15 research outputs found

    Representing Atypical Music Notation Practices: An Example with Late 17th Century Music

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    From the 17th century towards the first decades of the 18th century music notation slowly looses all influences from mensural music, becoming virtually identical to what we would consider common modern notation. But in these five decades of transformation composers did not just suddenly abandon older notation styles, but they were used alongside the ones that would become standard. Void notation, black notation and uncommon tempi were all mixed together. The scholar preparing modern editions of this music is normally forced to normalize all these atypical notations as many software applications do not support them natively. This paper exemplifies the flexibility of the encoding scheme proposed by the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) and of Verovio, a visualisation library designed for it. The modular approach of these tools means that particular notation systems can be easily added whilst maintaining compatibility to other encoded notations

    Verovio: A Library for Engraving MEI Music Notation into SVG

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    Rendering symbolic music notation is a common component of many MIR applications, and many tools are available for this task. There is, however, a need for a tool that can natively render the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) notation encodings that are increasingly used in music research projects. In this paper, we present Verovio, a library and toolkit for rendering MEI. A significant advantage of Verovio is that it implements MEI’s structure internally, making it the best suited solution for rendering features that make MEI unique. Verovio is designed as a fast, portable, lightweight tool written in pure standard C++ with no dependencies on third-party frameworks or libraries. It can be used as a command-line rendering tool, as a library, or it can be compiled to JavaScript using the Emscripten LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. This last option is particularly interesting because it provides a complete in-browser music MEI typesetter. The SVG output from Verovio is organized in such a way that the MEI structure is preserved as much as possible. Since every graphic in SVG is an XML element that is easily addressable, Verovio is particularly well-suited for interactive applications, especially in web browsers. Verovio is available under the GPL open-source license

    Musico Napolitano'- indice delle maestranze musicali attive a Napoli

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    Banca dati riguardante le maestranze musicali presenti nella città di Napol

    ‘Musico napolitano’ et ‘MIME’ : d’une base de données locale à un réseau international de recherche prosopographique

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    De nombreux projets en particulier se sont concentrés sur la découverte et le catalogage de la présence d'artistes dans certaines régions. L'idée est d'accumuler le plus de données possible sur l'endroit où se trouvait une personne à un moment donné, de manière à remplir une carte bidimensionnelle abstraite montrant les mouvements des musiciens dans le temps et l'espace. En particulier, les personnes sont cataloguées même si elles ne sont pas actuellement identifiées, car l'identification pourrait intervenir dans un second temps. Cela permet d'avoir un instantané des personnes présentes à une époque donnée et aide à reconstituer leurs mouvements et leurs interactions. "Musico Napolitano" est un index biographique dédié à tous les professionnels de la musique actifs dans la ville de Naples entre le XVIe et le XIXe siècle. Cet index a été créé en 2014 à l'Université de Fribourg en Suisse, et il est actuellement hébergé à la Haute Ecole des Arts de Berne. Il a d'abord été présenté lors du XVIème Congrès biennal international de musique baroque à Salzbourg, puis dans trois articles imprimés. La première phase des travaux sur Musico Napolitano s'est achevée en 2018. L'index contient les données les plus importantes recueillies dans le cadre de recherches récentes et n'était auparavant publié que sur papier ou sur CD-ROM. Les données d'entrée comprennent également des sources inédites qui sont issues de recherches privées menées par les auteurs. Le défi de l'interopérabilité a fait l'objet de discussions au cours des dernières années, car de nombreux projets sont développés de manière indépendante et finissent par être abandonnés et parfois abandonnés, sans avoir la possibilité de partager ou de relier leurs données à celles de projets similaires. Pour agréger les données, l'idée de MIME est née : Meta Index of Musicians in Europe. Un agrégateur qui peut se connecter à différents types de projets et digérer et présenter leurs données d'une manière standard et commune. Un petit google pour les historiens de la musique, pour ainsi dire. De cette façon, la recherche d'un nom fournira une liste de résultats, des métadonnées de base et des liens vers les données d'origine

    «Musico Napolitano»: Chances and Perspectives of Research for a Neapolitan Biographical Index

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    «Musico Napolitano» is a biographical index dedicated to all music professionals active in the city of Naples between the 16th and 19th centuries. At that time, Naples was indeed a meeting point for musicians coming from different parts of Italy and Europe. The database aims at gathering, extracting, and establishing connections in the great amount of biographical data contained in the various typologies of archival and bibliographical sources dedicated to the history of music and musicians of the Neapolitan viceroyalty. The structure of «Musico Napolitano» is organized in different indexes, including transcribed names, standardized names, institutions and professions. A «fuzzy search» function permits to retrieve data regardless of the different spellings of personal names in historical sources. The project started in 2014 at the University of Fribourg (CH), and it reaches now the first concrete results. Thanks to the digital functionalities it is now possible to add missing pieces to the biographies of musicians; to better interpret the circulation of musicians in the city; to reconstruct the musical activity of some city institutions; to have new data on musical practice in its different forms. The creation of a continually updated index of simple reference, open to further contributors, and giving access to more detailed biographical information for each name, allows to easily map the presence, integration, and mobility of musicians in the urban texture of Naples

    'Musico Napolitano'- indice delle maestranze musicali attive a Napoli

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    Il saggio tratta del progetto ''Musico Napolitano'', banca dati delle professioni musicali attive nella Napoli vicereale

    «Musico Napolitano»: Chances and Perspectives of Research for a Neapolitan Biographical Index

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    «Musico Napolitano» is a biographical index dedicated to all music professionals active in the city of Naples between the 16th and 19th centuries. At that time, Naples was indeed a meeting point for musicians coming from different parts of Italy and Europe. The database aims at gathering, extracting, and establishing connections in the great amount of biographical data contained in the various typologies of archival and bibliographical sources dedicated to the history of music and musicians of the Neapolitan viceroyalty. The structure of «Musico Napolitano» is organized in different indexes, including transcribed names, standardized names, institutions and professions. A «fuzzy search» function permits to retrieve data regardless of the different spellings of personal names in historical sources. The project started in 2014 at the University of Fribourg (CH), and it reaches now the first concrete results. Thanks to the digital functionalities it is now possible to add missing pieces to the biographies of musicians; to better interpret the circulation of musicians in the city; to reconstruct the musical activity of some city institutions; to have new data on musical practice in its different forms. The creation of a continually updated index of simple reference, open to further contributors, and giving access to more detailed biographical information for each name, allows to easily map the presence, integration, and mobility of musicians in the urban texture of Naples