6 research outputs found


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEn esta era marcada por el auge de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la que las innovaciones se multiplican conforme se aceleran los cambios en la sociedad, y no pudiendo la educación quedarse al margen, ampliándose las funciones de los profesores, debiendo enfrentarse a nuevos problemas y obligaciones bajo la presión de una sociedad cada vez más insatisfecha con los resultados de su sistema educativo; las reformas educativas exigen un cambio en el quehacer diario del profesor, que debe adoptar roles de facilitador frente al de mero instructor, así como adquirir nuevos conocimientos que le posibiliten esta actuación. Se resumen algunos de los principales aspectos desarrollados e investigados en la tesis doctoral dedicada al estudio de las actitudes del profesorado hacia la informática en los centros de Primaria con Proyecto Atenea de la Región de Murcia.ES

    Additional file 8: Figure S6. of The theoretical and empirical basis of a BioPsychoSocial (BPS) risk screener for detection of older people’s health related needs, planning of community programs, and targeted care interventions

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    Summary of multivariate associations by outcomes of interest. Summary of results based on study participants. Data was collected during August to October 2014, using non-randomized convenience sampling, and listings of addresses of participants of 60 years of age and older. (DOCX 2475 kb

    Additional file 6: Figure S5a-d. of The theoretical and empirical basis of a BioPsychoSocial (BPS) risk screener for detection of older people’s health related needs, planning of community programs, and targeted care interventions

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    Managing scores by outcomes of interest, n = 1325 study participants over 60 years of age. Data was collected during August to October 2014, using non-randomized convenience sampling, and listings of addresses of participants of 60 years of age and older. (DOCX 2557 kb

    Additional file 5: Figure S4. of The theoretical and empirical basis of a BioPsychoSocial (BPS) risk screener for detection of older people’s health related needs, planning of community programs, and targeted care interventions

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    Distribution of managing scores, n = 1325 study participants over 60 years of age. Data was collected during August to October 2014, using non-randomized convenience sampling, and listings of addresses of participants of 60 years of age and older. (DOCX 57 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S1. of The theoretical and empirical basis of a BioPsychoSocial (BPS) risk screener for detection of older people’s health related needs, planning of community programs, and targeted care interventions

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    Whampoa survey respondents compared to Singapore resident population a, for over 60 years, in absolute numbers and (%).Compared the Whampoa data collected during August to October 2014, using non-randomized convenience sampling (n = 1325, 60 years of age and older) to Singapore census data (60 years of age and older). Data derived from: Census data, The Yearbook of Statistics Singapore, 2015; and Population trends, 2015. Department of Statistics Singapore. (DOCX 76 kb