14 research outputs found

    Years during the period of the study (1993 to 1996, 1998 to 2010) categorized as El Niño, La Niña, or non-ENSO years based on average Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) values for the winter time period, December to March.

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    <p>ONI values >0.5 represent El Niño conditions, ONI values <−0.5 represent La Niña conditions, and values >−0.5 and <0.5 are categorized as non-ENSO years.</p><p>The number of each species captured in a given year is indicated, followed in parenthesis by the sample size for only fall out days. See text for full bird names.</p><p>*Data excluded from analysis for energetic condition because less than 3 birds captured under fall out conditions.</p

    NDVI values for species-specific over-winter ranges and ENSO events.

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    <p>Comparison among El Niño (♦), La Niña (Δ), and non-ENSO (▪) years of average Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values (± SE) for each species' over-winter range between the time period of 15 February to 31 March, a critical time period during the nonbreeding season during which migrants prepare for migration. Average NDVI values between El Niño and La Niña years was significantly different for species over-wintering in (A) South America (El Niño:  = 0.53±0.01, La Niña:  = 0.56±0.01), while average NDVI values during non-ENSO years ( = 0.55±0.008) were consistent with La Niña years. Species over-wintering in (B) Caribbean-Central America did not differ in average NDVI values between El Niño and La Niña years (El Niño:  = 0.56±0.008, La Niña:  = 0.57±0.009), but both El Niño and La Niña years differed from non-ENSO years ( = 0.58±0.007).</p

    Arrival date and ENSO events.

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    <p>Comparison of median arrival date of stopover migrant species that over-wintered in (A) South and (B) Caribbean-Central America during El Niño, La Niña, and non-ENSO years. Error bars represent ± SE and dashed lines represent average values for each region (South America: El Niño:  = 116±1.64, La Niña:  = 118±0.92, non-ENSO:  = 113.90±1.41; Caribbean-Central America: El Niño:  = 110.54±1.34, La Niña:  = 110.55±1.66, non-ENSO:  = 108.7±0.99). Range of median arrival dates, April 1  =  Day 91 to May 25  =  Day 125. There was not a significant difference between El Niño and La Niña years in median arrival date for either region.</p

    Migratory Energetic condition and ENSO events.

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    <p>Comparison of the average energetic condition of stopover migrant species that over-wintered in (A) South and (B) Caribbean-Central America during El Niño, La Niña, and non-ENSO years. Error bars represent ± SE and dashed lines represent average values for each region (South America: El Niño:  = 1.52±0.29, La Niña:  = 2.49±0.32, non-ENSO:  = 2.36±0.29; Caribbean-Central America: El Niño:  = 1.12±0.26, La Niña:  = 1.65±0.32, non-ENSO:  = 1.63±0.24). There were significant differences between El Niño and La Niña years in the average energetic condition for species over-wintering in South America, and average energetic condition during non-ENSO years were consistent with La Niña years. Energetic condition did not differ between El Niño, La Niña, and non-ENSO years for species over-wintering in Caribbean-Central America region.</p

    Capture rate and ENSO events.

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    <p>Comparison of average capture rate of stopover migrant species that over-wintered in (A) South and (B) Caribbean-Central America during El Niño, La Niña, and non-ENSO years. Error bars represent ± SE and dashed lines represent average values for each region (South America: El Niño:  = 1.44±0.29, La Niña:  = 0.81±0.14, non-ENSO:  = 0.97±0.19; Caribbean-Central America: El Niño:  = 1.64±0.30, La Niña:  = 1.29±0.17, non-ENSO:  = 1.08±0.13). There were significant differences between El Niño and La Niña years in the average capture rate for species over-wintering in South America, and average capture rate during non-ENSO years were consistent with La Nina years. Capture rates did not differ between El Niño and La Niña years for species over-wintering in Caribbean-Central America region. However, there was a significant difference in capture rates between non-ENSO and El Niño years, primarily driven by an outlier (2010 Indigo Bunting capture rate). The pattern was no longer significant when the outlier was removed (Caribbean-Central America: El Niño:  = 1.37±0.13 with outlier removed).</p

    Effect of carbon source and light on <i>vel1</i> transcript levels in <i>T. reesei</i>.

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    <p>Transcript levels of <i>vel1</i> during growth on glucose, glycerol and lactose in <i>T. reesei</i> QM 9414 in the presence of ambient light (white bars) and darkness (full bars). Transcript levels are given in arbitrary units, which were calculated by normalizing the <i>vel1/tef1</i> ratio to that on glucose (12 h, ambient light). Data are means of at least 3 biological replicas. The asterisk indicates the time point where the cultures started to sporulate (this time point was the same in light and darkness).</p

    Impact of <i>vel1</i> deletion or overexpression on growth and cellulase formation by <i>T. reesei</i> on lactose.

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    <p>Cellulase formation by <i>T. reesei</i> QM 9414, a Δ<i>vel1</i> mutant and a <i>vel1OE</i> strain during growth on lactose. Only one strain is shown, but other strains with the same genotype gave consistent data. Data shown are means of at least two independent experiments and three measurements. Blue line and empty blue circles: lactose concentration; dark red dotted line and empty triangles: cellulase activity; bright red dashed line and full red triangles, extracellular protein concentration; black dashed line and black squares, fungal biomass concentration.</p

    VEL1 is required for <i>T. reesei</i> development.

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    <p>(A) Effect of <i>vel1</i> on asexual development of <i>T. reesei</i>. Formation of conidia in the presence of ambient light (empty bars) and darkness (full bars) by <i>T. reesei</i> QM 9414 (1), in two <i>vel1OE</i> (2,3) and three <i>Δvel1</i> strains (4–6). Data are means of at least three independent biological experiments, and only results with p<0.05 are shown. (B) Phenotype of the parent strain and two <i>Δvel1</i> strains (RKA14 and RKA17; see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0112799#pone-0112799-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>) after 5 days of growth on PDA. (C) absence of fruiting body formation between <i>Δvel1</i> (top) and the compatible mating partner strain CBS 999.79 (bottom) in the presence of ambient light,L, and darkness, D. (D) control plate between QM 9414 (left) and CBS 999.79 (right) in the presence of ambient light. Note that fruiting in the wild-type does not occur in darkness <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0112799#pone.0112799-Seiboth3" target="_blank">[35]</a>, and thus no such plate is shown. (E) Fruiting body formation between <i>vel1OE</i> (bottom) and CBS 999.79 (top) under ambient light (L) or darkness (D). One of at least three replicate experiments is shown. The insert represents a magnification of the boxed part, highlighting the primordia.</p