16 research outputs found

    Multimodal Signal Processing and Learning Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction for an Assistive Bathing Robot

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    We explore new aspects of assistive living on smart human-robot interaction (HRI) that involve automatic recognition and online validation of speech and gestures in a natural interface, providing social features for HRI. We introduce a whole framework and resources of a real-life scenario for elderly subjects supported by an assistive bathing robot, addressing health and hygiene care issues. We contribute a new dataset and a suite of tools used for data acquisition and a state-of-the-art pipeline for multimodal learning within the framework of the I-Support bathing robot, with emphasis on audio and RGB-D visual streams. We consider privacy issues by evaluating the depth visual stream along with the RGB, using Kinect sensors. The audio-gestural recognition task on this new dataset yields up to 84.5%, while the online validation of the I-Support system on elderly users accomplishes up to 84% when the two modalities are fused together. The results are promising enough to support further research in the area of multimodal recognition for assistive social HRI, considering the difficulties of the specific task. Upon acceptance of the paper part of the data will be publicly available

    I-Support: A robotic platform of an assistive bathing robot for the elderly population

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    In this paper we present a prototype integrated robotic system, the I-Support bathing robot, that aims at supporting new aspects of assisted daily-living activities on a real-life scenario. The paper focuses on describing and evaluating key novel technological features of the system, with the emphasis on cognitive human–robot interaction modules and their evaluation through a series of clinical validation studies. The I-Support project on its whole has envisioned the development of an innovative, modular, ICT-supported service robotic system that assists frail seniors to safely and independently complete an entire sequence of physically and cognitively demanding bathing tasks, such as properly washing their back and their lower limbs. A variety of innovative technologies have been researched and a set of advanced modules of sensing, cognition, actuation and control have been developed and seamlessly integrated to enable the system to adapt to the target population abilities. These technologies include: human activity monitoring and recognition, adaptation of a motorized chair for safe transfer of the elderly in and out the bathing cabin, a context awareness system that provides full environmental awareness, as well as a prototype soft robotic arm and a set of user-adaptive robot motion planning and control algorithms. This paper focuses in particular on the multimodal action recognition system, developed to monitor, analyze and predict user actions with a high level of accuracy and detail in real-time, which are then interpreted as robotic tasks. In the same framework, the analysis of human actions that have become available through the project’s multimodal audio–gestural dataset, has led to the successful modeling of Human–Robot Communication, achieving an effective and natural interaction between users and the assistive robotic platform. In order to evaluate the I-Support system, two multinational validation studies were conducted under realistic operating conditions in two clinical pilot sites. Some of the findings of these studies are presented and analyzed in the paper, showing good results in terms of: (i) high acceptability regarding the system usability by this particularly challenging target group, the elderly end-users, and (ii) overall task effectiveness of the system in different operating modes

    Multiscale Fractal Analysis of Musical Instrument Signals With Application to Recognition

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    A supervised approach to movie emotion tracking

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    A saliencybased approach to audio event detection and summarization

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    In this paper, we approach the problem of audio summarization by saliency computation of audio streams, exploring the potential of a modulation model for the detection of perceptually important audio events based on saliency models, along with various fusion schemes for their combination. The fusion schemes include linear, adaptive and nonlinear methods. A machine learning approach, where training of the features is performed, was also applied for the purpose of comparison with the proposed technique. For the evaluation of the algorithm we use audio data taken from movies and we show that nonlinear fusion schemes perform best. The results are reported on the MovSum database, using objective evaluations (against ground-truth denoting the perceptually important audio events). Analysis of the selected audio segments is also performed against a labeled database in respect to audio categories, while a method for fine-tuning of the selected audio events is proposed. Index Terms — monomodal audio saliency, modulation model, audio summarization 1

    Quality Evaluation of Computational Models for Movie Summarization

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    Abstract-In this paper we present a movie summarization system and we investigate what composes high quality movie summaries in terms of user experience evaluation. We propose state-of-the-art audio, visual and text techniques for the detection of perceptually salient events from movies. The evaluation of such computational models is usually based on the comparison of the similarity between the system-detected events and some ground-truth data. For this reason, we have developed the MovSum movie database, which includes sensory and semantic saliency annotation as well as cross-media relations, for objective evaluations. The automatically produced movie summaries were qualitatively evaluated, in an extensive human evaluation, in terms of informativeness and enjoyability accomplishing very high ratings up to 80% and 90%, respectively, which verifies the appropriateness of the proposed methods

    Movie summarization based on audiovisual saliency detection

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    Based on perceptual and computational attention modeling stud-ies, we formulate measures of saliency for an audiovisual stream. Audio saliency is captured by signal modulations and related multi-frequency band features, extracted through nonlinear operators and energy tracking. Visual saliency is measured by means of a spa-tiotemporal attention model driven by various feature cues (intensity, color, motion). Audio and video curves are integrated in a single attention curve, where events may be enhanced, suppressed or van-ished. The presence of salient events is signified on this audiovisual curve by geometrical features such as local extrema, sharp transition points and level sets. An audiovisual saliency-based movie sum-marization algorithm is proposed and evaluated. The algorithm is shown to perform very well in terms of summary informativeness and enjoyability for movie clips of various genres. Index Terms — audio processing, video processing, audiovisual saliency, movie summarization 1


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    Detection of perceptually important video events is formulated here on the basis of saliency models for the audio, visual and textual information conveyed in a video stream. Audio saliency is assessed by cues that quantify multifrequency waveform modulations, extracted through nonlinear operators and energy tracking. Visual saliency is measured through a spatiotemporal attention model driven by intensity, color and motion. Text saliency is extracted from part-of-speech tagging on the subtitles information available with most movie distributions. The various modality curves are integrated in a single attention curve, where the presence of an event may be signified in one or multiple domains. This multimodal saliency curve is the basis of a bottom-up video summarization algorithm, that refines results from unimodal or audiovisual-based skimming. The algorithm performs favorably for video summarization in terms of informativeness and enjoyability. Index Terms — multimodal saliency, audio, video, text processing, video abstraction, movie summarization 1