAPTEV, V. I. (1960). The experimental infection rate of nymphs of Haemaphysalis neumanni with Theileria sergenti and of Hyalomma anatolicum with Theileria annulata. Trud. Vsesoyuz. Gos. Inst. Exsp. Vet., 27:80-82. T87. TRANSLATION FROM FRENCH. FEIDER, Z. (1959). A study of the sexual characteristics of the Trombidioidea. Acarologia, 1(1):56-85. T88. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TAGIL’TSEV, A. A. (1962). Peculiarities of ecology of gamasid mites taken from Dyromys nitedula Pallas in the environs of Alma-Ata. Zool. Zh., 41(5):666-674. T89. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V., VASSILIEVA, I. S. and SEMASHKO, L. L. (1963). A new species of argasid tick (Subfamily Argasinae, Family Argasidae) - Argas beklemischevi n. sp. Med. Parasit. Moscow, 32(1):61-65. T90. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SEMASHKO, L. L. (1959). House sparrows and tree sparrows as tick carriers in the town of Ashkhabad. Part 1. Zool. Zh., 38(9):1383-1387. T91. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FEDOROV, Yu. V. (1958). Further observations on the importance of wild birds as hosts of Ixodes ticks in the Tomsk focus of tick-borne encephalitis. Trud. Tomsk. Nauch. -Issled. Inst. Vakts. Syvor., 9:23-26. T92. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FEDOROV, Yu. V. (1958). Role of bird fauna in natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis. Trud. Tomsk. Nauch. -Issled. Inst. Vakts. Syvor, 9:27-32. T93. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SEMASHKO, L. L. (1961). House and tree sparrows as carriers of ticks in Turkmenia. Part 2. Zool. Zh., 40(7):1070-1078. T94. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NAUMOV, R. L. (1963). Whether the taiga tick feeds on yellow and pine buntings Emberiza citrinella L. and E. leucocephalos Gm. Zool. Zh., 42(4):513-517. T95. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NIKOLSKAYA, M. N. (1950). A new species of parasite of ixodid ticks, Ixodiphagus hirtus Nik., sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 12:272-274. T96. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LUTTA, A. S., KHEISIN, E. M. and SHUL\u27MAN (-ALBOVA), R. E. (1959). On the distribution of ixodid ticks in Karelia. Trud. Fil. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (14):72-83. T97. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. YAKUNIN, M. P. (1962). Spirochaetes of wild birds. Parasites of wild animals of Kazakhstan. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 16:15-22. T98. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. USHAKOVA, G. V. (1962). On the finding of Hunterellus hookeri How., parasites of ixodid ticks in Kazakhstan. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 16:183-185. T99. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUSOV, V. N. (1962). Significance of different stages of metamorphosis of Ornithodoros lahorensis in the etiology of tick paralysis. Parasit. Sel. -Khoz. Zhivot. Kazakh. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 1:236-246. T100. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1949). The ixodid tick Haemaphysalis warburtoni Nutt. in the mountains of Kazakhstan and Kirgizia. Izv. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, s. Parasit., (7):60-65

    NAMRU-3 Translations of Parasite Literature from Russian, French, Japanese, etc. into English (1942-1965): T101-T200

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    T101. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. CHIKAKI, H. and OTAKE, A. (1956). Ecology of ticks attacking cattle in a pasture. Jap, J. Appl. Zool., 21(2):53-62. T102. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SOKOLOV, L. I. (1945). Karyological study of some Acari and the problem of sex determination in the group Izv. Akad. Nauk SSR, s. Biol, (6):654-663. T103. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ABRAMOV, I. V. (1955). The duration of preservation of the agent of equine piroplasmosis (Piroplasma caballi) in ticks Hyalomma plumbeum Panzer. 1795. Vestn. Sel. -Khoz. Nauki, Moskva, s. g, 32(3):42-46. T104. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELIKOVA, N. P. and TATARINOVA, L. G. (1960). On the part played by Haemaphysalis japonica douglasi in the circulation of the tick-borne encephalitis virus in nature. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 29(3):287-288. T105. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELIKOVA, N. P. (1956). Material on the overwintering of ixodid ticks on animals. Trud. Dal\u27nevostch. Fil. Akad. Nauk SSR, s. Zool., 3(6):265-268. T106. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GOROSHCHENKO, Yu. L. (1962). Karyological evidence for the systematic subdivision of ticks belonging to the genus Argas Latr. (Ixodoidea, Argasidae), “reflexus” group. Zool. Zh., 41(3):358-363. T107. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. VOSHCHAKINA, N, V. and DAVYDOVA, M. S. (? year). A focus of tick encephalitis in Krasnoyarsk Region with Haemaphysalis concinna Koch as the main vector. Inst. Epidemiol. Microbiol. Krasnoyarsk, pp. 43-51. T108. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SOKOLOV, I. I. (1954). The Chromosome complex of mites and its importance for systematics and phylogeny. Trud. Leningrad. Obshch. Estest., Otd. Zool., 72(4):124-159. T109. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GOROSHCHENKO, Yu. L. (1962). Chromosomal complex of Carios vespertilionis Latr. (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) in connection with the question of its generic relationship. Dokl. Akad Nauk SSSR, 144(3):665-668. T110. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BIBIKOV, D. I. and BIBIKOVA, V. A. (1955). To the study of Oenanthe isabellina and its ectoparasites. Zool. Zh., 34(2):399-407. T111. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GOROSHCHENKO, Yu. L. (1962). Karyotypes of Argasid ticks of USSR fauna in connection with their taxonomy. Akad. Nauk USSR, 4(2):137-149. T112. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KORENBERG, E. I. and ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1964). On the interrelation between Emberiza citrinella L. and the tick Ixodes persulcatus P. Sch. Zool. Zh., 43(2):282-284. T114. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUSELTAN, I. V. (1964). On the penetration of adult ticks Hyalomma asiaticum into the skin of lambs. Zool. Zh., 43(1):138-139. T115. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PAVLOVSKY, E. N. and SOLOV’EV, V. D. (1963). Circulation of the virus of spring-summer encephalitis in the organism of tick-vector Haemaphysalis concinna. In: Works of experimental parasitology by Pavlovsky, E. N., pp 276. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, s. Biol., pp. 197-204. T116. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1957). Certain adjustments to the reception of large blood masses in ixodid ticks. Zool. Zh., 36(6):870-873. T117. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1961). Dynamics of stored nutritive substances and age determination in hungry ixodid ticks. Zool. Zh., 49(9):1354-1363. T118. TRANSLATION FROM SLOVAK. HAVLIK, 0. (1951). Experimental transmission of toxoplasmosis by Ornithodoros moubata. Cas. Lek. Cesk., 90(51-52):1516-1518. T119. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. EMEL’YANOVA, N. D. (1957). Haemaphysalis warburtoni Nuttall 1912 in Mongolia. Izv. Irkutsk. Gos. Nauch. -Issled. Protiv. Inst. Sibiri Dal’n. Vost., 15:319-321. T120. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SARTBAEV, S. K. (1961). Ticks of the genus Haemaphysalis in Kirgizia. Trud. IV. Konf. Prirod. Ochag. Bolez. Vop. Parasit. Kazakh. Respub. Sred. Azii (September 15-20, 1959), (3):484-488. T121. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NEL’ZINA, E. N., PYLENKO, M. S., CHUDESOVA, V. P., KONDRASHKINA, K. I. and BYKOV, L. T. (1960). The role of Rhipicephalus schulzei in natural foci of plague. (Communication 1. Localization of Bacillus pestis in the tick body). Med. Parasit., Moscow, 29(2):202-207. T122. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1962). Distribution and specificity of the life cycle of the tick Argas hermanni Aud., 1827 (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) in Turkmenia. Zool. Zh., 41(10):1575-1578. T123. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN. WEIDNER, H. (1964). Ixodes succineus sp. n., found in baltic amber. Veroff. Uberseemus. Bremen, s. A, 3(3):143-151. T124. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1963). On ticks of the genus Ornithodoros Koch parasitizing birds. Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 21(16):16-27. T125. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ROSTOMASHVILI, A. P. (1955). Material on the biology of Haemaphysalis warburtoni Nutt. Trud. Gruz. Nauch. -Issled. Vet. Inst., 11:205-214. T126. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GREBENYUK, R. V. (1955) Ixodid ticks of Issyk-Kul oblast in Kirgiz SSR. Trud. Inst. Zool. Parasit. Akad. Nauk Kirgiz. SSR, (4):79-87. T127. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1958). On the tick fauna (Parasitiformes, Ixodidae) infesting terrestrial vertebrates in the vicinity of Lake Issyk-Kul. Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 18:110-119. T128. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GREBENYUK, R. V., KLASSOVSKY, L. N., SARTBAYEV, S. K., SCHWARTZ, E. A. and POLULYAKH, P. A. (1956). Study of the possible role of ixodid ticks as reservoirs and vectors of plague microbes. Trud. Inst. Zool. Parasit. Akad. Nauk Kirgiz. SSR, (5):121-127. T129. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NIKITINA, R. E. (1964). On the time of preservation of avian spirochetes in the body of hungry ticks Argas persicus (Oken, 1818). Zool. Zh., 43(11):1723-1724. T130. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GREBENYUK, R. V. and BERENDYAEVA, E. L. (1955). On the question of the distribution and members of ixodid ticks on marmots in Kirgizia. Trud. Inst. Zool. Parasit. Akad. Nauk Kirgiz. SSR, (4):107-115. T131. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PRORESENAYA, T. L. and RAPOPORT, L. P. (1963). A study of natural foci of tick rickettsiosis in southwestern Kirgizia. J. Microbial., Moscow, 40(12):56-60. T132. TRANSLATION FROM CZECH. ASMERA, J., SEDENKA, B. and NEDVIDEK, J. (1962). Results of parasitological investigations in a natural focus of tick-borne meningo-encephalitis in former Ostravsky territory. Cslka Parasit., 9:5-14. T133. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. STARKOFF, O. (1964). The description of larva Haemaphysalis pavlovskyi Pospelova-Shtrom, 1935. Izv. Akad. Nauk Tadzhik. SSR, Otd. Biol., 1(15):125-126. T134. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. VOLKOVA, A. A., GREBENYUK, R. V., TIMOFEEV, A. F. and GALIYEV, R. S. (1960). Studying the role of ticks of the genera Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis in transmission of brucellosis. Izv. Akad. Nauk Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 2(7):5-24. T135. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. VOLKOVA, A. A., GREBENYUK, R. V. and TIMOFEEV, A. F. (1961). Comparative data on infection of ticks of the genus Dermacentor with brucella. Trud. IV. Konf. Prirod. Ochag. Belez. Vop. Parasit. Kazakh. Respub. Sred. Azii (September 15-20, 1959), (3):106-107. T136. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZHMAEVA, Z. M., PCHELKINA, A. A., MISHCHENKO, N. K. and KARULIN, B. E. (1955). The epidemiological importance of ectoparasites of birds in a natural focus of Q fever in southern Central Asia. Dold. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 101(2):387-389. T137. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. RUMYANTSEVA, A. V, and NETSENGEVICH, M. R. (1960). A case of isolation of the plague agent from the mite Laelaps algericus Hirst. (Parasitiformes, Gamasides). Zool. Zh., 39(11):1732-1733. T138. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ALIFANOV, V. I. (1954). Winter parasitism of ixodid ticks on domestic animals in Omsk Oblast. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 23(3):268-269. T139. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. VSHIVKOV, F. N. (1956). Evaluation of the role played by wild birds in feeding and transportation of ixodid ticks in Crimea. Trud. 2. Nauch-. Konf. Parasit. USSR, Kiev, pp. 33-34. T141. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NAUMOV, R. L., LEVKOVICH, E. N. and RZHAKHOVA, O. E. (1963). The part played by girds in circulation of tick-borne encephalitis virus. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(1):18-29. T143. TRANSLATION FROM FINNISH. TUOMI, J. (1965). Bovine tickborne fever in Finland. Nord. VetMed., 71:3-13. T144. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FEDOROV, Yu. V., IGOLKIN, N. I. and TYUSHNYAKOVA, M. K. (1959). Some data on virus-carrying fleas in areas of tick-borne encephalitis and lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 28(2):149-152. T145. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KERBABAYEV, E. B. (1962). Haemaphysalis warburtoni from Turkmen as a new form of tick. Izv. Akad. Nauk Turkmen. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, (1):77-80. T146. TRANSLATION FROM FRENCH. POUL, J. (1949). Diagnosis of generalized canine leishmaniasis by investigation of Leishmania in the nasal mucus and in the testicle. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger., 27(4):315-316. T147. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. AVAKIAN, A. A. and LEBEDEV, A. D. (1955). Natural focalization of hemorrhagic fevers. J. Microbial., Moscow, (4):20-26. T148. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., BELYAYEVA, A. P., BUTENKO, A. M., MART’YANOVA, L. I. and KARMYSHEVA, V. Ya. (1964). Isolation and study of a peculiar virus recovered from Hyalomma p. plumbeum ticks and from the blood of a febrile patient in the Astrakhan Region. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 5-7. T149. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BUTENKO, A. M., CHUMAKOV, M. P., BELYAYEVA, A. P., MART’YANOVA, L. I., LWOLF, E. L. and KARMYSHEVA, V. Ya. (1964). Serological identification of Astrakhan virus recovered from ticks. (Abstracts of papers of 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemorovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fever, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 7-10. T150. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., SARMANOV, E. S., SHALUNOVA, N. V., TAPUPERE, V. O., SEMASHKO, I. V. and KARMYSHEVA, V. Ya. (1964). Isolation of one more arbovirus in the Kemerovo Region from the blood of a sick child bitten by a tick. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fever, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 13-14. T151. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SEMENOV, B. F. and STEPANOV, G. M. (1964). Use of kinetic reactions of hemagglutination inhibition for studies of virus strains in tick-borne encephalitis. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fever, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 108-109. T152. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELAN, A. A., BILALOVA, E. Z., DUBOV, A. B., KATIN, A. A. and YANTSEN, M. M. (1964). Isolation of tick-borne encephalitis virus from Dermacentor pictus Herm. and Ixodes persulcatus P. Sch. tick, in places of their mutual habitation. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fever, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, p. 228. T153. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SOTNIKOVA, A. N. and SOLDATOV, G. M. (1964). Participation of birds of the Family Emberizidae in the circulation of tick-borne encephalitis virus. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fever, and other arbovirus infections. pp. 214-216. T154. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. RY BALKO, S. I., PANKINA, M. V., KANNEGISER, N. I. and BURLAKOVA, T. S. (1963). Hemorrhagic fever in southern localities of Kazakhstan. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(5):619-620. T155. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MERINOV, V. A. (1963). Investigation of North-Asiatic (Siberian) rickettsiosis in Dermacentor nuttalli ticks collected in one of the Krasnoyarsk Region foci. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(1):54-61. T156. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MATSEGORA, N. P. (1962). Ixodoidea ticks of Alma-Ata focus of tick-borne encephalitis. Med. Prasit., Moscow, 31(6):746-748. T157. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ALIFANOV, V. I., NETSEY, G. I., RAVDONIKAS, O. V. and FEDOROV, V. G. (1963). Data on epidemiological prognosis of Omsk hemorrhagic fever. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(5):621-622. T158. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GAGARINA, A. V. and NETSKY, G. I. (1955). Data on distribution and vectors of hemorrhagic fever in western Siberia. Prirod. Ochag. Bolezn. Chelovek. Krayev. Epidemiol., MEDGIZ (State Publishing House, Moscow), pp. 220-224. T159. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NETSKY, G. L. and SHAIMAN, M. S. (1961). Distribution and relationships between foci of tick-borne encephalitis, tick typhus of northern Asia, and Q fever in western Siberia. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 33(2):136-141. T161. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ALIFANOV, V. I., BARKOVA, E. A., EGOROVA, L. S., KORSH, P. V., MALENT’YEV, L. A., RAVDONIKAS, O. V., SARMANEYEV, A. P., TROP, I. E. and CHULOVSKY, I. K., (1961). Epizooty of Omsk hemorrhagic fever of muskrats. In: Natural nidality of diseases and problems of parasitology. Trud. IV. Konf. Priorod. Ochag. Bolez. Vop. Parasit. Kazakh. Respub. Sred. Azii (September 15-20, 1959), (3):59-63. T162. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GAGARINA, A. V., ZIMINA, V. E. and RAVDONIKAS, O. V. (1958). Natural infection of muskrats with Omsk hemorrhagic fever. Trud. Omsk. Gos. Nauch. -Issled. Inst. Epidem. Mikrobiol. Gig., (5):31-36. T163. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MAZHBICH, I. B. and NETSKY, G. I. (1952). Three years of study of Omsk hemorrhagic fever (1946-1948) (1946 Expedition). Trud. Omsk. Gos. Nauch. -Issled. Inst. Edpidem. Mikrobiol. Gig., (1):51-67. T164. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NETSKY, G. I. and RAVDONIKAS, O. V. (1960). Premises for division of the western Siberian lowlands into epidemiological landscape regions with regard to tickborne encephalitis. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 12:30-42. T165. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., BIRULYA, N. B., BUTENKO, A. M., VAYUTA, Yu. S., EGOROVA, P. S., ZALUTSKAYA, L. I., ZIMINA, Yu. V., LESHCHINSKAYA, E. V., POVALISHINA, T. P., and STOLBOV, D. N. (1964). On the question of epidemiology of diseases of Crimean hemorrhagic fever in Astrakhan Oblast. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 263-266. T166. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LESHCHINSKAYA, E. V. (1964). Clinical features of hemorrhagic fever of Crimean type in Astrakhan Oblast. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 266-268. T167. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LESHCHINSKAYA, E. V. and EGOROVA, P. S. (1964). Data from observations of post-hospitalized patients recovered from Crimean type hemorrhagic fever. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, p. 270. T168. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LESHCHINSKAYA, E. V. (1964). Differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever of the Crimean type. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 268-269. T169. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POVALISHINA, T. P., STOLBOV, D. N., ZIMINA, Yu. V., EGOROVA, P. S., BEREZIN, V. V. and BUTENKO, A. M. (1964). Parasitological information on foci of incidence of Crimean type hemorrhagic fever in Astrakhan Oblast. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 271-274. T170. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZIMINA, Yu. V. and IVANOVA, N. A. (1964). On the question of species composition and numbers of ixodid ticks in foci of tick-borne hemorrhagic fever in Astrakhan Oblast. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 274-277. T171. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BEREZIN, V. V. (1964). On the question of hosts of immature stages of Hyalomma plumbeum Panz. - the vector of hemorrhagic fever in Astrakhan Oblast. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 277-278. T175. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POVALISHINA, T. P. (1964). Utilization of cartographic method for study of a focus of hemorrhagic fever of Crimean type. (Abstracts of papers of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Encephalitis). In: Tick-borne encephalitis, Kemerovo tick-borne fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and other arbovirus infections. Moscow, pp. 285-286. T176. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TSVILENEVA, V. A. (1959). Formed elements of the hemolymph of ixodid ticks. Dold. Akad. Nauk Tadzhik. SSR, 2(1):45-51. T177. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I. (1948). New ticks of the family Ixodidae. Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 10:20-24. T178. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KESAREV, I. P. and PRODAN, Z. G. (1963). Experiments on parenteral infection of argasid ticks Ornithodorus papillipes by Rickettsia prowazeki. Probl. Parasit., Kiev, (2):61-63. T179. TRANSLATION FROM CZECH. CERNY, V. and KRATOCHVILOVA-KRALOVA, E. (1963). Development of the tick Haemaphysalis concinna in natural conditions of southern Moravia (Czechoslovakia). Zool. Listv, 12(3):259-261. T180. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. and NAUMOV, R. L. (1965). A case of introduction into USSR of the tick Haemaphysalis ornithophila Hoog. and Kohls, 1959 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) by a Migratory bird, Turdus dauma Lath. Zool. Zh.,44(9):1411-1412. T181. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1964). On several species complexes among ixodid ticks. Trud. V. Konf. Prirod. Ochag. Bolez. Vop. Parasit. Respub. Stred. Azii Kazakh. (September 24-28, 1962), (4):246-248. T182. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PERELATOV, V. D. and LAZAR.EV, V. N. (1965). What is essential to know about hemorrhagic fever. Rostov. Oblast. Sanitary Information house, pp. 28. T183. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MUSABAYEV, I. K. (1961). Some peculiarities of hemorrhagic fever in Uzbekistan. Med. Zh. Uzbek., (8):62-65. T184. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MUSABAYEV, I. K. (1953). Incidence of hemorrhagic fever in Samarkand Oblast. Sotsial. Zdravookh. Uzbek., (2):12-16. T185. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELYAYEVA, N. S. (1963). Zoological-parasitological characteristics of a natural tularemia focus in Khabarovsk Region. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(6):740-741. T186. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MUSABAYEV, I. K., KHAMIDOV, G. K. and ZAKIROV, Kh. Z. (1962). Clinical features of hemorrhagic fever in Uzbekistan. In: Present problems of infectional pathology. Sborn. Tashkent. Gos. Inst. Usovershen. Vrach. Minist. Zdravookh. Uzbek. SSR, 9:141-147. T187. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN. PAVLOV, P. (1964). The role of wild birds in the spreading of Argas persicus in Bulgaria. Angew. Parasit., 5(3):167-168. T189. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P. (1965). A short review of investigation of the virus of Crimean hemorrhagic fever. In: Endemic viral infections (Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, and Astrakhan virus from Hyalomma pl. plumbeum tick), (Ed. Chumakov, M. P., pp. 461). Trudy. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsefal., Akad. Med. Nauk. USSR, Moscow, 7:193-l96. T190. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELOZEROV, V. N. and KVITKO, N. V. (1965). Main features of photoperiodic reaction in Dermacentor marginatus Sulz. (Ixodidae) ticks. Zool. Zh., 44(3):363-372. T191. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., BELYAYEVA, A. P. and LESHCHINSKAYA, I. V. (1965). Viral etiology of diseases of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever type in Astrakhan Oblast. In: Endemic viral infections (Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, and Astrakhan virus from Hyalomma pl. plumbeum tick), (Ed. Chumakov, M. P., pp. 461). Trud. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsefal., Akad. Med. Nauk USSR, Moscow, 7:197-201. T192. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. YAROVOI, L. V. (1965). Clinicoepidemiological characteristics of hemorrhagic fever in Stavropol Region. In: Endemic viral infections (Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, and Astrakhan virus from Hyalomma pl. plumbeum tick), (Ed. Chumakov, M. P., pp. 461). Trud. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsefal., Akad. Med. Nauk USSR, Moscow, 7:255-261. T193. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GREBENYUK, R. V. (1961). Vertical and static distribution of ixodid ticks in Kirgizia. Trud. IV. Konf. Priorod. Ochag. Bolez. Vop. Parasit. Kazakh. Respub. Sred. Azii (September 15-20, 1959), (3):477-483. T194. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MIRONOV, V. S. and BALDINA, A. I. (1942). Persistent ulcer resulting from an ixodid tick bite. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 11(5):51-53. T195. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KLYUSHKINA, E. A. (1964).

    A Second Progress Report on the Sagehen Creek Experimental Wildlife and Fisheries Project, 1952

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    The year 1952 was most productive both from the standpoint of the research work being centered at the Sagehen Creek Project and by reason of additional facilities that were completed. One of the most significant results of initiating this project has been the large amount if interest that has been developed in the program there as shown by students, faculty members, State and Federal wildlife and fishery workers. Evidently the plan for developing a high mountain biological project to serve as a field center for basic, long-term research on fish and wildlife problems, has had a broad appeal. Details of the location of the project and the method of its operation under a cooperative agreement between the Regents of the University and the U.S. Forest Service were described in the 1951 Progress Report and will not be repeated here. Research Sampling of stream fish populations was expanded and intensified considerably during the past season. In the summer of 1951 only four stream sections were sampled while in 1952, ten were sampled. Each of the latter was spaced about a mile apart, providing one sampling station for each mile of the ten-mile length of Sagehen Creek. The same technique as was used in 1951, namely, diversion of the main flow of the stream and pumping the pools dry with a light, portable pump. Methods Total weights of each species were recorded. All trout were weighed and measured individually while with other species, average lengths and weights were determined from random samples from each collection. All fish were returned alive to the same stream section from which they were originally taken. Scale samples for age and growth analyses were taken from all trout. In a number of instances sculpins, trout and other fishes were marked by removal of fins before release. This was done so that they would be recognized when caught in later population samples and to provide information on the extent of their movements either up or down stream when they might be taken in the two-way fish traps. Fish Population Studies -1952 During the months of July, August, and September, a total of 3,275 fish of all species were collected from the ten sample sections in Sagehen Creek. In obtaining, this total, 2,014 feet of stream were pumped dry. Five families and nine species were represented in the sampling data. These were: (1) Salmonida

    Composition of canopy ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary, Songkhla Province, Thailand

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    ) on each study site. Pyrethroid fogging was two monthly applied to collect ants on three trees at random in a permanent plot. A total of 118 morphospecies in 29 genera belonging to six subfamilies were identified. The Formicinae subfamily found the highest species numbers (64 species) followed by Myrmicinae (32 species), Pseudomyrmecinae (10 species), Ponerinae (6 species), Dolichoderinae (5 species) and Aenictinae (1 species). Myrmicinae and Ponerinae showed a significant difference of mean species number between sites (P<0.05) while Formicinae and Myrmicinae also showed a significant difference of mean species number between months (P<0.05). However, there were no interactions between sites and months in any subfamily

    Improving Effects of Huperzine A on Spatial Working Memory in Aged Monkeys and Young Adult Monkeys with Experimental Cognitive Impairment

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    ABSTRACT Our previous studies demonstrated that huperzine A, a reversible and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, exerts beneficial effects on memory deficits in various rodent models of amnesia. To extend the antiamnesic action of huperzine A to nonhuman primates, huperzine A was evaluated for its ability to reverse the deficits in spatial memory produced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys or those that are naturally occurring in aged monkeys using a delayed-response task. Scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, dose dependently impaired performance with the highest dose (0.03 mg/kg, i.m.) producing a significant reduction in choice accuracy in young adult monkeys. The delayed performance changed from an average of 26.8/30 trials correct on saline control to an average of 20.2/30 trials correct after scopolamine administration. Huperzine A (0.01-0.1 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly reversed deficits induced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys on a delayedresponse task; performance after an optimal dose (0.1 mg/kg) averaged 25.0/30 correct. In four aged monkeys, huperzine A (0.001-0.01 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly increased choice accuracy from 20.5/30 on saline control to 25.2/30 at the optimal dose (0.001 mg/kg for two monkeys and 0.01 mg/kg for the other two monkeys). The beneficial effects of huperzine A on delayed-response performance were long lasting; monkeys remained improved for about 24 h after a single injection of huperzine A. This study extended the findings that huperzine A improves the mnemonic performance requiring working memory in monkeys, and suggests that huperzine A may be a promising agent for clinical therapy of cognitive impairments in patients with Alzheimer's disease
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