38 research outputs found

    Default, non-default, markedness and complexity in the L2 English word stress competence of L1 speakers of Setswana

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    In the Principles and Parameters approach, parameters capture variation: languages do not differ randomly but along well-defined lines. Parameters typically take the form of a binary choice, such as yes/no or a similar option. In acquisition, a parameter is assumed to have a default setting as a starting point, which is maintained as long as it is not successfully contradicted by counter-evidence; when the latter happens the non-default value appears. Parameter setting to non-default proceeds from subset to superset languages. In syllable structure and using tree notation, development implies the introduction of marked structure, with structural complexity. The second half of the paper focuses on second language acquisition, where parameters (can) undergo re-setting. The discussion readdresses the results of two previous experimental investigations into the second language abilities of speakers of Setswana regarding English word stress, by Van der Pas, Wissing and Zonneveld (2000) and Van Rooy (2002). It concentrates on ‘extrametricality’ (lack of stress on final syllables), showing first that it seems to depend on syllable structure properties, and second, that in an apparent-time interpretation of the earlier results, development in L2 English stress acquisition regarding extrametricality takes place in a subset to superset manner – but not necessarily going from a less to a more complex structure, but apparently the other way around.Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2010, 28(4): 375–39

    Dutch 2nd Singular Prosodic Weakening: Two Rejoinders

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    Cadetten aan de bal. Van cricket naar voetbal in Breda en Brabant 1884-1900

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    Beschrijven de wisselwerking tussen cricket en voetbal in de vroegste periode: 1884-1900. Beschrijven vooral welke personen toonaangevend waren op de KMA, in Breda en in Brabant bij het voetbal. In 1885 krijgt de KMA zijn eerste voetbalclub: Quick. Deze zal later worden omgezet naar Velocitas. Tot 1891 mogen de kadetten alleen op het eigen terrein sporten. In 1899 geeft de nieuwe gouverneur van de KMA, Van Dam van Isselt, Velocitas toestemming lid te worden van de Nederlandsche Voetbalbond. De club kan nu veel meer wedstrijdvoetbal spelen.Op 1 april 1900 wordt Velocitas bekerkampioen van Nederland

    Actie op het veld: Een visuele benadering van negentiende-eeuwse voetbalgeschiedenis in Nederland

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    This article illustrates the ‘visual turn’ approach to sports history in an analysis of traditionally under-researched material from the late nineteenth century. Focusing on football (‘soccer’) action photography, we argue that interpreting this visual material contributes significantly to the exploration and interpretation of the broader social and cultural context within which sports were practised and the visual material was produced. Regarding the latter, the photographer’s challenge was to capture the movement inherent in the practice of sports generally and of football specifically. Our analysis explains the time at which these pictures first appear as a consequence of developing possibilities and skills in ongoing photographic experimentation. This is illustrated by a case study of a football action photograph from the archives of the Noorthey Institute for boys in Voorschoten, dating from 1895-1897. There, conducting sports was seen as a way of enhancing the students’ physical and mental strengths, including improved study performance. It took place in an atmosphere of camaraderie among teachers and students, the latter acting as supervisors and teammates at the same time. Beyond the texts, the photographs visualize what this educational approach entailed in actual practic

    Hoe voetbal verscheen in Nederland: Rood en Wit, H.F.C., H.V.V. en hun kornuiten 1880-1910

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    Kicksen en wickets: Van cricket naar voetbal in Nederland 1845-1888

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    Looking at action: a visual approach to nineteenth-century football history in the Netherlands

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    The Netherlands came late to 19th-century industrial revolution but when modernization occurred, it prompted an almost feverish cultural and social 'Anglomania'. Elite youngsters enthusiastically appropriated sports such as cricket and football, which were introduced and promoted by English native speaker teachers at boarding and private schools, and by anglophile teachers and pupils at municipal institutes of secundary education. As a contribution to the study of this process of 'sportfication', this article provides evidence of how at the Noorthey elite Protestant private school physical and mental training not only went hand in hand, but that social, educational and age differences and boundaries between pupils and teachers fell away. By utilizing action photo's and visual archive sources this paper demonstrates that, in addition to research based on texts and numbers, images can be a highly valuable source in sport history research, utterly worthy of critical commentary and independent interpretation