15 research outputs found

    A room temperature CO2_2 line list with ab initio computed intensities

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    Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are being closely monitored by remote sensing experiments which rely on knowing line intensities with an uncertainty of 0.5% or better. We report a theoretical study providing rotation-vibration line intensities substantially within the required accuracy based on the use of a highly accurate {\it ab initio} dipole moment surface (DMS). The theoretical model developed is used to compute CO2_2 intensities with uncertainty estimates informed by cross comparing line lists calculated using pairs of potential energy surfaces (PES) and DMS's of similar high quality. This yields lines sensitivities which are utilized in reliability analysis of our results. The final outcome is compared to recent accurate measurements as well as the HITRAN2012 database. Transition frequencies are obtained from effective Hamiltonian calculations to produce a comprehensive line list covering all 12^{12}C16^{16}O2_2 transitions below 8000 cm1^{-1} and stronger than 1030^{-30} cm / molecule at T=296T=296~

    The W2020 Database of Validated Rovibrational Experimental Transitions and Empirical Energy Levels of Water Isotopologues. II. H<sub>2</sub><sup>17</sup>O and H<sub>2</sub><sup>18</sup>O with an Update to H<sub>2</sub><sup>16</sup>O

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    The W2020 database of validated experimental transitions and accurate empirical energy levels of water isotopologues, introduced in the work of Furtenbacher et al. [J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 49, 033101 (2020)], is updated for H216O and newly populated with data for H217O and H218O. The H217O/H218O spectroscopic data utilized in this study are collected from 65/87 sources, with the sources arranged into 76/99 segments, and the data in these segments yield 27 045/66 166 (mostly measured) rovibrational transitions and 5278/6865 empirical energy levels with appropriate uncertainties. Treatment and validation of the collated transitions of H216O, H217O, and H218O utilized the latest, XML-based version of the MARVEL (Measured Active Rotational-Vibrational Energy Levels) protocol and code, called xMARVEL. The empirical rovibrational energy levels of H217O and H218O form a complete set through 3204 cm-1 and 4031 cm-1, respectively. Vibrational band origins are reported for 37 and 52 states of H217O and H218O, respectively. The spectroscopic data of this study extend and improve the data collated by an International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Task Group in 2010 [J. Tennyson et al., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 110, 2160 (2010)] as well as those reported in the HITRAN2016 information system. Following a minor but significant update to the W2020-H216O dataset, the joint analysis of the rovibrational levels for the series H216O, H217O, and H218O facilitated development of a consistent set of labels among these three water isotopologues and the provision of accurate predictions of yet to be observed energy levels for the minor isotopologues using the combination of xMARVEL results and accurate variational nuclear-motion calculations. To this end, 9925/8409 pseudo-experimental levels have been derived for H217O/H218O, significantly improving the coverage of accurate lines for these two minor water isotopologues up to the visible region. The W2020 database now contains almost all of the transitions, apart from those of HD16O, required for a successful spectroscopic modeling of atmospheric water vapor

    ExoMol line lists – L: high-resolution line lists of H3+, H2D+, D2H+, and D3+

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    New MiZo line lists are presented for the D2H+ and D3+_3^+ isotopologues of H3+_3^+. These line lists plus the existing H3+_3^+ MiZATeP and the Sochi H2D+ line lists are updated using empirical energy levels generated using the MARVEL procedure for H3+_3^+, H2D+ and D2H+, and effective Hamiltonian energies for D3+_3^+ for which there is significantly less laboratory data available. These updates allow accurate frequencies for far infrared lines for these species to be predicted. Assignments of the energy levels of H3+_3^+ and D3+_3^+ are extended using a combination of high accuracy variational calculations and analysis of transition intensities. All line lists are made available via www.exomol.com

    Measurement and calculation of CO (7-0) overtone line intensities

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    Intensities of 14 lines in the sixth overtone (7-0) band of carbon monoxide (12C16O) are measured in the visible range between 14 300 and 14 500 cm-1 using a frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectrometer. This is the first observation of such a high and weak overtone spectrum of the CO molecule. A theoretical model is constructed and tested based on the use of a high accuracy ab initio dipole moment curve and a semi-empirical potential energy curve. Accurate studies of high overtone transitions provide a challenge to both experiment and theory as the lines are very weak: below 2 × 10-29 cm molecule-1 at 296 K. Agreement between theory and experiment within the experimental uncertainty of a few percent is obtained. However, this agreement is only achieved after issues with the stability of the Davidson correction to the multi-reference configuration interaction calculations are addressed

    Subpromille Measurements and Calculations of CO (3–0) Overtone Line Intensities

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    Intensities of lines in the near-infrared second overtone band (3–0) of {12}^C{16}^O are measured and calculated to an unprecedented degree of precision and accuracy. Agreement between theory and experiment to better than 1‰ is demonstrated by results from two laboratories involving two independent absorption- and dispersion-based cavity-enhanced techniques. Similarly, independent Fourier transform spectroscopy measurements of stronger lines in this band yield mutual agreement and consistency with theory at the 1‰ level. This set of highly accurate intensities can provide an intrinsic reference for reducing biases in future measurements of spectroscopic peak areas

    A global line list for HDO between 0 and 35000 cm−1 constructed using multiphoton spectra

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    Multiphoton spectroscopy of monodeuterated water is employed to determine more than 210 new energy levels of HDO in the 25000–35000 cm−1 region. These new empirical energy levels are used to fit a potential energy surface (PES) valid between 20000 cm−1 and 35000 cm−1 . Using this PES and an accurate lower energy PES as starting points, an energy-switching surface is constructed which is capable of reproducing the whole HDO spectrum from 0 to 35000 cm−1 . This PES is used to calculate a line list for HDO which covers infra red, visible and near ultraviolet transitions

    Accurate bond dissociation energy of water determined by triple-resonance vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

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    Triple-resonance vibrational spectroscopy is used to determine the lowest dissociation energy, D0, for the water isotopologue HD16O as 41 239.7 ± 0.2 cm−1 and to improve D0 for H216O to 41 145.92 ± 0.12 cm−1. Ab initio calculations including systematic basis set and electron correlation convergence studies, relativistic and Lamb shift effects as well as corrections beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, agree with the measured values to 1 and 2 cm−1 respectively. The improved treatment of high-order correlation terms is key to this high theoretical accuracy. Predicted values for D0 for the other five major water isotopologues are expected to be correct within 1 cm−1

    State-selective spectroscopy of water up to its first dissociation limit

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    A joint experimental and first-principles quantum chemical study of the vibration-rotation states of the water molecule up to its first dissociation limit is presented. Triple-resonance, quantum state selective spectroscopy is used to probe the entire ladder of water’s stretching vibrations up to 19 quanta of OH stretch, the last stretching state below dissociation. A new ground state potential energy surface of water is calculated using a large basis set and an all-electron, multireference configuration interaction procedure which is augmented by relativistic corrections and fitted to a flexible functional form appropriate for a dissociating system. Variational nuclear motion calculations on this surface are used to give vibrational assignments. A total of 44 new vibrational states and 366 rotation-vibration energy levels are characterized; these span the region from 35 508 to 41 126 cm-1 above the vibrational ground state