5 research outputs found

    Fiqh dan Ushul Fiqh: Perspektif Ibn Taymiyyah

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    Islam sebagai Agama yang Universal, sudah sepatutnya kita sebagai umat islam menerapkan apa-apa yang di perintahkannya. Dalam penelitian ini Ibn Taymiyyah menggunakan sebuah metode dalam penafsiran Al-Qur'an yang dipakai sebagai tolak ukur atau dasar dalam pendapat-pendapat nya mengenai sifat-sifat Allah, Akidah, Fiqh dan semua hal yang berhubungan dengan pemikiranI. Disini kita menemukan dan mengetahui bahwa corak pemikiran Ibn Taymiyyah sebagaimana para Ulama Salafi

    Trends In Islamic Thought Today (Wacana Syari'at Islam Sebagai Hukum Positif Di Indonesia)

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    Lord Meghnad Desai brings three forms of Islamism , Islamism moral , Islamism National and Global Islamism . Islamism moral , is that the Muslim-majority country should act according to the teachings of Islam . National Islamism , is that if there is a Muslim majority , the government should follow the Qur'an as a guide and Sharia law , and so on . Global Islamism is that Muslims must understand the history of underdevelopment (after glory for seven centuries) and fought reclaiming power


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    Revitalization of pela-gandong has become urgent to shade a light in the misunderstanding surrounding this concept. This research is aimed at answering three questions: (1) how does the conflict happened in Ambon-Lease, (2) what are the root of the conflict, and (3) what are the best solution according to Ambonesse - Lease people perspective. This research is a field study which is also supported by library research. This research used qualitative method. Finding of this research has a theoretical implication concerning the concept of conflict and integration conflict based on the Lewis A. Coser and Karl Marx theory. This paper believes that there is a close relation between the concept of pela-gandong and the two theories. Findings of the research are expected to inspire other researchers conducting a dialectical theory analysis among Lewis A. Coser, Karl Marx theory and pela-gandong concept which, therefore, can be constructed as theoretical concept related to multi-dimensional conflict. Key words: conflict, integration, pela-gandong