1 research outputs found

    Risk analysis of biodeterioration in contemporary art collections: the poly-material challenge

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    [EN] Biodeterioration is one of the most common alteration factors affecting cultural heritage, and its appear-ance responds to numerous factors. Awareness of the risk it poses to heritage material and the study of its development is essential. With the mass production evolution of widely accessible materials, the cri-teria for choosing the constituents of a work of art no longer respond to traditional premises, associating the conservation of these new materials with the flawed expectation of longevity and stable resistance to biological attack.This work aims to update the contemporary preventive conservation practice through the review of the biodeterioration risk of indoor poly-material artworks. It also means analyzing the potential incidence of biological agents deteriorating contemporary materials stored in art collections, characterized by their industrial origin, and frequently used in the pieces produced in the current art scene. Due to their char-acteristic agglomeration of components, the artistic object is subjected to complicated surveillance and problematic biological control and eradication, which can often be contraindicated for some constituents.The study encompasses four main points that make up the risk review analysis sequence: a brief art history exposition to understand poly-material creative values; a general definition of terms surrounding biodeterioration; a selection of most used contemporary materials and a study of their biodeterioration risks; and the basic preventive conservation considerations regarding biological attacks. The review con-cludes with a critical analysis of the complicated issue of preventive treatment compatibility, as well as a proposed model of action and consideration towards heritage pieces endangered or affected by biological attacks.The author of the work would like to thank the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage for their widely accessible resources that made this thorough exploration possible, as well as artist Sarah Meyers Brent (Fig. 6 right), book publisher house Akal (Fig. 2 right) and blog site AITIMinforma (Fig. 7) for granting photographic use permission.Bosch-Roig, P.; Zmeu, CN. (2022). Risk analysis of biodeterioration in contemporary art collections: the poly-material challenge. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 58:33-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.09.01433485