5 research outputs found

    The development and initial feasibility testing of D-HOMES: a behavioral activation-based intervention for diabetes medication adherence and psychological wellness among people experiencing homelessness

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    IntroductionCompared to stably housed peers, people experiencing homelessness (PEH) have lower rates of ideal glycemic control, and experience premature morbidity and mortality. High rates of behavioral health comorbidities and trauma add to access barriers driving poor outcomes. Limited evidence guides behavioral approaches to support the needs of PEH with diabetes. Lay coaching models can improve care for low-resource populations with diabetes, yet we found no evidence of programs specifically tailored to the needs of PEH.MethodsWe used a multistep, iterative process following the ORBIT model to develop the Diabetes Homeless Medication Support (D-HOMES) program, a new lifestyle intervention for PEH with type 2 diabetes. We built a community-engaged research team who participated in all of the following steps of treatment development: (1) initial treatment conceptualization drawing from evidence-based programs, (2) qualitative interviews with affected people and multi-disciplinary housing and healthcare providers, and (3) an open trial of D-HOMES to evaluate acceptability (Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, exit interview) and treatment engagement (completion rate of up to 10 offered coaching sessions).ResultsIn step (1), the D-HOMES treatment manual drew from existing behavioral activation and lay health coach programs for diabetes as well as clinical resources from Health Care for the Homeless. Step (2) qualitative interviews (n = 26 patients, n = 21 providers) shaped counseling approaches, language and choices regarding interventionists, tools, and resources. PTSD symptoms were reported in 69% of patients. Step (3) trial participants (N = 10) overall found the program acceptable, however, we saw better program satisfaction and treatment engagement among more stably housed people. We developed adapted treatment materials for the target population and refined recruitment/retention strategies and trial procedures sensitive to prevalent discrimination and racism to better retain people of color and those with less stable housing.DiscussionThe research team has used these findings to inform an NIH-funded randomized control pilot trial. We found synergy between community-engaged research and the ORBIT model of behavioral treatment development to develop a new intervention designed for PEH with type 2 diabetes and address health equity gaps in people who have experienced trauma. We conclude that more work and different approaches are needed to address the needs of participants with the least stable housing

    Support Networks Of Single Puerto Rican Mothers Of Children With Disabilities

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    The social support networks of 25 Puerto Rican single mothers of young children with disabilities were examined and compared with current models of family support for children with disabilities. This study was designed to assess the support systems of Latino single mothers in light of dominant models of family support. The Family Support Scale, the ECOMAP, and responses to open-ended questions were employed to describe the characteristics of Puerto Rican single mothers\u27 support systems. Study findings suggest that members of the children\u27s immediate and extended kinship system, including non-blood relatives (e. g., madrinas), play a strong role in the support network of the mothers interviewed. Implications for early childhood professionals who work with Latino parents of children with disabilities are examined. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    The Critical Value of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) to Graduate Training in Public Health: A Framework to Guide Education, Research and Practice.

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    IntroductionIn light of persistent health inequities, this commentary describes the critical role of maternal and child health (MCH) graduate training in schools and programs of public health (SPPH) and illustrates linkages between key components of MCH pedagogy and practice to 2021 CEPH competencies.MethodsIn 2018, a small working group of faculty from the HRSA/MCHB-funded Centers of Excellence (COEs) was convened to define the unique contributions of MCH to SPPH and to develop a framework using an iterative and consensus-driven process. The working group met 5 times and feedback was integrated from the broader faculty across the 13 COEs. The framework was further revised based on input from the MCHB/HRSA-funded MCH Public Health Catalyst Programs and was presented to senior MCHB leaders in October 2019.ResultsWe developed a framework that underscores the critical value of MCH to graduate training in public health and the alignment of core MCH training components with CEPH competencies, which are required of all SPPH for accreditation. This framework illustrates MCH contributions in education, research and evaluation, and practice, and underscores their collective foundation in the life course approach.ConclusionsThis new framework aims to enhance training for the next generation of public health leaders. It is intended to guide new, emerging, and expanding SPPH that may currently offer little or no MCH content. The framework invites further iteration, adaptation and customization to the range of diverse and emerging public health programs across the nation