5 research outputs found

    Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>4</sub> Nanosheets for Femtosecond Pulse Generation

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    The van der Waals layered material MnBi2Te4, as a magnetic topological insulator, has attracted tremendous interest for novel physics research in the fields of condensed matter physics and materials science. However, the nonlinear optical properties of MnBi2Te4 and its applications in ultrafast optics have rarely been explored. In this study, high-quality MnBi2Te4 nanosheets have been successfully synthesized by the self-flux method. The morphology, chemical composition, magnetic properties, and nonlinear optical characteristics were systematically investigated. The magnetic transition of MnBi2Te4 was confirmed by a low-temperature spatially resolved spectroscopic technique. The saturable absorption property of MnBi2Te4 was measured by a balanced twin-detector system with a modulation depth of 4.5% and a saturation optical intensity of 2.35 GW/cm2. Furthermore, by inserting the MnBi2Te4-based saturable absorber, a soliton mode-locking laser operating at 1558.8 nm was obtained with a pulse duration of 331 fs. This research will pave the way for applications of the magnetic TI MnBi2Te4 in nonlinear optics and photonics