4 research outputs found

    Ferramentas computacionais de apoio à gestão do consumo energético e emissões de processos industriais de pequenas e médias empresas no sector agroalimentar

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    Numa sociedade cada vez mais competitiva, e com uma conjuntura economia não favorável, é necessário que as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) se atualizem e possam com isso aumentar a sua eficiência. As empresas têm apostado cada vez mais em ferramentas computacionais para dar o suporte necessário para criação de cenários destinados a facilitar a tomada de decisão. As PMEs representam uma fatia importante do sector agroindustrial de Portugal e criar ferramentas computacionais para apoiar este nicho de mercado é necessário para aumentar a sua competitividade. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de duas ferramentas computacionais para o auxílio de PMEs na tomada de decisão e organização. Uma das ferramentas tem como objetivo facilitar a implementação e manutenção da filosofia de gestão 5’S. Esta ferramenta fornece uma indicação gráfica da evolução a implementação na agroindústria de condições associadas à higiene, saúde e segurança no trabalho. A outra ferramenta desenvolvida destina-se a apoiar a gestão de energia e tem como objetivo comparar as características do consumo energético da empresa com a média do setor agroindustrial onde se insere. A ferramenta poderá ser usada nos setores das carnes (matadouros ou presunto e enchidos), hortofrutícolas (centrais de frutas ou centrais de revenda), lácteos, peixes, vinho e distribuição. Os resultados fornecem uma indicação de quais as fontes de energia mais adequadas ecologicamente e/ou mais vantajosas financeiramente, por comparação do consumo específico com a média do setor. As ferramentas desenvolvidas nesta dissertação têm enfoque no setor agroindustrial com intuito de facilitar e implementar uma nova cultura de gestão empresarial, num setor tão importante a nível nacional, mas sobre o qual existe um longo caminho a percorrer na utilização de ferramentas computacionais que se posicionem para uma efetiva melhoria do desempenho das empresas.In an increasingly competitive society, and with unfavorable economic conditions, it is necessary for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to update themselves and thus increase their efficiency. Companies increasingly rely on computational tools to provide the support needed to create scenarios to help decision-making. SMEs represent a significant part of Portugal's agro-industrial sector and creating computational tools to support this niche market is necessary to increase its competitiveness. This dissertation has as main objective the development of two computational tools to help SMEs in decision-making and organization. One of the tools facilitates the implementation and maintenance of the 5'S management philosophy. This tool provides a graphical indication of the evolution of the implementation in the agroindustry company of conditions associated with occupational safety and health. The other tool developed supports the energy management and aims to compare the characteristics of the energy consumption of a company with the average of the agro-industrial sector where it operates. The tool can be used in the sectors of meat (slaughterhouses or ham and sausages), horticultural (fruit farms or resale centers), dairy, fish, wine and distribution. The results provide an indication of which energy sources are most environmentally and/or financially more advantageous by comparing the specific consumption with the industry average. The tools developed in this dissertation focus on the agroindustrial sector in order to facilitate and implement a new culture of business management, in a sector so important at national level, but on which there is a long way to go in the use of computational tools that position themselves for an effective improvement of the company’s performance

    Computational tool to foster systematic thinking and sustainable environmental conscience in the selection of energy sources systems in agrifood companies

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    The agrifood sector is mainly composed by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The large majority of these companies does not have the resources, either financial or human, to develop or use with tailored computational systems aimed to improve the organizational management of the company. There are undeniable advantages of the extended use of real-time software systems like Enterprise Resources Management (ERP) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) devoted to practices, strategies and technologies in the integrated management and interaction between all sectors of companies. However, these SMEs have limited resources to implement and use the abovementioned solutions, which in turns may reflect on the competitiveness. This paper describes an easy and expedite computational tool to help the decision-making concerning the selection of energy sources systems in agrifood companies. The tool provides an overview of types of energy sources used in specific agrifood sectors, as well as their major sources of pollution. Several scenarios (balance between energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions) are predicted to help decision-making on these topics. These scenarios results are compared with the average results of the specific agrifood sector. The results are also provided graphically to help an easy and expedite analysis. The use of this tool aims to foster systematic thinking and sustainable environmental conscience, promoting the energy efficiency and consequently improving the competitiveness by reducing one of today’s largest fixed costs of companies: energy consumption. Additionally, this tool also provides a prediction of the greenhouse gas emissions, to help a more sustainable and responsible commitment with the environment. The main goal of this tool is to provide the opportunity to perform individualized analysis of scenarios of energy-sources mix leading to the improvement of the performance of companies, and implementing a new thinking of continuous improvement, in order to increase competitiveness.+AGRO - Organizational qualification, energy and health and safety in the work of the agrifood industryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    5S computational tool adjusted to the systematic review of occupational health and safety procedures in agrifood industries

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    Numa sociedade cada vez mais competitiva e com um ambiente económico desfavorável, é necessário que as pequenas e médias empresas (PME) se atualizem para promover o aumento da sua eficiência. As empresas fazem uso cada vez mais frequente de ferramentas computacionais para apoiar a criação de cenários, a fim de facilitar a tomada de decisões. As PME representam uma parte importante do mercado nacional e, portanto, exigem esse tipo de ferramentas de suporte. A ferramenta computacional descrita neste artigo tem como objetivo facilitar e implementar uma nova cultura de gestão de negócios direcionada a PME agroalimentares, fazendo uso da filosofia 5'S ajustada à revisão sistemática de procedimentos e tarefas de higiene saúde e segurança no trabalho.In an increasingly competitive society, and with an unfavorable economic environment, it is necessary for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to update themselves in order to promote the increase of their efficiency. Companies have increasingly taken on computational tools to support scenario creation in order to facilitate decision-making. SMEs represent an important part of the national market and thus require these kind of tools as an asset. The computational tool described in this paper aims to facilitate and implement a new culture of business management directed to agrifood SME, making use of the 5’S philosophy adjusted to the systematic review of occupational health and safety procedures and tasks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computational tool to support decision-making in the management of energy sources used in agrifood industries

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    Numa sociedade cada vez mais competitiva e com um ambiente económico desfavorável, é necessário que as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME) se atualizem, aumentando assim a sua eficiência. As empresas utilizam cada vez mais ferramentas computacionais para apoiar o desenvolvimento de cenários preditivos para facilitar a tomada de decisões. No entanto, as ferramentas desenvolvidas para as PME nem sempre são expeditas e simples de usar. A ferramenta apresentada neste artigo pretende apoiar a gestão das fontes de energia utilizadas pelas empresas agroindustriais. A ferramenta tem como objetivo facilitar e promover a implementação de uma nova cultura de gestão empresarial neste setor tão importante a nível nacional. A ferramenta computacional é direcionada para apoiar a tomada de decisões sobre a seleção de fontes de energia fósseis ou renováveis a serem utilizadas numa agroindústria em particular, apresentando os valores médios do consumo de energia, o seu custo e as emissões de dióxido de carbono associadas a cada fonte de energia selecionada.In an increasingly competitive society with an unfavorable economic environment, it is necessary for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to update themselves, thereby increasing their efficiency. Companies increasingly use computational tools to support the development of predictive scenarios in order to facilitate decision making. However, the tools developed for SMEs are not always expedite and simple to use. The tool presented in this article intends to support the management of energy sources used by agro-industrial companies. It aims to facilitate and promote the implementation of a new culture of business management, in this sector so important at national level The computational is directed to support the decisionmaking on the selection of fossil or renewable energy sources to be used in a particular agroindustry, by presenting the average values of the energy consumption, cost and emissions associated with each selected energy source.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio