12 research outputs found

    Communication of Empathy

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    This research project demonstrates that a systematic training program in CUE: Communicating, understanding and empathy (Hundleby,1972) can have some significant effects on the participants. Even though the treatment in this investigation consisted of 14, 80-minute lessons, the high-school students who received the training were able to communicate empathy at a significantly higher level than were their control counterparts.Not only did the trained subjects score higher on paper and pencil tests of empathy, but also they were identified by independent interviewersas "better communicators" and as "someone I could go and talk to" significantly more often than were the control students

    Elementary School Guidance in Canadian Urban Areas: A Study of Present Counsellor Functions

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    The purpose of the study was to clarify the status of elementary schoolguidance in Canadian urban areas. Information on the counsellor's background and the counsellor's work setting were obtained from the responses on the Counsellor Data Blank which was developed by the authors and the 100-item Guidance Services Opinionnaire, a modified version of the Raines Opinionnaire, which was used to determine what the counsellor was presently doing in the school. Results on counsellor characteristics indicated that the typical counsellor had some limited guidance training — either a guidance diploma or was in the process of completing such requirements. The counsellor had at least two years teaching experience and his professional affiliation was usually with the local or provincial association. Many counsellors were faced with large counsellor-pupilratios. Most of the guidance programs were begun in the late 1960's. In terms of present activities counsellors focused their energies on individual contacts concerning children with learning or adjustment difficulties. The results were also examined in terms of Developmental and Traditional approaches to elementary school guidance. The results indicated that counsellors were frequently involved with the traditional activities. Cette étude avait pour but de déterminer l'état de la consultation au niveau élémentaire dans les régions urbaines du Canada. Les auteurs développèrent le Counsellor Data Blank afin de connaître le genre de formation que les conseillers avaient reçu. L'utilisation du Guidance Services Opinionnaire, une forme modifiée du Raines Opinionnaire, révéla les responsabilités et les tâches propres àces conseillers. L'information obtenue indique que le conseiller typique avait reçu une certaine formation en consultation — soit qu'il détenait un diplôme ou était en voie de l'obtenir. Le conseiller avait déjà enseigné pendant au moins deux ans. Il appartenait à une association professionnelle soit au niveau local ouprovincial. Plusieurs conseillers devaient s'occuper d'un très grand nombre d'étudiants. La plupart des programmes de consultation dans ces écoles avaient débuté à la fin des années '60. Les enfants qui éprouvaient des difficultés au niveau de l'apprentissage ou du développement accaparaient la majorité du temps et des énergies du conseiller. Quant aux approches utilisées, les conseillers qui ont participé à cette enquête semblent avoir recours surtout aux démarches de type traditionnel

    Prediction of Public Opinion by School Trustees and Professional Educators

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    This study sought to determine whether or not job affiliation,life orientation, or biographical factors correlated with ability to predictpublic opinion on educational issues. When a group of trustees and four groups of professional educators were compared it was discovered that school counsellors were better predictors of public opinion than either teachers or school principals. The implication of this study is that educators wishing to get a reading of public opinion on educational matters should consult counsellors in their schools

    Editorial - On Stepping Into the Same River Twice - The Future of School Counselling

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    Language Laboratory Use and the Development of a Self-Instructional Training Tape Program in Counsellor Education

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of the language laboratory to teach counselling skills. A 52-minute self-instructional training tape program was developed in which a basic element of empathy, reflection of feeling, was modelled. This self-instructional training tape program containing both video and audio components was developed utilizing Bandura's modeling concepts and the principles of simulation, role-practice, and playback. One hundred and four senior education students were randomly assigned to one of five groups. These groups were: (1) Language Labora- tory Audio Group, (2) Language Laboratory Video and Audio Group, (3) Audiotape Recorder Group, (4) Lecture-Discussion Group, and (5) No-Treatment Control Group. The results showed firstly that the language laboratory is neither inferior or superior to other instructional media and secondly that the self-instructional tape program is an effective procedure for teaching counselling skills.Le premier but de cette étude était de déterminer l'efficacité d'utiliser le laboratoire des lanques pour enseigner les compétences en orientation. Un programme de formation autodidactique de 52 minutes sur ruban a été développé. Il propose comme élément de base un modèle de sympathie et de réflexion sur les sentiments. Ce programme de formation autodidactique sur ruban composé du vidéo et de l'audio a été développé utilisant des con- cepts du modèle de Bandura et les principes de simulation, de l'exercice du rôle et de la reprise. Cent quatre étudiants avancés en éducation ont été placés au hasard dans cinq groupes. Les groupes étaient: (1) le groupe audio du laboratoire des langues, (2) le groupe audio et vidéo du laboratoire des langues, (3) le groupe enregistrant sur bande magnétoscopique, (4) le groupe conférence-discussion et (5) le groupe contrôle sans traitement. Les résultats indiquent d'abord que le laboratoire des langues n'est ni supérieur ou inférieur aux autres média d'instruction et, en deuxième lieu, que le pro- gramme autodidactique sur ruban est un moyen efficace pour l'enseignement des compétences en orientation

    An Exploration of the Marital and Life Satisfactions of Middle-Aged Husbands and Wives

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    This study was designed to investigate attitudes concerning marital perceptions and life satisfaction of middle-aged husbands and wives who were in one of two periods of life. Couples in the postparental period were considered to be those who had launched all their children from the home, while couples in the parental period were considered to be those who still had some children in the home. A total of 160 subjects, that is, 80 couples were identified from two sources of intact marriages in the city of Edmonton. Forty of these couples constituted a counselled (C) sample ofmiddle-aged couples who were engaged in marital or family counselling at the time of this investigation. The noncounselled (NC) sample was comprised of 40 middle-aged couples who were not receiving counselling. A modified version of the Middle Years Life Satisfaction Scale (MYLSS), designed by Stinnett and Hayes (1971) was used to measure life satisfaction and the Middle Years Marital Perception Scale (MYMPS), which was based on an older person's perception scale, designed by Stinnett, Carter and Montgomery (1972), was used to obtain background information from the subjects and to investigate their perceptions of marriage. The results of the study ndicated that the NC and C samples of middle-aged couples were significantly different from one another with respect to life and marital satisfaction but that they were very similar in other respects, particularly in their reactions to the launching of the last child from the home. Certain qualities that were characteristic of being middle aged also became apparent.Cette étude examine chez des époux et des épouses ayant atteint un âge moyen leurs attitudes face à leurs perceptions comme couple et à leur satisfaction de vivre. Ces couples appartenaient à l'un de deux groupes selon que leurs enfants habitaient encore avec eux ou avaient déjà tous quitté le foyer. Quatre-vingts couples de la région d'Edmonton participèrent à cette étude. Quarante couples (C) suivaient desstages de consultation lors de l'enquête. Les autres couples (NC) ne recevaient aucune forme de consultation. On utilisa une forme modifiée du Middle Years Life Satisfaction Scale (MYLSS) établi par Stinnett et Hayes (1971) pour mesurer le degré de satisfaction de vivre. Pour obtenir les renseignements d'usage des conjoints et pour étudier leurs perceptions du mariage, on employa le Middle Years Marital Perception Scale (MYMPS) de Stinnett, Carter et Montgomery (1972). Cette échelle est établie selon les perceptions d'une personne plus âgée. Les résultats de l'enquête indiquent que les groupes NC et C se distinguent l'un de l'autre par rapport à la satisfaction de vivre et d'être marié. Par contre, ces deux groupes se ressemblent sous plusieurs autres aspects, plus particulièrement leurs réactions lors du départ du dernier enfant de la maison. Certaines qualités pertinentes aux personnes de cet âge sont également devenues évidentes

    Research in Counselling Psychology: Changing Emphases in a Canadian Perspective

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    This article defines counselling psychology and the factors which shaped its de- velopment. It then presents a brief survey of contemporary research in this discipline within a tripartite schema: remediation, developmental counselling, and prevention. Methodological issues are then addressed that focus on designs and trends; this forms the basis for establishing principles of, and formulating concrete suggestions for future research. Finally, within a Canadian context, operational research support is assessed, recommendations for areas of expanded research are offered, and pro- posals for broader operational support are presented

    Irrational Beliefs, Life Orientation and Temporal Perspective of Prison Inmates

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    This study investigated the psychological health of criminals based on Albert Ellis' Rational-Emotive Theory. Other dimensions of mental health examined were the criminals' life orientation, and temporal perspective.The Adult Irrational Ideas Inventory, Life Orientation Test, Wallace Temporal Perspective Technique and a Biographical Data Inventory were administered to 104 male prison inmates and 63 non-institutionalized males from the general population. Findings indicated that the criminal sample possessed significantly more irrational beliefs and were less future oriented than non-criminals. Irrational beliefs, indicating self-centerednessa nd control of others, were most strongly adhered to by the prisoners.Future oriented prisoners were largely determined as being the eldest in their families, incarcerated for longer periods of time, and having unfavorable impressions of the institution. Implications for further research were also presented. Cette étude a eu pour but d'examiner la santé psychologique des criminels, selon la théorie Rationnelle-Emotive d'Albert Ellis. D'autres aspects de la santé mentale examinés sont l'orientation de la vie et la perspective temporelle des criminels. L'Inventaire des Idées Déraisonnables des Adultes, le Test d'Orientationde la Vie, la Technique de la Perspective Temporelle de Wallace et un Inventaire des Données Biographiques ont été administrés à 104 prisonniers masculins et à 63 autres individus masculins non-institutionalisés de la population en général. Les conclusions indiquèrent que l'échantillon criminel possédait, d'une manière significative, plus de croyances déraisonnables, et était moins orienté vers l'avenir que les non-criminels. Des croyances déraisonnables, indiquant l'égocentrisme et la maîtrise d'autres individus étaient plus fortement entretenues par les prisonniers. Lesprisonniers orientés vers l'avenir étaient pour la plupart les aînés dans leurs familles, incarcérés pendant de plus longues périodes de temps, etayant une idée défavorable de l'institution. On suggéra également de poursuivre des recherches additionnelles

    Cultural Deprivation, Irrational Beliefs and the Self-concept

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