143 research outputs found

    SMOKE: Single-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection via Keypoint Estimation

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    Estimating 3D orientation and translation of objects is essential for infrastructure-less autonomous navigation and driving. In case of monocular vision, successful methods have been mainly based on two ingredients: (i) a network generating 2D region proposals, (ii) a R-CNN structure predicting 3D object pose by utilizing the acquired regions of interest. We argue that the 2D detection network is redundant and introduces non-negligible noise for 3D detection. Hence, we propose a novel 3D object detection method, named SMOKE, in this paper that predicts a 3D bounding box for each detected object by combining a single keypoint estimate with regressed 3D variables. As a second contribution, we propose a multi-step disentangling approach for constructing the 3D bounding box, which significantly improves both training convergence and detection accuracy. In contrast to previous 3D detection techniques, our method does not require complicated pre/post-processing, extra data, and a refinement stage. Despite of its structural simplicity, our proposed SMOKE network outperforms all existing monocular 3D detection methods on the KITTI dataset, giving the best state-of-the-art result on both 3D object detection and Bird's eye view evaluation. The code will be made publicly available.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Graph-Segmenter: Graph Transformer with Boundary-aware Attention for Semantic Segmentation

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    The transformer-based semantic segmentation approaches, which divide the image into different regions by sliding windows and model the relation inside each window, have achieved outstanding success. However, since the relation modeling between windows was not the primary emphasis of previous work, it was not fully utilized. To address this issue, we propose a Graph-Segmenter, including a Graph Transformer and a Boundary-aware Attention module, which is an effective network for simultaneously modeling the more profound relation between windows in a global view and various pixels inside each window as a local one, and for substantial low-cost boundary adjustment. Specifically, we treat every window and pixel inside the window as nodes to construct graphs for both views and devise the Graph Transformer. The introduced boundary-aware attention module optimizes the edge information of the target objects by modeling the relationship between the pixel on the object's edge. Extensive experiments on three widely used semantic segmentation datasets (Cityscapes, ADE-20k and PASCAL Context) demonstrate that our proposed network, a Graph Transformer with Boundary-aware Attention, can achieve state-of-the-art segmentation performance

    Host Range, Biology, and Species Specificity of Seven-Segmented Influenza Viruses—A Comparative Review on Influenza C and D

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    Other than genome structure, influenza C (ICV), and D (IDV) viruses with seven-segmented genomes are biologically different from the eight-segmented influenza A (IAV), and B (IBV) viruses concerning the presence of hemagglutinin–esterase fusion protein, which combines the function of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase responsible for receptor-binding, fusion, and receptor-destroying enzymatic activities, respectively. Whereas ICV with humans as primary hosts emerged nearly 74 years ago, IDV, a distant relative of ICV, was isolated in 2011, with bovines as the primary host. Despite its initial emergence in swine, IDV has turned out to be a transboundary bovine pathogen and a broader host range, similar to influenza A viruses (IAV). The receptor specificities of ICV and IDV determine the host range and the species specificity. The recent findings of the presence of the IDV genome in the human respiratory sample, and high traffic human environments indicate its public health significance. Conversely, the presence of ICV in pigs and cattle also raises the possibility of gene segment interactions/virus reassortment between ICV and IDV where these viruses co-exist. This review is a holistic approach to discuss the ecology of seven-segmented influenza viruses by focusing on what is known so far on the host range, seroepidemiology, biology, receptor, phylodynamics, species specificity, and cross-species transmission of the ICV and IDV

    ADD: An Automatic Desensitization Fisheye Dataset for Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous driving systems require many images for analyzing the surrounding environment. However, there is fewer data protection for private information among these captured images, such as pedestrian faces or vehicle license plates, which has become a significant issue. In this paper, in response to the call for data security laws and regulations and based on the advantages of large Field of View(FoV) of the fisheye camera, we build the first Autopilot Desensitization Dataset, called ADD, and formulate the first deep-learning-based image desensitization framework, to promote the study of image desensitization in autonomous driving scenarios. The compiled dataset consists of 650K images, including different face and vehicle license plate information captured by the surround-view fisheye camera. It covers various autonomous driving scenarios, including diverse facial characteristics and license plate colors. Then, we propose an efficient multitask desensitization network called DesCenterNet as a benchmark on the ADD dataset, which can perform face and vehicle license plate detection and desensitization tasks. Based on ADD, we further provide an evaluation criterion for desensitization performance, and extensive comparison experiments have verified the effectiveness and superiority of our method on image desensitization

    Characterizing the Influence of Graph Elements

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    Influence function, a method from robust statistics, measures the changes of model parameters or some functions about model parameters concerning the removal or modification of training instances. It is an efficient and useful post-hoc method for studying the interpretability of machine learning models without the need for expensive model re-training. Recently, graph convolution networks (GCNs), which operate on graph data, have attracted a great deal of attention. However, there is no preceding research on the influence functions of GCNs to shed light on the effects of removing training nodes/edges from an input graph. Since the nodes/edges in a graph are interdependent in GCNs, it is challenging to derive influence functions for GCNs. To fill this gap, we started with the simple graph convolution (SGC) model that operates on an attributed graph and formulated an influence function to approximate the changes in model parameters when a node or an edge is removed from an attributed graph. Moreover, we theoretically analyzed the error bound of the estimated influence of removing an edge. We experimentally validated the accuracy and effectiveness of our influence estimation function. In addition, we showed that the influence function of an SGC model could be used to estimate the impact of removing training nodes/edges on the test performance of the SGC without re-training the model. Finally, we demonstrated how to use influence functions to guide the adversarial attacks on GCNs effectively

    LineMarkNet: Line Landmark Detection for Valet Parking

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    We aim for accurate and efficient line landmark detection for valet parking, which is a long-standing yet unsolved problem in autonomous driving. To this end, we present a deep line landmark detection system where we carefully design the modules to be lightweight. Specifically, we first empirically design four general line landmarks including three physical lines and one novel mental line. The four line landmarks are effective for valet parking. We then develop a deep network (LineMarkNet) to detect line landmarks from surround-view cameras where we, via the pre-calibrated homography, fuse context from four separate cameras into the unified bird-eye-view (BEV) space, specifically we fuse the surroundview features and BEV features, then employ the multi-task decoder to detect multiple line landmarks where we apply the center-based strategy for object detection task, and design our graph transformer to enhance the vision transformer with hierarchical level graph reasoning for semantic segmentation task. At last, we further parameterize the detected line landmarks (e.g., intercept-slope form) whereby a novel filtering backend incorporates temporal and multi-view consistency to achieve smooth and stable detection. Moreover, we annotate a large-scale dataset to validate our method. Experimental results show that our framework achieves the enhanced performance compared with several line detection methods and validate the multi-task network's efficiency about the real-time line landmark detection on the Qualcomm 820A platform while meantime keeps superior accuracy, with our deep line landmark detection system.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Complete Solution for Vehicle Re-ID in Surround-view Camera System

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    Vehicle re-identification (Re-ID) is a critical component of the autonomous driving perception system, and research in this area has accelerated in recent years. However, there is yet no perfect solution to the vehicle re-identification issue associated with the car's surround-view camera system. Our analysis identifies two significant issues in the aforementioned scenario: i) It is difficult to identify the same vehicle in many picture frames due to the unique construction of the fisheye camera. ii) The appearance of the same vehicle when seen via the surround vision system's several cameras is rather different. To overcome these issues, we suggest an integrative vehicle Re-ID solution method. On the one hand, we provide a technique for determining the consistency of the tracking box drift with respect to the target. On the other hand, we combine a Re-ID network based on the attention mechanism with spatial limitations to increase performance in situations involving multiple cameras. Finally, our approach combines state-of-the-art accuracy with real-time performance. We will soon make the source code and annotated fisheye dataset available.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2006.1650

    GlycoNMR: Dataset and benchmarks for NMR chemical shift prediction of carbohydrates with graph neural networks

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    Molecular representation learning (MRL) is a powerful tool for bridging the gap between machine learning and chemical sciences, as it converts molecules into numerical representations while preserving their chemical features. These encoded representations serve as a foundation for various downstream biochemical studies, including property prediction and drug design. MRL has had great success with proteins and general biomolecule datasets. Yet, in the growing sub-field of glycoscience (the study of carbohydrates, where longer carbohydrates are also called glycans), MRL methods have been barely explored. This under-exploration can be primarily attributed to the limited availability of comprehensive and well-curated carbohydrate-specific datasets and a lack of Machine learning (ML) pipelines specifically tailored to meet the unique problems presented by carbohydrate data. Since interpreting and annotating carbohydrate-specific data is generally more complicated than protein data, domain experts are usually required to get involved. The existing MRL methods, predominately optimized for proteins and small biomolecules, also cannot be directly used in carbohydrate applications without special modifications. To address this challenge, accelerate progress in glycoscience, and enrich the data resources of the MRL community, we introduce GlycoNMR. GlycoNMR contains two laboriously curated datasets with 2,609 carbohydrate structures and 211,543 annotated nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts for precise atomic-level prediction. We tailored carbohydrate-specific features and adapted existing MRL models to tackle this problem effectively. For illustration, we benchmark four modified MRL models on our new datasets
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