35 research outputs found
Apocrine carcinoma of the male breast: a case report of an exceptional tumor
Apocrine carcinoma of the male breast is an exceptional malignant tumor. It does not have a particular clinical or radiological appearance, but it's microscopically characterized by the presence of granular cells and foamy cells representing over 90% of tumor cells. These cells express most of the time the GCDFP-15 and the androgen receptors. This tumor is a distinct molecular entity. In this observation, we report the case of a 70 year old man presenting apocrine carcinoma of the left breast diagnosed at the stage of lung metastasis
Solitary Granular Cell Tumor of Cecum: A Case Report
Granular cell tumor (GCT) was first described by Abrikossof in 1926. This tumor is a benign neoplasm of unclear histogenesis that is generally believed to be of nerve sheath origin. GCT is not common and most often affects the tongue, skin, and soft tissue, although it may occur anywhere in the body. Gastrointestinal tract involvement, and especially that of the colon, is very rare. This usually benign tumor appears as a submucosal nodule, measuring less than 2âcm in diameter and is often found incidentally during colorectal examinations. We describe the case of a 27-year-old man with a GCT in the cecum that was detected after a screening colonoscopy. Endoscopic examination revealed a yellowish submucosal tumor, 0.7âcm in diameter. An endoscopic mucosal polypectomy was done for histological confirmation and treatment
Une maladie immunoprolifĂ©rative de lâintestin grĂȘle rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par une invagination intestinale aigue: Ă propos dâun cas
La maladie immunoprolifĂ©rative de l'intestin grĂȘle IPSID est un lymphome rare qui se dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă partir du systĂšme lymphoĂŻde associĂ© aux muqueuses au niveau de l'intestin grĂȘle. Sa rĂ©vĂ©lation par une invagination intestinale aigue est exceptionnelle et n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ© dans la littĂ©rature auparavant. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient de 65ans, admis aux urgences dans un tableau d'invagination intestinale aigue. Le scanner abdominal a mis en Ă©vidence masse grĂȘlique Ă paroi concentrique avec incarcĂ©ration du segment mĂ©sentĂ©rique au sein de la lĂ©sion fortement Ă©vocatrice d'une invagination intestinale. Le patient a Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ© et a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'une rĂ©section ilĂ©ale emportant le boudin d'invagination. L'examen histologique de la masse a Ă©tĂ© en faveur d'une maladie des chaines alpha transformĂ©e en un lymphome B diffus Ă grandes cellules. Les auteurs rapportent un cas rare d'une IPSID rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par une invagination intestinale aigue et Ă travers cette observation, mettent en relief les principaux aspects cliniques, histologiques, thĂ©rapeutiques de cette entitĂ© avec une revue de la littĂ©rature.Key words: Maladie immunoprolifĂ©rative, intestin grĂȘle, invagination intestinale
A rare neuronal tumor of the cerebellum with myloid features
We report an extremely rare tumor presenting with myoid features in the left cerebellar hemisphere in a 62- year-old man. This tumor consisted of medium to large round cells with focal lipomatous and myoid differentiation. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells expressed synaptophysin, GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and focally desmin. From these findings, we concluded that this tumor was a liponeurocytoma with myoid features. To the best of our knowledge, this report constitutes the second described case of liponeurocytoma with myoid differentiation in the cerebellum
Aspergilloma in combination with adenocarcinoma of the lung
A 60 year old male with a long standing history of smoking was referred to our department for surgery of aspergilloma in right upper lung lobe diagnosed by computed tomography and confirmed by computed tomography guided needle aspiration biopsy. A lobectomy was performed. Histological study of the surgical specimen revealed a pulmonary adenocarcinoma associated with aspergilloma. By presenting this case we suggest that every case of pulmonary aspergillome should be examined for malignancies, especially in smokers
Screening colonoscopy for familial colorectal cancer
Introduction : Le cancer colorectal (CCR) est lâun des cancers les plus frĂ©quents, avec 30 000 nouveaux cas par an en France. Son pronostic reste mauvais, les taux de survie Ă 5 ans en Europe Ă©tant de 46 % pour le cancer du cĂŽlon et 43 % pour le cancer du rectum. Au Maroc, il reprĂ©sente la 3Ăšme cause de mortalitĂ© par cancer aprĂšs le cancer du poumon et du sein avec une incidence de 3,8 et 2,6 pour 100 000 respectivement chez les hommes et les femmes, selon le registre de Rabat (2006-2008). Le CCR pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Le but de notre travail est d'Ă©tudier les diffĂ©rents aspects endoscopiques et histologiques retrouvĂ©s Ă la coloscopie de dĂ©pistage chez les apparentĂ©s au 1er degrĂ© de cancer colorectal. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Tous les patients ayant un antĂ©cĂ©dent familial de cancer colorectal ont Ă©tĂ© inclus de mars 2009 Ă 2014 et ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'une coloscopie totale. Les donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, cliniques et endoscopiques ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă partir des registres de coloscopie. RĂ©sultats : 63 patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dont 39 femmes et 24 hommes avec une prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine : 62 %. L'Ăąge moyen Ă©tait de 48 ans ± 12. La coloscopie Ă©tait normale chez 27 patients (43 %), et a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des lĂ©sions dans 36 cas (57 %) : des polypes coliques dans 41,2 % des cas, une diverticulose colique dans 7,9 %, un processus ulcĂ©ro-bourgeonnant du rectum dans 3,1 %, 1 cas de polypose colique, 1 cas de polypose rectosigmoĂŻdienne et 1 cas de polype rectal. L'Ă©tude anatomopathologique des polypes recto-coliques a conclu Ă un polype hyperplasique dans 58,3 %, un adĂ©nome en dysplasie de bas grade dans 13,8 %, un adĂ©nome en dysplasie de haut grade dans 8,3 %. L'Ă©tude antomopathologique des processus ulcĂ©ro-bourgeonnants a retrouvĂ© un adĂ©nocarcinome peu diffĂ©renciĂ© dans 5,5 %. Conclusion : Le cancer colorectal reste un cancer de mauvais pronostic. Dans notre sĂ©rie, la coloscopie de dĂ©pistage a objectivĂ© des lĂ©sions dans 57 % des cas, notamment des polypes coliques et un adĂ©nocarcinome dans 5,5 %. La coloscopie reste l'examen de 1Ăšre intention dans la prĂ©vention, la surveillance et le dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce du cancer colorectal chez les apparentĂ©s au 1er degrĂ©.Introduction: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers, with 30,000 new cases per year in France. Its prognosis remains poor with a 5-year survival in Europe of 46% for colon cancer and 43% for rectal cancer. In Morocco it is the third leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer and breast cancer with an incidence of 3.8 and 2.6 per 100,000 respectively for men and women, according to the register from Rabat (2006-2008). CCR is a real public health problem. The aim of our work is to study the different endoscopic and histological aspects found in screening colonoscopy for colorectal cancer in first-degree relatives. Materials and methods: All patients with a family history of colorectal cancer were enrolled from March 2009 to 2014 and were submitted to a total colonoscopy. Demographic, clinical and endoscopic data were collected from colonoscopy registers. Results: 63 patients were enrolled, including 39 women and 24 men with a female predominance (62%). The mean age was 48 ± 12 years. The colonoscopy was normal in 27 patients (43%), and revealed lesions in 36 cases (57%): colonic polyps in 41.2% of cases, diverticular disease in 7.9%, rectal ulcerative budding process in 3.1%, 1 case of colonic polyposis, 1 case of rectosigmoid polyposis and 1 case of rectal polyp. Histological study of rectocolic polyps confirmed hyperplastic polyps in 58.3%, adenoma with low-grade dysplasia in 13.8%, adenoma with high-grade dysplasia in 8.3%. The histological study of ulcerative budding processes found poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in 5.5%. Conclusion: Colorectal cancer remains a cancer of poor prognosis. In our series, screening colonoscopy revealed lesions in 57%, including colonic polyps and adenocarcinoma in 5.5%. Colonoscopy remains the first gold tool in the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in 1st degree relatives
Anaplasic lymphoma kinase positive inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour with renal pelvic calculus: a case report
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour is a distinctive mesenchymal neoplasm, composed of a variable admixture of myofibroblastic spindle-shaped and inflammatory cells which were originally described in the lung, as a nonneoplastic lesion and designated as an inflammatory pseudotumour. The lack of certainty of the IMTs pathogenesis is reflected in the large number of terms which have been attributed to this lesion. Recent genetic and molecular studies of IMTs have showed chromosomal abnormalities of 2p23 resulting in a rearrangement of the anaplasic lymphoma kinase gene and have also provided evidence for a monoclonal, noeplastic origin for IMT.Occurrence of IMT in the kidney is very rare, and to our knowledge, only 30 such cases have been described in the literature.This report describes an original case of an ALK positive IMT of the kidney associated with renal pelvic calculus which we believe has never been reported. The differential diagnosis of IMTs will also be discussed
Quand la biopsie cutanée peut étiqueter une épilepsie
La maladie de Lafora (ML) reprĂ©sente une forme rare et grave dâĂ©pilepsie myoclonique progressive. C'est une affection Ă transmission autosomique rĂ©cessive, hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne sur le plan gĂ©nĂ©tique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degrĂ©, qui prĂ©sente depuis lâĂąge de 14 ans des crises dâĂ©pilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montrĂ© un syndrome cĂ©rĂ©belleux et une dĂ©tĂ©rioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanĂ©e Ă©tait indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. LâĂ©tude histologique confirme le diagnostic et lâĂ©tude molĂ©culaire peut aider Ă Ă©tablir un conseil gĂ©nĂ©tique
Renal hilar pheochromocytoma: a case report
Paraganglioma is a rare tumor arising from undifferentiated cells of the primitive neural crest. These tumors are most commonly found in the adrenal gland, other localisations are also possible. A 58-year-old woman who presented with history of left lumbar pain, headache, hypertension, palpitation and sweating was found to have a secreting left renal hilar pheochromocytoma. Radical excision of the tumor was therefore undertaken and her hypertension was controlled. From the case report and literature review, the authors suggest a diagnostic and therapeutic strategy for the management of ectopic localization of pheochromocytoma
MĂ©lanome endobronchique
Le mĂ©lanome malin a un potentiel mĂ©tastatique important. Les mĂ©tastases pulmonaires du mĂ©lanome sont communes cependant la localisation endobronchique reste rare et pose le problĂšme de son origine primitive ou secondaire. Nous rapportons le cas dâun mĂ©lanome pulmonaire qui prĂ©sente des particularitĂ©s intĂ©ressantes: une lĂ©sion cutanĂ©e prĂ©sumĂ©e primitive totalement rĂ©gressive, la prĂ©sentation radio clinique mimant parfaitement un cancer bronchique primitif, un aspect endoscopique bourgeonnant et grisĂątre dont lâĂ©tude histologique a permis de poser le diagnostic, une agressivitĂ© tumorale avec une extension intracardiaque et bourgeon tumoral intra cavitaire. A travers cette observation, les auteurs Ă©tudient les caractĂ©ristiques radio-cliniques pouvant distinguer le mĂ©lanome pulmonaire primitif du secondaire; la localisation endobronchique avec une revue de la littĂ©rature sur les mĂ©tastases endo bronchiques; le bilan dâextension Ă entamer en cas de mĂ©lanome pulmonaire ainsi que les difficultĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques posĂ©s par ce type de lĂ©sion dont le pronostic reste pĂ©joratif