66 research outputs found

    Accounting for Multiplicity in Calculating Eta Earth

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    Using the updated exoplanet population parameters of our previous study, which includes the planetary radius updates from Gaia DR2 and an inferred multiplicity distribution, we provide a revised η⊕\eta_{\oplus} calculation. This is achieved by sampling planets from our derived population model and determining which planets meet our criterion for habitability. To ensure robust results, we provide probabilities calculated over a range of upper radius limits. Our most optimistic criterion for habitability provides an η⊕\eta_{\oplus} value of 0.34±0.02planetsstar0.34\pm 0.02 \frac{\rm planets}{\rm star}. We also consider the effects of multiplicity and the number of habitable planets each system may contain. Our calculation indicates that 6.4±0.5%6.4\pm0.5\% of GK dwarfs have more than one planet within their habitable zone. This optimistic habitability criterion also suggests that 0.036±0.009%0.036\pm0.009\% of solar-like stars will harbor 5 or more habitable planets. These tightly packed highly habitable system should be extremely rare, but still possible. Even with our most pessimistic criterion we still expect that 1.8±0.2%1.8\pm0.2\% of solar-like stars harbor more than one habitable planet.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Great Inequality and the Dynamical Disintegration of the Outer Solar System

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    Using an ensemble of N-body simulations, this paper considers the fate of the outer gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) after the Sun leaves the main sequence and completes its stellar evolution. Due to solar mass loss—which is expected to remove roughly half of the star's mass—the orbits of the giant planets expand. This adiabatic process maintains the orbital period ratios, but the mutual interactions between planets and the width of mean-motion resonances (MMR) increase, leading to the capture of Jupiter and Saturn into a stable 5:2 resonant configuration. The expanded orbits, coupled with the large-amplitude librations of the critical MMR angle, make the system more susceptible to perturbations from stellar flyby interactions. Accordingly, within about 30 Gyr, stellar encounters perturb the planets onto the chaotic subdomain of the 5:2 resonance, triggering a large-scale instability, which culminates in the ejections of all but one planet over the subsequent ~10 Gyr. After an additional ~50 Gyr, a close stellar encounter (with a perihelion distance less than ~200 au) liberates the final planet. Through this sequence of events, the characteristic timescale over which the solar system will be completely dissolved is roughly 100 Gyr. Our analysis thus indicates that the expected dynamical lifetime of the solar system is much longer than the current age of the universe, but is significantly shorter than previous estimates

    Scaling K2. I. Revised Parameters for 222,088 K2 Stars and a K2 Planet Radius Valley at 1.9 R_⊕

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    Previous measurements of stellar properties for K2 stars in the Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog largely relied on photometry and proper motion measurements, with some added information from available spectra and parallaxes. Combining Gaia DR2 distances with spectroscopic measurements of effective temperatures, surface gravities, and metallicities from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) DR5, we computed updated stellar radii and masses for 26,838 K2 stars. For 195,250 targets without a LAMOST spectrum, we derived stellar parameters using random forest regression on photometric colors trained on the LAMOST sample. In total, we measured spectral types, effective temperatures, surface gravities, metallicities, radii, and masses for 222,088 A, F, G, K, and M-type K2 stars. With these new stellar radii, we performed a simple reanalysis of 299 confirmed and 517 candidate K2 planet radii from Campaigns 1–13, elucidating a distinct planet radius valley around 1.9 R_⊕, a feature thus far only conclusively identified with Kepler planets, and tentatively identified with K2 planets. These updated stellar parameters are a crucial step in the process toward computing K2 planet occurrence rates

    Evidence supporting the recent origin and species status of the Timberline Sparrow

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    The Timberline Sparrow (Spizella taverneri), although originally described as a species, is currently classified as a subspecies of the more widespread Brewer\u27s Sparrow (S. breweri). We investigated the taxonomic status and recent evolutionary history of these species by comparison of both morphological and molecular characters. Morphometric comparisons using 6 external and 18 skeletal measurements show that S. taverneri specimens from two widely separated populations (Yukon and southwestern Alberta, Canada) are indistinguishable with respect to size yet are significantly larger (by 3%) than representatives of several breweri populations. Analysis of 1,413 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for 10 breweri and 5 taverneri samples representing widely scattered breeding populations revealed a maximum divergence among any breweri-taverneri pair of 0.21% and an overall average of 0.13%. In contrast, the average (± SE) pairwise distance among the other Spizella species is 5.7 ± 0.5%. We discovered that breweri and taverneri could be distinguished on the basis of a single, fixed nucleotide difference. Of an additional 11 taverneri and 8 breweri surveyed for this diagnostic site, a single bird (morphologically a taverneri) from northwest British Columbia did not sort to type. Overall, 18 of 18 breweri and 15 of 16 taverneri were diagnosable. We interpret these results to suggest that gene flow does not currently occur between these two forms and that each is on an independent, albeit recently derived, evolutionary course. The molecular data are consistent with theoretical expectations of a Late Pleistocene speciation event. We believe that for passerine birds, this is the first empirical validation of this widely accepted evolutionary model. The data presented corroborate plumage, vocal, and ecological evidence suggesting that these taxa are distinct. As such, we suggest that Spizella taverneri be recognized as a species

    The taxonomic rank of Spizella taverneri: A response to Mayr and Johnson

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    Mayr and Johnson suggest that Spizella taverneri should be a subspecies of the biological species S. breweri, because it is possibly not reproductively isolated. We originally concluded that evidence from mitochondrial DNA sequences, habitat preferences, timing of breeding, vocalizations, and morphology supported the recognition of S. taverneri as a phylogenetic and biological species. Nothing in the commentary by Mayr and Johnson causes us to change that conclusion. We believe that it is probable that these two allopatric taxa are isolated. Contrary to Mayr and Johnson, we believe that more information is given by ranking S. taverneri as a species, because it reveals the fact that they are independently evolving taxa. The classification of Spizella should convey the sister-species status of S. taverneri and S. breweri, without regard for balancing the degree of sequence divergence among species, as suggested by Mayr and Johnson

    Phenotypic divergence in two sibling species of shorebird: Common Snipe and Wilson’s Snipe (Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae)

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    Natural and social selection are among the main shapers of biological diversity but their relative importance in divergence remains understudied. Additionally, although neutral evolutionary processes may promote phenotypic divergence, their potential contribution in speciation is often overlooked in studies of comparative morphology. In this study, we investigated phenotypic differentiation in two allopatric shorebirds: the Palaearctic Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago and the Nearctic Wilson’s Snipe Gallinago delicata. Specimens of Common Snipe (n = 355 skins, n = 163 skeletons) and Wilson’s Snipe (n = 403 skins, n = 141 skeletons) in natural history collections were examined to quantify differences in skeletal and external measurements, and measures of wing and tail plumage variables. The species do not differ in skeletal variables except for the relatively larger sternum of the Common Snipe. The two species do not differ in multivariate wing size or shape (pointedness). Previously known plumage differences between these species were confirmed: the Common Snipe has fewer rectrices, longer and wider outermost rectrices, more extensive white on tips of the secondary feathers, and more white in the axillaries. Between-species variance in skeleton, primary length and plumage variables was greater than expected if drift was mainly responsible for phenotypic divergence, suggesting a role of selective processes. However, drift could not be rejected after adjusting for multiple comparisons. Differences in plumage traits were greater than in skeletal or external measurements. Because snipe use plumage traits in signalling, the results suggest a more rapid divergence in socially selected traits between these species than in traits related to resource use

    Accounting for incompleteness due to transit multiplicity in Kepler planet occurrence rates

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    We investigate the role that planet detection order plays in the Kepler planet detection pipeline. The Kepler pipeline typically detects planets in order of descending signal strength (MES). We find that the detectability of transits experiences an additional 5.5 per cent and 15.9 per cent efficiency loss, for periods 200 days respectively, when detected after the strongest signal transit in a multiple-planet system. We provide a method for determining the transit probability for multiple-planet systems by marginalizing over the empirical Kepler dataset. Furthermore, because detection efficiency appears to be a function of detection order, we discuss the sorting statistics that affect the radius and period distributions of each detection order. Our occurrence rate dataset includes radius measurement updates from the California Kepler Survey (CKS), Gaia DR2, and asteroseismology. Our population model is consistent with the results of Burke et al. (2015), but now includes an improved estimate of the multiplicity distribution. From our obtained model parameters, we find that only 4.0±4.6 per cent of solar-like GK dwarfs harbour one planet. This excess is smaller than prior studies and can be well modelled with a modified Poisson distribution, suggesting that the Kepler Dichotomy can be accounted for by including the effects of multiplicity on detection efficiency. Using our modified Poisson model, we expect the average number of planets is 5.86 ± 0.18 planets per GK dwarf within the radius and period parameter space of Kepler
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