26 research outputs found

    Semi-classical black holes with large N re-scaling and information loss problem

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    We consider semi-classical black holes and related re-scalings with N massless fields. For a given semi-classical solution of an N = 1 universe, we can find other solution of a large N universe by the re-scaling. After the re-scaling, any curvature quantity takes a sufficiently small value without changing its causal structure. Via the re-scaling, we argue that black hole complementarity for semi-classical black holes cannot provide a fundamental resolution of the information loss problem, and the violation of black hole complementarity requires sufficiently reasonable amounts of N. Such N might be realized from some string inspired models. Finally, we claim that any fundamental resolution of the information loss problem should resolve the problem of the singularity.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Small-scale Effects of Thermal Inflation on Halo Abundance at High-zz, Galaxy Substructure Abundance and 21-cm Power Spectrum

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    We study the impact of thermal inflation on the formation of cosmological structures and present astrophysical observables which can be used to constrain and possibly probe the thermal inflation scenario. These are dark matter halo abundance at high redshifts, satellite galaxy abundance in the Milky Way, and fluctuation in the 21-cm radiation background before the epoch of reionization. The thermal inflation scenario leaves a characteristic signature on the matter power spectrum by boosting the amplitude at a specific wavenumber determined by the number of e-foldings during thermal inflation (NbcN_{\rm bc}), and strongly suppressing the amplitude for modes at smaller scales. For a reasonable range of parameter space, one of the consequences is the suppression of minihalo formation at high redshifts and that of satellite galaxies in the Milky Way. While this effect is substantial, it is degenerate with other cosmological or astrophysical effects. The power spectrum of the 21-cm background probes this impact more directly, and its observation may be the best way to constrain the thermal inflation scenario due to the characteristic signature in the power spectrum. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) in phase 1 (SKA1) has sensitivity large enough to achieve this goal for models with Nbc26N_{\rm bc}\gtrsim 26 if a 10000-hr observation is performed. The final phase SKA, with anticipated sensitivity about an order of magnitude higher, seems more promising and will cover a wider parameter space.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Critical Reviews of Causal Patch Measure over the Multiverse

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    In this talk, the causal patch measure based on black hole complementarity is critically reviewed. By noticing the similarities between the causal structure of an inflationary dS space and that of a black hole, we have considered the complementarity principle between the inside and the outside of the causal horizon as an attractive way to count the inflationary multiverse. Even though the causal patch measure relieves the Boltzmann brain problem and stresses physical reality based on observations, it could be challenged by the construction of counterexamples, both on regular black holes and charged black holes, to black hole complementarity.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; A proceeding for CosPA2008. Talk on the 29th of October, 2008, Pohang, Kore

    How can we erase states inside a black hole?

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    We investigate an entangled system, which is analogous to a composite system of a black hole and Hawking radiation. If Hawking radiation is well approximated by an outgoing particle generated from pair creation around the black hole, such a pair creation increases the total number of states. There should be a unitary mechanism to reduce the number of states inside the horizon for black hole evaporation. Because the infalling antiparticle has negative energy, as long as the infalling antiparticle finds its partner such that the two particles form a separable state, one can trace out such a zero energy system by maintaining unitarity. In this paper, based on some toy model calculations, we show that such a unitary tracing-out process is only possible before the Page time while it is impossible after the Page time. Hence, after the Page time, if we assume that the process is unitary and the Hawking pair forms a separable state, the internal number of states will monotonically increase, which is supported by the Almheiri-Marolf-Polchinski-Sully (AMPS) argument. In addition, the Hawking particles cannot generate randomness of the entire system; hence, the entanglement entropy cannot reach its maximum. Based on these results, we modify the correct form of the Page curve for the remnant picture. The most important conclusion is this: if we assume unitarity, semi-classical quantum field theory, and general relativity, then the black hole should violate the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy bound around the Page time at the latest; hence, the infinite production arguments for remnants might be applied for semi-classical black holes, which seems very problematic.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    CMB Spectral Distortion Constraints on Thermal Inflation

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    Thermal inflation is a second epoch of exponential expansion at typical energy scales V1/41068GeVV^{1/4} \sim 10^{6 \sim 8} \mathrm{GeV}. If the usual primordial inflation is followed by thermal inflation, the primordial power spectrum is only modestly redshifted on large scales, but strongly suppressed on scales smaller than the horizon size at the beginning of thermal inflation, k>kb=abHbk > k_{\rm b} = a_{\rm b} H_{\rm b}. We calculate the spectral distortion of the cosmic microwave background generated by the dissipation of acoustic waves in this context. For kb103Mpc1k_{\rm b} \ll 10^3 \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}, thermal inflation results in a large suppression of the μ\mu-distortion amplitude, predicting that it falls well below the standard value of μ2×108\mu \simeq 2\times 10^{-8}. Thus, future spectral distortion experiments, similar to PIXIE, can place new limits on the thermal inflation scenario, constraining kb103Mpc1k_{\rm b} \gtrsim 10^3 \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1} if μ2×108\mu \simeq 2\times 10^{-8} were found.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Modeling Cosmological Perturbations of Thermal Inflation

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    We consider a simple system consisting of matter, radiation and vacuum components to model the impact of thermal inflation on the evolution of primordial perturbations. The vacuum energy magnifies the modes entering the horizon before its domination, making them potentially observable, and the resulting transfer function reflects the phase changes and energy contents. To determine the transfer function, we follow the curvature perturbation from well outside the horizon during radiation domination to well outside the horizon during vacuum domination and evaluate it on a constant radiation density hypersurface, as is appropriate for the case of thermal inflation. The shape of the transfer function is determined by the ratio of vacuum energy to radiation at matter-radiation equality, which we denote by υ\upsilon, and has two characteristic scales, kak_{\rm a} and kbk_{\rm b}, corresponding to the horizon sizes at matter radiation equality and the beginning of the inflation, respectively. If υ1\upsilon \ll 1, the universe experiences radiation, matter and vacuum domination eras and the transfer function is flat for kkbk \ll k_{\rm b}, oscillates with amplitude 1/51/5 for kbkka k_{\rm b} \ll k \ll k_{\rm a} and oscillates with amplitude 11 for kkak \gg k_{\rm a}. For υ1\upsilon \gg 1, the matter domination era disappears, and the transfer function reduces to being flat for kkbk \ll k_{\rm b} and oscillating with amplitude 11 for kkbk \gg k_{\rm b}.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JCA

    Anthropic Likelihood for the Cosmological Constant and the Primordial Density Perturbation Amplitude

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    Weinberg et al. calculated the anthropic likelihood of the cosmological constant using a model assuming that the number of observers is proportional to the total mass of gravitationally collapsed objects, with mass greater than a certain threshold, at t \rightarrow \infty. We argue that Weinberg's model is biased toward small \Lambda, and to try to avoid this bias we modify his model in a way that the number of observers is proportional to the number of collapsed objects, with mass and time equal to certain preferred mass and time scales. Compared to Weinberg's model, this model gives a lower anthropic likelihood of \Lambda_0 (T_+(\Lambda_0) ~ 5%). On the other hand, the anthropic likelihood of the primordial density perturbation amplitude from this model is high, while the likelihood from Weinberg's model is low. Furthermore, observers will be affected by the history of the collapsed object, and we introduce a method to calculate the anthropic likelihoods of \Lambda and Q from the mass history using the extended Press-Schechter formalism. The anthropic likelihoods for Λ\Lambda and Q from this method are similar to those from our single mass constraint model, but, unlike models using the single mass constraint which always have degeneracies between \Lambda and Q, the results from models using the mass history are robust even if we allow both \Lambda and Q to vary. In the case of Weinberg's flat prior distribution of \Lambda (pocket based multiverse measure), our mass history model gives T_+(\Lambda_0) ~ 10%, while the scale factor cutoff measure and the causal patch measure give T_+(\Lambda_0) \geq 30%.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Before the Page time: maximum entanglements or the return of the monster?

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    The entropy of Hawking radiation is approximately equal to the maximum of entanglement entropy if a black hole is in a state before the Page time, i.e., when the entropy of Hawking radiation is smaller than the entropy of the black hole. However, if there exists a process generating smaller entanglements rather than maximal entanglements, the entropy of Hawking radiation will become smaller than the maximum of the entanglement entropy before the Page time. If this process accumulates, even though the probability is small, the emitted radiation can eventually be distinguished from the exactly thermal state. In this paper, we provide several interpretations of this phenomenon: (1) information of the collapsed matter is emitted before the Page time, (2) there exists a firewall or a non-local effect before the Page time, or (3) the statistical entropy is greater than the areal entropy; a monster is formed. Our conclusion will help resolve the information loss paradox by providing groundwork for further research.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure