2 research outputs found

    A New Paradigm for Identifying Reconciliation-Scenario Altering Mutations Conferring Environmental Adaptation

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    An important goal in microbial computational genomics is to identify crucial events in the evolution of a gene that severely alter the duplication, loss and mobilization patterns of the gene within the genomes in which it disseminates. In this paper, we formalize this microbiological goal as a new pattern-matching problem in the domain of Gene tree and Species tree reconciliation, denoted "Reconciliation-Scenario Altering Mutation (RSAM) Discovery". We propose an O(m * n * k) time algorithm to solve this new problem, where m and n are the number of vertices of the input Gene tree and Species tree, respectively, and k is a user-specified parameter that bounds from above the number of optimal solutions of interest. The algorithm first constructs a hypergraph representing the k highest scoring reconciliation scenarios between the given Gene tree and Species tree, and then interrogates this hypergraph for subtrees matching a pre-specified RSAM Pattern. Our algorithm is optimal in the sense that the number of hypernodes in the hypergraph can be lower bounded by Omega(m * n * k). We implement the new algorithm as a tool, denoted RSAM-finder, and demonstrate its application to the identification of RSAMs in toxins and drug resistance elements across a dataset spanning hundreds of species

    Proof of concept for real-time detection of SARS CoV-2 infection with an electronic nose.

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    Rapid diagnosis is key to curtailing the Covid-19 pandemic. One path to such rapid diagnosis may rely on identifying volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by the infected body, or in other words, identifying the smell of the infection. Consistent with this rationale, dogs can use their nose to identify Covid-19 patients. Given the scale of the pandemic, however, animal deployment is a challenging solution. In contrast, electronic noses (eNoses) are machines aimed at mimicking animal olfaction, and these can be deployed at scale. To test the hypothesis that SARS CoV-2 infection is associated with a body-odor detectable by an eNose, we placed a generic eNose in-line at a drive-through testing station. We applied a deep learning classifier to the eNose measurements, and achieved real-time detection of SARS CoV-2 infection at a level significantly better than chance, for both symptomatic and non-symptomatic participants. This proof of concept with a generic eNose implies that an optimized eNose may allow effective real-time diagnosis, which would provide for extensive relief in the Covid-19 pandemic