7 research outputs found

    Prevalence of monogenic diabetes amongst Polish children after a nationwide genetic screening campaign

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to study dynamic changes in the prevalence of different types of diabetes in paediatric populations in Poland, with a specific focus on monogenic diabetes (MD). METHODS: Using epidemiologic data (PolPeDiab Collaboration) and nationwide genetic test results (TEAM Programme), we compared the prevalence of type 1, type 2 and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) and MD. Genetically confirmed MD included MODY, neonatal diabetes and Wolfram and Alström syndromes. The study covered all children aged 0–18 years treated for diabetes between 2005 and 2011 in three regions, inhabited by 23.7% (1,989,988) of Polish children, with a low prevalence of childhood obesity (<5%). RESULTS: The prevalence of type 1 diabetes showed a continuous increase, from 96 to 138/100,000 children. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes and CFRD also increased, from 0.3 to 1.01/100,000 children and from 0.1 to 0.95/100,000 children, respectively. The prevalence of MD was stable at between 4.2 and 4.6/100,000 children, accounting for 3.1–4.2% of children with diabetes, with glucokinase (GCK)-MODY being the most frequent type, amounting to 83% of patients with MD. The percentage of positive test results decreased with the number of referrals, suggesting that children with the highest probability of MD were referred initially, followed by those with a less clear-cut phenotype. The prevalence of neonatal diabetes equalled 1 in 300,000 children. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The prevalence of MD in a paediatric population with a low prevalence of obesity remains stable and is nearly fivefold higher than that of type 2 diabetes and CFRD, justifying a need for increased access to genetic diagnostic procedures in diabetic children. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00125-012-2621-2) contains peer-reviewed but unedited supplementary material, which is available to authorised users

    Oddzialywanie mogilnika pestycydowego na mikroflore promieniowcow i grzybow w srodowisku wodnym i glebowym

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    Badano wodę i osady denne, pobierane z trzech stawów rybnych i jeziora Szeląg Wielki oraz glebę w pobliżu mogilnika pestycydowego w Warłitach Wielkich k/Ostródy. Próby do badań mikrobiologicznych pobierano wiosną, latem i jesienią z 12 stanowisk badawczych. Oznaczano ilościowo promieniowce i grzyby. W obu badanych środowiskach najwyższe liczebności tych drobnoustrojów stwierdzano jesienią lub latem, natomiast znacznie niższe wiosną. Liczebności promieniowców i grzybów były wyższe w glebie z mogilnika pestycydowego, w porównaniu z pozostałymi próbami gleb, w odpowiadających sobie okresach badawczych.Samples of water and bottom sediments were collected from three fish ponds and the Szeląg Wielki Lake, while soil was sampled from a pesticide tomb located at Warlity Wielkie n/Ostróda and its vicinity. Samples to be used for microbiological analyses were collected in spring, summer and autumn at 12 research sites. Quantitative measurements were carried out for actinomycetes and fungi. In both type of the analysed environments, the highest numbers of microorganisms were observed in autumn or summer, whereas in spring they were found in lowest counts. In respective experimental periods, the numbers of actinomycetes and fungi were higher in the soil of the pesticide tomb than in the other soil samples

    Mikrobiologiczne badania gleby, stawow rybnych i jeziora w poblizu mogilnika pestycydowego

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    Badano wodę i osady denne trzech stawów rybnych i jeziora Szeląg Wielki oraz glebę, w pobliżu i z mogilnika pestycydowego w Warlitach Wielkich k/Ostródy. Próby do badań pobierano, latem, jesienią i wiosną, z 12 stanowisk badawczych. Oznaczano ilościowo bakterie proteolityczne, amonifikacyjne, nitryfikacyjne, denitryfikacyjne, wiążące azot atmosferyczny (Azotobacter sp. i Clostridium pasteurianum), rozkładające mineralne i organiczne związki fosforu. We wszystkich badanych środowiskach, najwyższe liczebności drobnoustrojów stwierdzano jesienią lub latem, natomiast znacznie niższe wiosną. Najliczniej te mikroorganizmy występowały w środowisku glebowym (oprócz bakterii nitryfikacyjnych I i II fazy), natomiast mniej licznie stwierdzano je w zbiornikach wodnych. W wodzie stawowej oznaczano wyższe liczebności mikroorganizmów w porównaniu z wodą jeziorną. W osadach dennych natomiast uzyskiwano od 10 do 104 razy wyższe ich liczebności niż w wodach badanych zbiorników. Nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu mogilnika pestycydowego w Warlitach Wielkich k/Ostródy na liczebność mikroorganizmów cyklu azotowego i fosforowego, występujących w badanych środowiskach.Samples of water and bottom sediments were collected from three fish ponds and the Szeląg Wielki Lake, while soil was sampled from a pesticide tomb located at Warlity Wielkie n/Ostróda and its vicinity. Samples to be used for microbiological analyses were collected in spring, summer and autumn at 12 research sites. Quantitative measurements were carried out for proteolytic, ammonifying, nitrifying, denitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azotobacter sp., Clostridium pasteurianum) as well as for bacteria decomposing mineral and organic forms of phosphorus. In all samples, the highest numbers of bacteria were noted in autumn and summer, whereas considerably lower numbers were observed in spring. The highest bacteria populations were reported for soil bacteria (except for the nitrifying bacteria of the I and II phase), whereas the bacteria of water reservoirs appeared to be less numerous. In pond water, the numbers of bacteria were higher than in lake water. As compared with water 10 -104 times higher bacterial numbers were recorded in bottom sediments. No significant effect was observed of the pesticide tomb located at Warlity Wielkie n/Ostróda on the numbers of nitrogen - and phosphorus cycle bacteria occurring in the examined environments