70 research outputs found

    Effect of alloying elements (Zr, Hf, Co), heat and mechanical treatment conditions on the phase composition and magnetic properties of SmFe11Ti compounds with ThMn12 structure

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    The results of thermomagnetic, metallographic and X-ray diffraction phase analysis as well as the measurements of specific magnetization (σs), Curie temperature (TC), coercive force (HC) of (Sm,M)(Fe,M)12-xTix alloys samples, where M = Zr, Hf, Co with the ThMn12 main phase structure (1-12) are presented. The effect of the annealing temperature and the cooling rate on the formation of 1-12 phase and its magnetic properties, including the effect of high-energy milling on the magnetic hysteresis properties and alloys structure are described. It was found that the highest magnetic characteristics such as σs = 112.6 emu/g and TC = 600°C are attained in the (Sm0.8Zr0.2)(Fe0.75Co0.25)11.4Ti0.6 alloy after its annealing at 1050 °C and rapid cooling. It is noted that a mechanical milling of the alloy leads to 1-12 phase amorphization which accompanied by an α-(Fe) or metal Co phases impurity formation. © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences.The work was supported by the State contracts No. 3.6121.2017/ 8.9 between UrFU and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation and by the Fund of assistance to development of small enterprises in scientific-technical sphere No. 11996GU / 017

    Magnetic properties of R(Co0.88Fe0.12)2 quasi-binary compounds

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    In this paper the results of magnetic properties study for a series samples of R(Co0.88Fe0.12)2 type intermetallic compounds with a heavy rare-earth elements (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) are presented. Such materials having a plateau-like temperature dependences of magnetic entropy change in the temperature range lower Curie point are considered as a promising functional materials for magnetic refrigerators. Their phase composition was controlled by X-ray diffraction analysis with a help of Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer. Magnetic field magnetization dependences - M(H) were measured using a SQUID magnetometer (MPMS-XL-7, Quantum Design) within the temperature range of 5 - 600 K in magnetic fields up to 5600 kA/m. The crystal lattice parameter - a, Curie temperature - TC, coercivity - Hc and residual magnetization - Mr values are analyzed as a functions of R-element atomic number. For compounds with Tb, Dy, Ho and Er the second picks on the high field susceptibility temperature dependences - χhf (T) were found in the temperature range lower their TC. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation№ 02.3.6121.2017/8.9This work has been supported by the State contract No. 3.6121.2017/8.9 between UrFU and Ministry of Science and High Education of Russian Federation, and by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006

    Phase transition in BC x

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    Magnetocaloric effect Gd(Ni0.99Fe0.12)2

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    This work has been supported by the State contracts No. 1362 between UrFU and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation and by the Fund of assistance to development of small forms enterprises in scientific-technical sphere No. 6576GU/2015


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    In this work were measured magnetic properties of compounds based on Sm−Fe−Ti with crystal structure ThMn12 and investigated effect of substitution of elements in rare earth and 3d- sublattices on phase composition and magnetic properties of this material. The obtained properties make it possible to treat this class of compounds as an a-ternative to the Nd−Fe−B magnetic material.Данная работа выполнена при поддержке: Государственного контракта № 3.6121.2017/БЧ между УрФУ и Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации

    Magnetic Properties and Magnetocaloric Effect of Y(Co1-xFex)2 Compounds

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    In this paper, presents the results of a study of the temperature and field dependences (H) of magnetization (M) and magnetocaloric effect (ΔSm) of Y(Co1-XFeX)2 compounds at 2 – 380 K and in magnetic fields up to 90 kOe.Работа выполнена при поддержке Государственного контракта FEUZ-2020-0051 между УрФУ и Министерством высшего образования РФ


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    Manganese-aluminum alloys has been prepared by induction melting in argon atmosphere. Ferromagnetic phase at these alloys was obtained by annealing in the temperature range 673-773 K. High coercivity state were produce by high-energy ball mill - «attritor». The final annealing was carried out to restore the ferromagnetic phase.Работа была выполнена при поддержке Государственного контракта Ур-ФУ №_1362

    Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women

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    Introduction The problem of iron deficiency anemia (IDA), especially in pregnant women, continues to be relevant. Despite the achieved methods of diagnosis and treatment, the number of pregnant women with IDA continues to grow. Thus, according to WHO 2020 data, the prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age ranged from 9.1 % in Australia to 69.6 % in Yemen. The aim of the work was to determination of the current state of the problem of IDA in pregnant women. Materials and methods Original articles, randomized clinical trials, and meta-analyses were reviewed in the Scopus database, PubMed and the eLibrary platform, using the key words “iron”, “oral”, “intravenous iron”, “intravenous iron therapy”, “pregnancy”, “anemia”, “treatment”, “randomized control trial”, “anemia in pregnancy”, “treatment of anemia in pregnancy”, “intravenous iron in pregnancy”, “IDA complications for mother and fetus”. The depth of the search was 5 years. Results and discussion There are different views on the classification and diagnosis of IDA in the guidelines of professional organizations. According to most guidelines hemoglobin and ferritin levels are the most reliable tests for the verification and prediction of IDA. Despite the fact that the peculiarities of the pathogenesis and approaches to the treatment of IDA have been studied, its prevalence among women remains very high. The reasons for this lie in inadequate diagnosis and incomplete therapy in terms of its duration and drugs selection. The methods of diagnosis and treatment of IDA are currently being actively studied and improved in anticipation of obtaining the greatest benefits. Conclusion Complications of IDA in the third trimester for newborns are the development of anemia, impaired development of the nervous system and cognitive disorders, which requires active prevention in the second trimester using, among other things, parenteral iron preparations.Введение. Проблема железодефицитной анемии (ЖДА), особенно у беременных, продолжает оставаться актуальной. Несмотря на достижения в разработке методов диагностики и лечения, число беременных с ЖДА продолжает расти. Так, по данным ВОЗ за 2020 г. распространенность анемии среди женщин репродуктивного возраста варьировала от 9,1 % в Австралии до 69,6 % в Йемене. Цель работы − определение современного состояния проблемы ЖДА у беременных на основе анализа литературы. Материалы и методы. Отобраны оригинальные статьи, рандомизированные клинические исследования и мета-анализы. Подбор источников осуществлен в базах данных Scopus, PubMed по поисковым словам: iron, oral, intravenous iron, intravenous iron therapy, pregnancy, anemia, treatment, randomized control trial, anemia in pregnancy, treatment of anemia in pregnancy, intravenous iron in pregnancy; и на платформе eLibrary по поисковым словам: железо, пероральный прием, внутривенное железо, внутривенная терапия железом, беременность, анемия, лечение, рандомизированное контрольное исследование, анемия во время беременности, лечение анемии во время беременности, внутривенное введение железа во время беременности, осложнения ЖДА для матери и плода. Глубина поиска – 5 лет. Результаты и обсуждение. Имеются разные точки зрения на классификацию и диагностику ЖДА в руководствах профессиональных организаций. По мнению большинства руководств наиболее достоверными для верификации и предикции ЖДА являются определение уровня гемоглобина и ферритина. Несмотря на то, что в настоящее время изучены особенности патогенеза и подходы к лечению ЖДА, ее распространенность среди женщин остается очень высокой. Причины этого кроются в недостаточной диагностике и неполноценной терапии с точки зрения ее продолжительности и выбора препарата. Методы диагностики и лечения ЖДА в настоящее время активно изучаются и совершенствуются в ожидании получения наибольших преимуществ. Заключение. Осложнениями ЖДА в третьем триместре для новорожденных являются развитие анемии, нарушение развития нервной системы и когнитивные расстройства, что требует активной профилактики во втором триместре с использованием, в том числе, и парентеральных препаратов железа