6 research outputs found

    Modèle de fertilisation NPK localisé de la pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.) au Québec

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    Les cultures à haute valeur ajoutée comme la pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.), sont de bons candidats pour l'adoption de l'agriculture de précision en raison des coûts de production particulièrement élevés. Les quantités de fertilisants requises alimentent le défi permanent de la recherche de l’optimisation de fertilisation spécifique à chaque agroécosystème. La modélisation fournit une trousse d’outils pour l’aide à la décision. En ce qui concerne la fertilisation, le rendement est habituellement relié à des doses variables d’un fertilisant à l'aide de fonctions simples(quadratique, linéaire ou linéaire-quadratique,Mitscherlich ou autres). Même si ces fonctions ne devraient être utilisées que pour décrire le comportement des données expérimentales, elles ont été largement utilisées pour prédire les doses optimales de fertilisants. Ce projet de recherche a proposé un modèle de recommandation des doses optimales d’azote (N), de phosphore (P) et de potassium (K)pour la culture de pomme de terre en exploitant les techniques d’autoapprentissage. Dans une première partie, il a d’abord été question de regrouper les cultivars sur la base de la composition chimique de la feuille diagnostique en utilisant une classification non supervisée. Ce regroupement a permis de montrer que les cultivars étudiés sont associés à une composition ionomique spécifique. Ensuite, dans une perspective de prédiction de catégories de rendement en fonction de la composition foliaire, les algorithmes des k plus proches voisins (KNN), des forêts aléatoires (RF) et des machines à vecteurs de supports(SVM) ont montré un potentiel de diagnostic acceptable, avec une précision de 70 %,pour détecter un déséquilibre nutritionnel en cours de saison. Enfin, le vecteur de perturbation de l’espace de composition d’Aitchison pourrait être un bon indicateur pour détecter la présence et l’ampleur d’un déséquilibre nutritionnel en cours de saison. Dans la deuxième partie, les modèles d’autoapprentissage utilisant les algorithmes des KNN,des RF, des réseaux neuronaux (NN) et des processus gaussiens (PG), ont prédit le rendement et le poids spécifique en fonction des conditions expérimentales de façon pratiquement similaire avec des coefficients de détermination (R²) supérieurs à celui du modèle de Mitscherlich. Les R² étaient de 0,52 pour les KNN, de 0,59 pour les RF, de 0,49 pour les NN, de 0,58 pour les PG et de 0,37 pour le modèle de Mitscherlich. Les R² des modèles de prédiction de la balance des tubercules de taille moyenne (R² = 0,60 –0,69) et du poids spécifique (R² = 0,58 – 0,67) étaient plus élevés comparés aux R² de la balance des tubercules de grande taille (R² = 0,55 – 0,64) et du rendement vendable. Des dissemblances importantes sont apparues entre les modèles dans le rendu des courbes de réponse et la prédiction des doses agroéconomiques optimales de N, P et K. C'est prédictions étaient spécifiques au site. Les processus gaussiens étaient plus appropriés en raison de leur capacité d’élaborer des surfaces de réponse lisses et des recommandations probabilistes.High-value crops, like potato (Solanum tuberosumL.), are good candidates for the adoption of Precision Agriculture because of the high cost of inputs.The large amount of potato fertilizers requirement makes it economically and environmentally important for producers to determinate site-specific fertilizers dosages. Crop performance responses to fertilizer inputs have yet been modeled using simple functions like quadratic, linear-plateau or Mitscherlich. Even though they should only be used to describe experimental data, such models are used to predict optimal fertilizer doses considering the cost of the fertilizer and crop sales. As large amounts of data are being assembled in repeated observational data sets, machine learning models can become useful to predict and detect patterns in data without hardly presuming how a response curve should behave.This project generated models recommending optimal economic doses of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) for potato crops using machine learning techniques. We assessed the validity of cultivar grouping as new predictive feature, and predicted potato tuber yields using foliar ionomes. A density-based clustering algorithm (dbscan) failed to delineate groups of high-yield cultivars linked to specific cultivar ionomic composition. Algorithms of k-nearest neighbors (KNN), random forests (RF) and support vector machines (SVM) showed a fair diagnostic potential to detect in-season nutritional imbalance, with practically similar accuracy of 70%. The perturbation vector of Aitchison compositional space appeared a good indicator indetecting the presence and magnitude of a nutritional imbalance. Moreover, machine-learning models using KNN, RF, neural networks (NN) and Gaussian processes (GP) algorithms returned almost similar coefficients of determination (R²) superior to that of the Mitscherlich model. The R² values were 0.52, 0.59, 0.49 and 0.58 respectively for the KNN, RF, ANN,and GP, and 0.37 with the Mitscherlich model to predict marketable yield.The models were somewhat more efficient to predict medium-size tubers (R²= 0.60–0.69) and tuber specific gravity (R²= 0.58–0.67) than large-size tubers (R²= 0.55–0.64) and marketable yield. Disagreements appeared between models in site-specific response curves and optimal economic or agronomic N, P, and K doses prediction. However, GP models stood up as the most promising algorithm due to its built-in ability to develop smooth response surfaces and recommendations within a probabilistic risk-assessment framework

    Cultivar-specific nutritional status of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crops.

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    Gradients in the elemental composition of a potato leaf tissue (i.e. its ionome) can be linked to crop potential. Because the ionome is a function of genetics and environmental conditions, practitioners aim at fine-tuning fertilization to obtain an optimal ionome based on the needs of potato cultivars. Our objective was to assess the validity of cultivar grouping and predict potato tuber yields using foliar ionomes. The dataset comprised 3382 observations in Québec (Canada) from 1970 to 2017. The first mature leaves from top were sampled at the beginning of flowering for total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg analysis. We preprocessed nutrient concentrations (ionomes) by centering each nutrient to the geometric mean of all nutrients and to a filling value, a transformation known as row-centered log ratios (clr). A density-based clustering algorithm (dbscan) on these preprocessed ionomes failed to delineate groups of high-yield cultivars. We also used the preprocessed ionomes to assess their effects on tuber yield classes (high- and low-yields) on a cultivar basis using k-nearest neighbors, random forest and support vector machines classification algorithms. Our machine learning models returned an average accuracy of 70%, a fair diagnostic potential to detect in-season nutrient imbalance of potato cultivars using clr variables considering potential confounding factors. Optimal ionomic regions of new cultivars could be assigned to the one of the closest documented cultivar

    Site-specific machine learning predictive fertilization models for potato crops in Eastern Canada.

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    Statistical modeling is commonly used to relate the performance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to fertilizer requirements. Prescribing optimal nutrient doses is challenging because of the involvement of many variables including weather, soils, land management, genotypes, and severity of pests and diseases. Where sufficient data are available, machine learning algorithms can be used to predict crop performance. The objective of this study was to determine an optimal model predicting nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium requirements for high tuber yield and quality (size and specific gravity) as impacted by weather, soils and land management variables. We exploited a data set of 273 field experiments conducted from 1979 to 2017 in Quebec (Canada). We developed, evaluated and compared predictions from a hierarchical Mitscherlich model, k-nearest neighbors, random forest, neural networks and Gaussian processes. Machine learning models returned R2 values of 0.49-0.59 for tuber marketable yield prediction, which were higher than the Mitscherlich model R2 (0.37). The models were more likely to predict medium-size tubers (R2 = 0.60-0.69) and tuber specific gravity (R2 = 0.58-0.67) than large-size tubers (R2 = 0.55-0.64) and marketable yield. Response surfaces from the Mitscherlich model, neural networks and Gaussian processes returned smooth responses that agreed more with actual evidence than discontinuous curves derived from k-nearest neighbors and random forest models. When conditioned to obtain optimal dosages from dose-response surfaces given constant weather, soil and land management conditions, some disagreements occurred between models. Due to their built-in ability to develop recommendations within a probabilistic risk-assessment framework, Gaussian processes stood out as the most promising algorithm to support decisions that minimize economic or agronomic risks

    Site-Specific Multilevel Modeling of Potato Response to Nitrogen Fertilization

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    Technologies of precision agriculture, digital soil maps, and meteorological stations provide a minimum data set to guide precision farming operations. However, determining optimal nutrient requirements for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crops at subfield scale remains a challenge given specific climatic, edaphic, and managerial conditions. Multilevel modeling can generalize yield response to fertilizer additions using data easily accessible to growers. Our objective was to elaborate a multilevel N fertilizer response model for potato crops using the Mitscherlich equation and a core data set of 93 N fertilizer trials conducted in Québec, Canada. Daily climatic data were collected at 10 × 10 km resolution. Soils were characterized by organic matter content, pH, and texture in the arable layer, and by texture and tools of pedometrics across a gleization-podzolization continuum in subsoil layers. There were five categories of preceding crops and five cultivar maturity orders. The three Mitscherlich parameters (Asymptote, Rate, and Environment) were most often site-specific. Sensitivity analysis showed that optimum N dosage increased with non-leguminous high-residue preceding crops, coarser soils, podzolization, drier climatic condition, and late cultivar maturity. The inferential model could guide site-specific N fertilization using an accessible minimum data set to support fertilization decisions. As decision-support system, the model could also provide a range of optimum N doses across a large spectrum of site-specific conditions including climate change


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    <h2><strong>RESUME</strong></h2><p> </p><p><strong>Contexte</strong> : La culture du luffa (<i>Luffa cylindrica</i>) est pratiquĂ©e dans la rĂ©gion Nord de la CĂ´te d'Ivoire, selon des systèmes extensifs. La production est entravĂ©e par la faible fertilitĂ© des sols et le manque, voire la faible utilisation, de fertilisants. <strong>Objectif : </strong>L'objectif de la recherche Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l'impact du biochar issu de rĂ©sidus d'anacarde sur la productivitĂ© de la culture en vue d'une valorisation de cette bio-ressource. <strong>MĂ©thodes</strong> : Quatre traitements ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s dans un dispositif en bloc de Fisher avec trois rĂ©pĂ©titions : 1) tĂ©moin sans fertilisant, 2) biochar de rĂ©sidus d'anacarde, 3) dose normale d'engrais minĂ©ral (NPK, urĂ©e) et 4) biochar + demi-dose d'engrais minĂ©ral. Les variables mesurĂ©es incluaient la hauteur des plants, le nombre de fruits par plant, le poids des fruits par plant et le rendement. <strong>RĂ©sultats</strong> : Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un effet inhibiteur du biochar sur la croissance et le rendement du luffa. L'application de doses modĂ©rĂ©es d'engrais minĂ©ral en combinaison avec le biochar s'est avĂ©rĂ©e bĂ©nĂ©fique pour accroĂ®tre le rendement de la culture. Les rendements obtenus pour les diffĂ©rents traitements Ă©taient respectivement de 5,66 ± 0,98, 3,38 ± 0,66, 8,81 ± 0,45 et 9,20 ± 0,24 t/ha pour les traitements tĂ©moin, biochar, engrais minĂ©ral et biochar + engrais minĂ©ral. <strong>Conclusion</strong> : L'application du biochar issu de rĂ©sidus d'anacarde par les agriculteurs, sans ajout minimal d'engrais, pourrait constituer un obstacle Ă  l'intensification durable des cultures. La rĂ©action des diffĂ©rentes cultures Ă  l'application du biochar mĂ©rite d'ĂŞtre Ă©valuĂ©e en vue d'une meilleure valorisation de ces bio-ressources en production agricole.</p><p><i><strong>Mots-clĂ©</strong>s :</i> <i>Luffa cylindrica, Biofertilisant, Anacardium occidentale, CĂ´te d'Ivoire</i>.</p><p> </p><h2><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></h2><p> </p><p><strong>Context</strong>: The cultivation of luffa (Luffa cylindrica) is practiced in the Northern region of CĂ´te d'Ivoire, using extensive farming systems. Production is hampered by low soil fertility and the absence or limited application of fertilizers. <strong>Objective</strong>: The research aimed to assess the impact of cashew residue-derived biochar on the productivity of luffa cultivation for the valorization of this bio-resource. <strong>Methods</strong>: Four treatments were compared in a Fisher block design with three repetitions: 1) control without fertilizer, 2) cashew residue-derived biochar, 3) normal dose of mineral fertilizer (NPK, urea), and 4) biochar + half-dose of mineral fertilizer. Measured variables included plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant, and yield. <strong>Results</strong>: The findings indicated an inhibitory effect of biochar on the growth and yield of luffa. The application of moderate doses of mineral fertilizer in combination with biochar proved beneficial in increasing crop yield. Yields obtained for different treatments were 5.66 ± 0.98, 3.38 ± 0.66, 8.81 ± 0.45, and 9.20 ± 0.24 t/ha, respectively, for control, biochar, mineral fertilizer, and biochar + mineral fertilizer treatments. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The application of cashew residue-derived biochar by farmers without minimal addition of fertilizer could pose a challenge to the sustainable intensification of crops. The response of different crops to biochar application deserves evaluation for a better utilization of these bio-resources in agricultural production.</p><p><i><strong>Keywords: </strong>Luffa cylindrica, Biofertilizer, Anacardium occidentale, CĂ´te d'Ivoire.</i></p><p> </p&gt

    Site-specific machine learning predictive fertilization models for potato crops in Eastern Canada

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