36 research outputs found

    Recovery of extracellular vesicles from human breast milk is influenced by sample collection and vesicle isolation procedures

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) in breast milk carry immune relevant proteins and could play an important role in the instruction of the neonatal immune system. To further analyze these EV and to elucidate their function it is important that native populations of EV can be recovered from (stored) breast milk samples in a reproducible fashion. However, the impact of isolation and storage procedures on recovery of breast milk EV has remained underexposed. Here, we aimed to define parameters important for EV recovery from fresh and stored breast milk. To compare various protocols across different donors, breast milk was spiked with a well-defined murine EV population. We found that centrifugation of EV down into density gradients largely improved density-based separation and isolation of EV, compared to floatation up into gradients after high-force pelleting of EV. Using cryo-electron microscopy, we identified different subpopulations of human breast milk EV and a not previously described population of lipid tubules. Additionally, the impact of cold storage on breast milk EV was investigated. We determined that storing unprocessed breast milk at −80°C or 4°C caused death of cells present in breast milk, leading to contamination of the breast milk EV population with storage-induced EV. Here, an alternative method is proposed to store breast milk samples for EV analysis at later time points. The proposed adaptations to the breast milk storage and EV isolation procedures can be applied for EV-based biomarker profiling of breast milk and functional analysis of the role of breast milk EV in the development of the neonatal immune system

    GABARAPL1 is essential in extracellular vesicle cargo loading and metastasis development

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    Background and purpose: Hypoxia is a common feature of tumours, associated with poor prognosis due to increased resistance to radio- and chemotherapy and enhanced metastasis development. Previously we demonstrated that GABARAPL1 is required for the secretion of extracellular vesicles (EV) with pro-angiogenic properties during hypoxia. Here, we explored the role of GABARAPL1+ EV in the metastatic cascade. Materials and methods: GABARAPL1 deficient or control MDA-MB-231 cells were injected in murine mammary fat pads. Lungs were dissected and analysed for human cytokeratin 18. EV from control and GABARAPL1 deficient cells exposed to normoxia (21% O2) or hypoxia (O2 < 0.02%) were isolated and analysed by immunoblot, nanoparticle tracking analysis, high resolution flow cytometry, mass spectrometry and next-generation sequencing. Cellular migration and invasion were analysed using scratch assays and transwell-invasion assays, respectively. Results: The number of pulmonary metastases derived from GABARAPL1 deficient tumours decreased by 84%. GABARAPL1 deficient cells migrate slower but display a comparable invasive capacity. Both normoxic and hypoxic EV contain proteins and miRNAs associated with metastasis development and, in line, increase cancer cell invasiveness. Although GABARAPL1 deficiency alters EV content, it does not alter the EV-induced increase in cancer cell invasiveness. Conclusion: GABARAPL1 is essential for metastasis development. This is unrelated to changes in migration and invasion and suggests that GABARAPL1 or GABARAPL1+ EV are essential in other processes related to the metastatic cascade

    A common allele in RPGRIP1L is a modifier of retinal degeneration in ciliopathies

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    Despite rapid advances in the identification of genes involved in disease, the predictive power of the genotype remains limited, in part owing to poorly understood effects of second-site modifiers. Here we demonstrate that a polymorphic coding variant of RPGRIP1L (retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator-interacting protein-1 like), a ciliary gene mutated in Meckel-Gruber (MKS) and Joubert (JBTS) syndromes, is associated with the development of retinal degeneration in individuals with ciliopathies caused by mutations in other genes. As part of our resequencing efforts of the ciliary proteome, we identified several putative loss-of-function RPGRIP1L mutations, including one common variant, A229T. Multiple genetic lines of evidence showed this allele to be associated with photoreceptor loss in ciliopathies. Moreover, we show that RPGRIP1L interacts biochemically with RPGR, loss of which causes retinal degeneration, and that the Thr229-encoded protein significantly compromises this interaction. Our data represent an example of modification of a discrete phenotype of syndromic disease and highlight the importance of a multifaceted approach for the discovery of modifier alleles of intermediate frequency and effect.This work was supported by grants R01EY007961 from the National Eye Institute (H.K. and A.S.), R01HD04260 from the National Institute of Child Health and Development (N.K.), R01DK072301, R01DK075972 (N.K.), R01DK068306, R01DK064614, R01DK069274 (F.H.), NRSA fellowship F32 DK079541 (E.E.D.) from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney disorders, Intramural program of NEI (A.S.), the Macular Vision Research Foundation (N.K.), the Foundation for Fighting Blindness (H.K., S.S.B., A.S. and N.K.), the Foundation for Fighting Blindness Canada (R.K.K.), Le Fonds de la recherche en sante du Québec (FRSQ) (R.K.K.), Research to Prevent Blindness (A.S.), Harold Falls Collegiate Professorship (A.S.), the Midwest Eye Banks and Transplantation Center (H.K.), the Searle Scholars Program (M.A.B.), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG grant BE 3910/4-1; C.B.) the UK Medical Research Council (grant number G0700073; C.A.J.), NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology (S.S.B.) and EU-GENORET Grant LSHG-CT-2005-512036 (S.S.B.). F.H. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and a Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist (DDCF)

    Disruption of the Basal Body Protein POC1B Results in Autosomal-Recessive Cone-Rod Dystrophy

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    Exome sequencing revealed a homozygous missense mutation (c.317C>G [p.Arg106Pro]) in POC1B, encoding POC1 centriolar protein B, in three siblings with autosomal-recessive cone dystrophy or cone-rod dystrophy and compound-heterozygous POC1B mutations (c.199_201del [p.Gln67del] and c.810+1G>T) in an unrelated person with cone-rod dystrophy. Upon overexpression of POC1B in human TERT-immortalized retinal pigment epithelium 1 cells, the encoded wild-type protein localized to the basal body of the primary cilium, whereas this localization was lost for p.Arg106Pro and p.Gln67del variant forms of POC1B. Morpholino-oligonucleotide-induced knockdown of poc1b translation in zebrafish resulted in a dose-dependent small-eye phenotype, impaired optokinetic responses, and decreased length of photoreceptor outer segments. These ocular phenotypes could partially be rescued by wild-type human POC1B mRNA, but not by c.199_201del and c.317C>G mutant human POC1B mRNAs. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a human retinal cDNA library revealed FAM161A as a binary interaction partner of POC1B. This was confirmed in coimmunoprecipitation and colocalization assays, which both showed loss of FAM161A interaction with p.Arg106Pro and p.Gln67del variant forms of POC1B. FAM161A was previously implicated in autosomal-recessive retinitis pigmentosa and shown to be located at the base of the photoreceptor connecting cilium, where it interacts with several other ciliopathy-associated proteins. Altogether, this study demonstrates that POC1B mutations result in a defect of the photoreceptor sensory cilium and thus affect cone and rod photoreceptors

    Extracellular Vesicles as Transmitters of Hypoxia Tolerance in Solid Cancers

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    Tumour hypoxia is a common feature of solid tumours that contributes to poor prognosis after treatment. This is mainly due to increased resistance of hypoxic cells to radio- and chemotherapy and the association of hypoxic cells with increased metastasis development. It is therefore not surprising that an increased hypoxic tumour fraction is associated with poor patient survival. The extent of hypoxia within a tumour is influenced by the tolerance of individual tumor cells to hypoxia, a feature that differs considerably between tumors. High numbers of hypoxic cells may, therefore, be a direct consequence of enhanced cellular capability inactivation of hypoxia tolerance mechanisms. These include HIF-1&#945; signaling, the unfolded protein response (UPR) and autophagy to prevent hypoxia-induced cell death. Recent evidence shows hypoxia tolerance can be modulated by distant cells that have experienced episodes of hypoxia and is mediated by the systemic release of factors, such as extracellular vesicles (EV). In this review, the evidence for transfer of a hypoxia tolerance phenotype between tumour cells via EV is discussed. In particular, proteins, mRNA and microRNA enriched in EV, derived from hypoxic cells, that impact HIF-1&#945;-, UPR-, angiogenesis- and autophagy signalling cascades are listed

    Iron deficiency-induced loss of skeletal muscle mitochondrial proteins and respiratory capacity; the role of mitophagy and secretion of mitochondria-containing vesicles

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    Iron homeostasis is essential for mitochondrial function, and iron deficiency has been associated with skeletal muscle weakness and decreased exercise capacity in patients with different chronic disorders. We hypothesized that iron deficiency-induced loss of skeletal muscle mitochondria is caused by increased mitochondrial clearance. To study this, C2C12 myotubes were subjected to the iron chelator deferiprone. Mitochondrial parameters and key constituents of mitophagy pathways were studied in presence or absence of pharmacological autophagy inhibition or knockdown of mitophagy-related proteins. Furthermore, it was explored if mitochondria were present in extracellular vesicles (EV). Iron chelation resulted in an increase in BCL2/Adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3 (BNIP3) and BNIP3-like gene and protein levels, and the appearance of mitochondria encapsulated by lysosome-like vesicular structures in myotubes. Moreover, mitochondria were secreted via EV. These changes were associated with cellular mitochondrial impairments. These impairments were unaltered by autophagy inhibition, knockdown of mitophagy-related proteins BNIP3 and BNIP3L, or knockdown of their upstream regulator hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha. In conclusion, mitophagy is not essential for development of iron deficiency-induced reductions in mitochondrial proteins or respiratory capacity. The secretion of mitochondria-containing EV could present an additional pathway via which mitochondria can be cleared from iron chelation-exposed myotubes.</p

    Natural T-cell ligands that are created by genetic variants can be transferred between cells by extracellular vesicles

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    CD4 T-cells play a central role as helper cells in adaptive immunity. Presentation of exogenous antigens in MHC class II by professional antigen-presenting cells is a crucial step in induction of specific CD4 T-cells in adaptive immune responses. For efficient induction of immunity against intracellular threats such as viruses or malignant transformations, antigens from HLA class II-negative infected or transformed cells need to be transferred to surrounding antigen-presenting cells to allow efficient priming of naive CD4 T-cells. Here we show indirect antigen presentation for a subset of natural HLA class II ligands that are created by genetic variants and demonstrated that (neo)antigens can be transferred between cells by extracellular vesicles. Intercellular transfer by extracellular vesicles was not dependent on the T-cell epitope, but rather on characteristics of the full-length protein. This mechanism of (neo)antigen transfer from HLA class II-negative cells to surrounding antigen-presenting cells may play a crucial role in induction of anti-tumor immunity. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Comprehensive proteomic analysis of human milk-derived extracellular vesicles unveils a novel functional proteome distinct from other milk components

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    Breast milk contains several macromolecular components with distinctive functions, whereby milk fat globules and casein micelles mainly provide nutrition to the newborn, while whey contains molecules that can stimulate the newborn's developing immune system and gastrointestinal tract. Although extracellular vesicles (EV) have been identified in breast milk, their physiological function and composition has not been addressed in detail. EV are submicron sized vehicles released by cells for intercellular communication via selectively incorporated lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. Due to the difficulty in separating EV from other milk components, an in-depth analysis of the proteome of human milk-derived EV is lacking. In this study, an extensive LC-MS/MS proteomic analysis was performed of EV that had been purified from breast milk of 7 individual donors using a recently established, optimized density-gradient-based EV isolation protocol. A total of 1963 proteins were identified in milk-derived EV, including EV-associated proteins like CD9, Annexin A5 and Flotillin-1, with a remarkable overlap between the different donors. Interestingly, 198 of the identified proteins are not present in the human EV database Vesiclepedia, indicating that milk-derived EV harbor proteins not yet identified in EV of different origin. Similarly, the proteome of milk-derived EV was compared to that of other milk components. For this, data from 38 published milk proteomic studies were combined in order to construct the total milk proteome, which consists of 2698 unique proteins. Remarkably, 633 proteins identified in milk-derived EV have not yet been identified in human milk to date. Interestingly, these novel proteins include proteins involved in regulation of cell growth and controlling inflammatory signaling pathways, suggesting that milk-derived EVs could support the newborn's developing gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Overall, this study provides an expansion of the whole milk proteome and illustrates that milk-derived EV are macromolecular components with a unique functional proteome